Where am I? #4

in bounty •  8 years ago 

O.K. This one is way too easy. So whoever names both the location and guesses closest to the date the photo was taken wins 10 SBD!

Guesses will be eligible for the $10 prize up until the first payout for the post.

Guesses will only be entertained in comments to this post. One guess per person please. (No near relatives of mine are eligible to guess).

Good luck!

The previous Where am I? #3 can be found here: https://steemit.com/bounty/@onceuponatime/where-am-i-3


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This was taken on the UFO that abducted you on the 12th of never back in 2010...right?
You're standing next to their ship's generator!?!?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Bunkerchain labs (bunker in Nova Scotia) on the 12th of June 2016

So you really had nukes! i knew it.... LOL!!


So, the correct answer is, as just about everybody knew, Bunkerchainlab's amazing bunker in Nova Scotia (and home of PEERPLAYS)

However, @eric-boucher was the first person to get the correct date that the photo was taken (August 19, 2015). I forgot that he had driven with me to visit friends in New Brunswick and saw me leaving for the bunker in Nova Scotia that day. My bad, his luck!

Those who guessed a date that they thought was going to be correct because of metadata they searched out (ie. June 12, 2016) - well, I downloaded photos from my i-pad to a laptop on the day that so that is what you were picking up lol.

And, since I forgot to say the "first" person to guess correctly, there is also going out 10SBD to @walden who also got the correct place and date.

Thanks to everyone for playing!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The date the picture was taken is also in the EXIF metadata of the picture.

Thank you onceuponatime.

Hmmmmm Bunker chain Labs, Nova Scotia Aug 10, 2015 12:07
Do I get bonus points for the time?? Lol

hydro ottowa Generating Station, in front of control/ monitoring panel. 12:07:40 PM 8/27/16

Topeka Kansas water processing plant May 12th 2015

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

YES! The "Bunkerchain Lab", 47 Lockheed Crescent, Debert, in Nova Scotia, taken on August 19th, 2015, probably around 12:08 p.m., a few storeys under ground zero. ;) Thanks again for this competition, my "guess" was almost not fair. Namaste :)

Did i deserve it?!? ;) Thanks for it all and namaste :) JOY!!!

Bunkerchain labs (bunker in Nova Scotia) on randomly guessed date: 6/1/2015.

In your neck of the woods is the order day/month/year or month/day/year? You will set the standard for all subsequent guesses!

It's month/day/year here in the US (yes, it's weird, I know)

OK, all guesses in this post will be assumed to be following that format.

That must be the right answer!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have no clue but the pic looks soo cool!! I looks like u are gonna solve all problems from humankind with the machine behind u

Bunker in Nova Scotia; 10/03/2016

In front of a 1,600 suckatash power supply for the next generation bitcoin miner coming out January 16th, 2016.

Bastionhost, Debert, Nova Scotia in old Cold War Diefenbunker June 12, 2016


Hoover Dam 12:06:40 . Moments before the red rotary dial phone that has a ridiculously short handset cable. Imagine someone trying to give you really important instructions on those gauges and breakers but you can't listen and stand in front of them at the same time so you listen to the instructions and go to follow them. Well then you are kinda in a jam cause you know there will be more instructions but there is nowhere to put the handset down but back in the cradle, which all of us old bastards know will end the call. You my friend are in a pickle.

Data Center In Nova Scotia - 9 June 2016

Bunker in Nova Scotia; 05/22/2016

Debert, Nova Scotia in an old Cold War Diefenbunker CFS, August 19, 2015 12:07pm


Bunker in Nova Scotia?

You forgot to give a guess of the date photo is taken,

Just this last week?

That's not a date!

Where'd you get that Bitshares shirt, btw?

From Cryptofresh

You know, I have a whole box of those left. I'll confer with @roadscape and maybe make a post to distribute the remainder of them, he's still out some $$ on that one.

any size mediums? i'd be happy to buy one

lol it was a feeble attempt at getting away with a date range :)

OK ok...actually going to revise it to Dec 7th, the infamous day

Awesome T-Shirt :)