in bounty •  7 years ago  (edited)


community members will contribute their collective resources to distributed energy to assemble an energy cooperative
net global and virtual.The grid has an open ecosystem with an Application program interface, (API). This allows developers and entrepreneurs to
develop more applications and service offerings, as a network participant. The purpose of the Grid is to model a company
new and dynamic energy of the future. In addition, the Grid aims to build a social impact platform to advocate electricity
clean and affordable for all.

KWHCoin is a supported digital currency
by measurements equivalent to delivery
kWh output from network participants. network participants
data leverage, smart meter, sensor readings and
Green Button data to generate this output.
output is then tokenized to create a digital asset
on the blockchain.
KWHCoin is the app’s original digital currency
Grid and will become a decentralized currency
the power of peer-to-peer transactions, token swaps,
digital exchange trading and all
transactions taking place in The Grid. What distinguishes KWHCoin from other cryptocurrency projects in the renewable energy sector is that our focus is
on the "edge of the grid". We define the "edge" of the grid as a smaller distributed energy source, such as solar panels on
housing market, electric vehicles, microgrids, wind farms and demand response technologies, to name a few. It consists
from two-way elements to the new generation Model of energy distribution.

What is grid?
Grid is a mobile and desktop application
which serves as an open database
source energy transactions for
network participants. KWHCoin is the eye
digital money that provides a medium of exchange
for transactions on The Grid Platform.
The grid is made up of a global community
decentralization of peer-to-peer prosumers
clean energy, consumer, environment,
clean energy advocates, providers
renewable and professional energy

All of our goals at KWHCoin are based around building and maintaining a strong community with deep confidence
projects and mission. To build a strong and active community, we will reach all relevant forums and sites
Internet. Specifically: Reddit, Github, Medium, Slack, Facebook, Twitter, and Bitcointalk. All our community-based goals
can be classified as follows:
● Build community networks for cryptocurrency fans, developers and
via the internal Slack channel.
● Build communities for entrepreneurs, bootstrappers, marketing, social, business, and sales people.
● Build communities for renewable energy, the environment, climate change supporters and
energy professionals.
● Build fun and interactive communities Individuals are social-inspired with the sole purpose of being
improve the global quality of life. Plus, it provides the next generation of opportunities for that environment
● Build a community of people who want to join and lead, including anyone who is interested
in building a decentralized solution to today’s business problems.
● Building a strategy and visionary community to create a vibrant and flexible life culture.
● Building a multidisciplinary professional community to provide the structure and leadership that we are
develop the project.

As a moral and social conscious community, we plan to implement blockchain technology with energy
clean renewable, to provide millions of people with electricity and weaken the world’s dependence on fuel
fossil. We will build new business models and institutions using decentralization and autonomy as principles.
We strongly believe that the centralization of our social, political, economic, government and financial institutions suppress individuals
in their efforts to create a better future for themselves.
We want to help governments and communities in developing countries escape corruption, establish property rights
and choose effectively, while gaining access to global energy decentralization and financial markets. Our goal is to
serving 2.1 billion people lacking electricity and no 5.1 billion bank accounts worldwide.
We will implement our unique new infrastructure blockchain and tools to bring people access to
our clean energy community is decentralized.

KWHCoin tokens will consist of unbundled distributed energy resource data from multiple
sources to generate token using the following model:
Energy Efficient Tokens (EE)
Token granted to network participants in energy efficient programs that effectively
shift of shave load, or both. Measurement and forecasting play a large part to
determine EE consideration.
Energy Storage Tokens (ES)
Energy storage can be used as a resource to add stability, control and reliability to the
electric grid. Energy storage technologies provide need power during periods of low
Electric Vehicle Tokens (EV)
Electric vehicle tokens will be granted to network participants with bidirectional flow
of the vehicle power systems. Electric vehicles are stationary for most of the day, the
battery from the EV can be used as a storage device that can provide additional
services to the electricity grid.
Demand Response Tokens (DR)
Demand response can be used as a resource by utilities and grid operators to balance
supply and demand. This lowers the wholesale cost of electricity which help lower
retail rates.
Microgrid Tokens (MG)
Microgrids are localized grids that can disconnect from the traditional grid to operate
independently. Local load usage and transmission further increase the efficiency of
the Grid.

Solar Photovoltaic Tokens (SP)

Solar PV systems use solar cells, formed into solar panels, to convert sunlight into
electricity. PV systems can be used to meet energy requirements for the home or
building, or energy from the system can be exported to the grid.
Combined Heat and Power Tokens (CH)
Renewable energy that is a byproduct of cogeneration, are capable of islanding or
offering off-grid services and increasing load efficiency.
Humanitarian Tokens (HE)
Central to the aim of this network is to have an enormous social impact and to
improve conditions for the billions of people globally without clean, reliable

The KWHCoin is a digital token that represents a promise on a delivery of work, measured in
kilowatt hours, and made available by the participation of distributed energy resource
producers on a network. KWHCoin will use verified meter readings from network
participants, data from ancillary service providers and Green Button Data to generate tokens
that will be rewarded to distributed energy producers.
Electricity assets do not require physical characteristics to leverage value from their creation
since they can be utilized as power purchase agreements. This provides a profoundly
innovative way to leverage technology to create a decentralized peer-to-peer energy
exchange network that operates under the control of sophisticated programming, without
the need of centralized authorities and institutions. The Grid will be the application offering
and the expression of the network features and services.
The Grid will operate like a comprehensive, real-time map of energy creation and
transmission that network participants will use to interface with the network energy market.
The Grid is the manifestation of the network-owned renewable energy enterprise, and will
operate as the nerve center of transactions on the platform.

KWHCoin aims to be the currency of choice for the Internet of Energy. KWHCoin generates
value at the grid’s edges in a peer-to-peer network without a third party by creating tokens
based on the output of distributed energy resources. All coin holders are owners of the
platform and there is no central authority governing decisions.
10% of all revenue from KWHCoin will fund renewable energy projects for the 1.2 billion
globally without access to renewable energy. Puerto Rico will be the first beneficiary and we
are excited to contribute to the rebuilding of a clean renewable and decentralized Puerto
Rican grid. We have partnered with Renewables in Africa: the Alliance for Rural Electrification
(ARE) to develop future projects.
KWHCoin, unlike many other cryptocurrency projects, has value at the generation of a Kwh of
renewable energy, creating tremendous value based on a network of active renewable
energy generation and distribution

Blockchain and other distributed ledger
technology systems are the underlying
protocol used to secure KWHCoin and the
execution of energy transactions on the
Teknologi ini akan memungkinkan transmisi
aman dan aman dari data energi dan
informasi kepemilikan oleh bertransaksi
semua rincian dalam buku besar umum,
diproses oleh komputer desentralisasi di
seluruh dunia.
These distributed energy tokens are made to be assigned energy identification marks on The Grid. KWHCoin does not have a central repository
and there is no single administrator so the entire network has this energy company in the future, maximizing value on
all points of creation and generation of energy resources are distributed. This energy company model will have an effect
balance on all the resources that contribute to the generation of value.

Our decentralized system harnesses the power of distributed networks to improve security, eliminating the need for
central government, reduce costs and empower all network participants. decentralized networks are open to anyone for
using and based on lack command and feature control, encouraging all participating members of the organization to share, innovate and
contribute. The main objective of the project is to build a decentralized peer-to-peer energy network
enables participants to share, trade and exchange distributed energy resources that have been verified
on the platform.

distributed energy sources (this DER)

are the physical and digital assets deployed
across the distribution network, usually close
by loading, and usually in the back
meters. They can be used on a regular basis
individual or in aggregate for
provide value to the network, customers
individual or both.
Progress in renewable energy and
increased cost of electricity delivery
through efficient, command control
centrally has created an opportunity
for alternative systems.distributed sources of energy provide a dynamic solution to not only reduce costs, but democratization and wealth
value for individuals and small businesses that make these resources redistributed energy. distributed energy sources such as
sun, storage, energy efficiency, and demand management can be collected to provide services to the network
electricity and therefore generate values ​​that must be compensated at the edge of the power grid where most people interface.

the decentralized energy produced or stored by the various, small connected component grids is referred to as
distributed energy resources, or distributed energy source centers. This market is new and development
is ongoing, but is positioned to be the energy system and future storage process.
Decentralized energy utilizes a two-way flow of energy that allows customers to contribute directly to
power plants. A decentralized energy market allows participants to take a more active role in
their energy generation, which encourages local creation and is both cheaper and more efficient for power grids.
KWHCoin and The Grid will align the principles of a decentralized energy market with blockchain technological innovation
to build a virtual, decentralized energy platform. The token model we have developed is based
on the standards of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and will provide the basis for the sign system based
our network to compensate participants for resources distributed energy.

The total supply of KWHCoins and emission rates will be decided by the scale of the assets made, based on the source generation
energy power is distributed. These bottom results may change based on the final input of the Subject Agency:
● 195,000,000 KWHCoins will be created to begin this peer-to-peer decentralized energy economy
● 19.5 million KWHCoins will be used to fund the construction of microgrids and develop off
grid technology in Africa, Puerto Rico, South America, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean
● 50,000,000 KWHCoins for Founders and Partnerships with Social Impact organizations to build the local economy
that is sustainable
● 101,169,000 KWHCoins will be released to the public by the end of January for the Inaugural Public Coin Offer

We are partnering with PATH, an organization
which is committed to end homelessness for
individuals, families, and communities. KWHCoin has
connected with 10 locales
business that will accept KWHCoin as the eye
money in exchange for goods and services.
PATH members will receive KWHCoins for recycling
repeated them, sweeping roads, and economic efforts
circle other, provide a framework for us
to build, the local digital economy with
cryptocurrency. KWHCoin is exploring case
other uses.






Please check our Link and social media




Username bitcointalk, Karsipan
Link address bitcointalk,;u=1132868

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