Martini will create many new designers who have implemented to raise funds on the platform

in bounty •  6 years ago  (edited)

Martini is a decentralized fashion ecosystem that facilitates investment in emerging designer brands and offers a global marketplace for trading of fashion related products and services.

Our Is a place or container for the designers


We believe the world of the future should be decentralized and equal - for fashion as well. Fashion will no longer be determined by a handful of emerging fashion brands and designers will have the opportunity to showcase their talents to global audiences and individuals will have the choice and means to support designers, monetize skills and trade valuables in a transparent and unreliable manner. platform

OUR Overview

Digit al Trend Fashion market is now being digitalized. 75% of fashion retailers plan to invest in
new technology in 2018/2019 according to a BoF report. It is not just about store
sales anymore. It?s about online stores, content marketing community building. As
many consumers, in particular, younger generations like millennials share almost
everything on social media.
Consumers will increasingly look to online platforms as the first point of search
attracted by their convenience, relevance and breadth of offering. Online platforms
will continue to grow in scale and reach compelling fashion brands to find ways of
engaging more with these powerful sales channels.
Over the past few year, promising opportunities were brought by new technologies
like artificial intelligence across all parts of the fashion value chain. There is an urgent
need for innovation across the industry and fashion companies are starting to open
their minds up to new kinds of partnerships and investment models.
Age of Em erging Designers
Traditional fashion industry dominated by fashion empires is over-saturated and has
realized emerging designers are the way to go. Consumers look to emerging brands
for fresh new looks, retailers love to have something special to offer and the fashion
media have been dazzled by new designs.
Before about five years ago, there were so many less emerging brands on the market.
Difficult barriers to entry like finding high-quality suppliers and manufacturers willing
to work with smaller quantities and extremely high start-up costs were some of the
most common deterrents to launching independent labels. But today?s story looks
very different- there are more resources available than ever before. Online and offline
resources abound and it's easier than ever to become part of a tight-knit, global
creator community for support in everything from manufacturing and supply chain
recommendations to managing day-to-day life as small business owners.
With the fashion industry gaining global tractions, many niches, especially in
developing countries where the growth potential is huge, still present a lot of
opportunities for designers.

Martini brings value for everyone in this peer-to-peer fashion ecosystem.
For Em erging Designers

  • Crowdfunding.Martini provides the best and most efficient way to raise fund for
    emerging designers' clothing lines.Designers will conveniently achieve this by
    giving part of the revenue to investors.Especially for niche brands that cater to
    under-served markets, the time and cost to build a direct-to-consumer brand
    and scale the business will be reduced drastically.
  • Real market insight.A large community of fashion lovers will provide designers
    with the opportunity to do agile testings and fast iterations to gain valuable
    feedback from a real and responding market.
  • Community.Talented designers will attract audience who naturally form a
    strong and dedicated community to safeguard designers' success.
    For Individual Invest ors
  • Investment gains.Martini gives individual's access to invest in one of most
    profitable businesses.
  • Industry exposure.The business of fashion will eventually be accessible to
    anyone in the world and will no longer be defined by a handful of brands.
    Everyone could contribute to the success of the future stars in the fashion industry.
    For Fashion Consum ers
  • Exclusivity.Designers who are funded on Martini will opt to sell them latest, chic
    and unique designs only in our marketplace, which offers exclusivity to our
    community members.
  • Customization & Identity.Martini facilitates the conversation with designers and
    end consumers, which incorporates a much more personal touch than
    traditional e-commerce platform.
    For Professionals
  • Monetization.Martini presents the most dedicated platform for fashion-related
    professionals.Models, photographers and other professionals will be able to
    monetize their skills and work for the brands they personally appreciate.
    "Fashion Martini for all"

Our team is a team experienced in the field

The Martini Core team consists of former GUCCI & LVMH directors from Italy and Japan. Our research and development team members are from the world-renowned Amazon, FROG, and research center. We have connections in all areas of fashion and technology

Executive Board of Martini

Martini Executive Board (MEB) will be an important decision-making body in the brand investment module. The profiles of each applicant will be carefully reviewed by MEB and they will be entrusted with the task of deciding on the designer with the greatest return on investment. In addition, they need to monitor whether the designer is doing its duty. (For details of selection, please refer to our white paper.)
MEB members will be rewarded with commission fees collected from each successful result of revenue

Why Need Martini

In recent decades, the fashion industry has become a machine for global development.
Being one of the largest consumer industries in the world, the global market is worth 3 trillion dollars and accounts for 2 percent of Domestic Domestic Product (PDB). Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2018-2022) of 10.3%. The biggest segment of m arket is segm ent "Clothing". A report published by McKinsey states that Apparel & Accessory is the best in terms of making a profit.
There is a decline in consuming luxury clothing products, examples in the US and China caused by increased petitions for luxury groups from contemporary brands One reason for this development is the consumer? a growing desire to use their fashion choices to express their own style, im-age, and values. According to the Linkdex Survey, more than 70 percent of US consumers expect that kind of personalization of the fashion business. Consumers are also voters. It improves dem and for unconventional and signature items ores, and for higher-quality, better priced, exclusivity and authentic and exciting stories. Young buyers demand a passion that has never existed before? to express their identity through fashion.
Shopper is looking for something new, and now with direct fashion brands providing an easy way to pay and receive products, there is a new growing market for social consumers who pride themselves on Sharing experiences with new global brands.

Emerging Brand Investment

The emerging brand investment module is a blockchain-based crowd funding platform, facilitating anyone interested in fashion to invest in designer brands. It offers an emerging fashion designer a platform through which they can create profiles, their current portfolio list and plans for upcoming clothing lines. Designers will be able to offer equity campaigns, where they offer dividends to investors in return for investment.

Global Fashion Marketplace

Martini presents a global fashion market for fashion products and professional services, handled through our platform protocol that relies heavily on the Martini utility token (MTN). Martini Token (MTN) acts as a medium of value transactions and enables the exchange of valuables between users on the Martini platform. Built on top of the funding module, the Martini market already has a unique advantage - existing users are interested in both investing and consuming fashion.

Fashion market



The global fashion market for fashion products and professional services is handled through our platform protocol that critically relies on the Martini utility token (MTN). Martini Token (MTN) acts as a medium of value transactions and enables the exchange of valuables between users on the Martini platform. Built on top of the funding module, the Martini market already has a unique advantage - an existing user base that is both interested in investing and consuming fashion.

Fashion designer

Martini provides the best and most efficient way to raise funds for the emerging line of designer clothes. Designers will easily achieve this by providing a portion of the revenue to investors. Especially for special brands that serve underserved markets, the time and cost to build brands directly to consumers and business scale will be reduced drastically.

Professional Mode

Martini presents the most dedicated platform for fashion-related professionals. Models, photographers and other professionals will be able to monetize their skills and work for brands they value personally. "Martinis Fashion for all".

Individual Investor

Martini gives individuals access to invest in one of the most profitable businesses. Fashion businesses will eventually be accessible to anyone in the world and fashion is no longer solely determined by multiple brands. Everyone can contribute to the success of future stars in the fashion industry.

Fashion Lovers

Martini facilitates conversations with end-user designers and consumers, combining a much more personal touch than traditional e-commerce platforms. In addition, designers funded by Martini will choose to sell the latest, beautiful and unique designs just in our marketplace, offering exclusivity to our community members.


The basic concept of simple blockchain: a distributed database that keeps a growing list of order records. However, it is easy to mix as usual when we talk about blockchains, we also talk about the problems we are trying to solve with them. This is the case in popular blockchain-based projects like Bitcoin and Ethereum. The term "blockchain" is usually strongly associated with concepts such as transactions, smart contracts or cryptocurrency.

This makes blockchain understand tasks more difficult, than they should be. Primarily source-code-wise. Here I am going through a super-simple blockchain that I apply in a 200 lines of Javascript called NaiveChain.


The Martini Token (MTN) will be a ERC20 compatible utility token of value that fuels
the Martini ecosystem.Integrated within the MTN Token smart contract will be the
utility function of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), operating as the
Martini ecosystem consensus platform, where it will enable future voting proposal
based on the share of MTN Tokens held, in the case of selection of designers, policy
modifications, etc.

Investments within the Emerging Brand Investment Module will strictly be limited to
MTN Token.It will thus be the only available currency for making investments,
representing the? entry ticket? into the world of the individual-based fashion brand


Transactions within the Marketplace will be facilitated using MTN Token.In
exceptional cases, ETH and other tokens of value may be added as a payment vehicle,
depending on popular demand and technical limitations, and only within the





For interested investors please join us


Profile username bitcointalk, karsipan

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