Tell Me What This Poem Is About To Receive SBD - Best Answer Wins

in bounty •  8 years ago 


Fifty years have passed since I watched them take you away from me. All around the world, twice and thrice, I have searched for you through the darkness. My dear child, I will never stop seeking your face, though it pains me to say that I have forgotten it.

Not his though. His I can never forget, for it does not leave me. Even now, I see him smiling down at me as I beg him not to take you from me. I often fear that it is my hatred for him that keeps me going, rather than my love for you. But, then I remember..

Your laughs. They're the last reliable memory of you that I have, and it is through the hopes that I might hear them again that I find the will to keep searching. But, my sweet boy, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.

My time here is coming to end, and I fear now more than ever that I will die before we are reunited. What terrifies more, however, is that you may have already closed your eyes for the last time, without me there to say goodbye.

It's funny. They call me killer, as if I lack compassion. But, not in a million years would I do this to another. Not even him. Rip his fucking head off his shoulders I might, but steal his children from him, and condemn them all to a fraction of a life -- that I could not do.

I'm running out of time, my sweet boy. I will cry my last cry for you, as I have the last thousand. I pray this time you will hear it, and know that I never gave up on you.

I wrote this poem in a five minute freestyle earlier this week, and no one has yet figured out what it was about.

I am curious to see if it was simply because very few people seen it, so I have decided to offer 100% of the liquid rewards of this post to whomever can guess correctly. If no one is able to guess what it is about by the time the post completes it's payout period, I will give the rewards to whichever answer is the most interesting, so get your imaginations fired up, people.

To be eligible for the prize, you must only leave a comment with your guess and then resteem the post so that others can get a chance to play. Good luck-

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Winner: You can all stop guessing, though it was interesting to read your efforts.

Orcas in the wild have an average life expectancy of 30 to 50 years—their estimated maximum lifespan is 60 to 70 years for males and 80 to over 100 for females. The average age of death for orcas who have died at SeaWorld is 13 years old.

The poem was about an orca-mother that had her son taken from her so that he could be used for entertainment at seaworld. She then spends the rest of her life searching for him, even though he died decades before hand, and she knows he might have, but keeps searching anyway. This was her goodbye, as she knew that she couldn't keep going any longer and was about to die herself.

Writing this shit brought me to tears during the end, as I was, for that five minutes, her, and thus, I was forced to feel the pain of her goodbye. I'm very glad someone was able to figure this out, because I know it may not seem like much to the random reader, but this actually meant a lot to me.

At which part did you begin to suspect it was about orcas?

It was the "killer" and 50 years references.

I have to admit to almost coming to tears as I thought about it too.

I've been to SeaWorld and listened to a "trainer" dismiss questions of how the animals feel being confined in such small spaces. Saying that animals don't have feelings like we do.

That's just utter bullshit.

Send the prize to @animal-shelter "for animals".

WOW! That was a clever guess! It was difficult for me to read. So so so so sad. I've never been to SeaWorld and probably never will. Too, too sad. Great to have the SBD prize go to animals. :)

Yes, and the traversing the world multiple times in darkness I thought might be a clue too. That's interesting that it could have such an emotional effect on you too. I often take on the emotional states of the characters I am writing about, but I never felt that the reader would be able to feel that way too.

Sorry for depressing you, but I am actually very happy that the poem was powerful enough to do that if I'm completely honest.

I have never been to sea world, but I have seen the documentary "Black fish" some time ago. That was quite an eye-opener.

I will redirect the reward to where you requested, once the post has finished and I know how much to send. It may(doubtfully) increase yet.

It didn't depress me, there are just times when I can feel an emotion wash over me.

Good writing can do that too.

The pen keyboard is mightier than the sword. ;-)

Ok, so quite literally it seems like a parent has lost their child, he was taken from them 50 years ago and they still haven't found him.

But I can also think of two deeper meanings:
It could be that the person was molested as a child (or made to kill someone) and as a result, their childhood was taken away. Now they've become hard and cruel, possibly a killer. They are searching for that lost child in themselves through different experiences around the world. But have never managed to find something which makes them believe their inner child is still alive.

Another could be that the person (who is in his old age) is looking in the mirror and talking to his innocence, his childhood. He did something because of which all the innocence in him died, now he is looking for it but cannot get it back. He has done it to himself and hates himself for it. He wants to be this warm and compassionate person and start feeling again, but cannot. But he still has hope that before he dies, he will get a glimpse of that child in him that he never ever found.

i thought also about parent-child relationship, but what if it is about dog or cat who became a family member. So my guess is it is about family dog leaving

That's a nice perception. But 50 years for a dog didn't make sense to me.

counting in dog or human years?

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Very Nice and Deep Poem . You wrote in just 5 mins that is amazing. Well according to me it is about a Old father who is at the last stage of his life and now missing his son. His son is not with him , he might me married or living far away from the father living him alone and suffer. The father wishes to see his son before dying.

Could the narrator perhaps be a whale whose calf was taken from her to be placed in some aquarium? Or is this Steemit addiction just causing me to see whales everywhere?

You were oddly close, though I suspect that it may have been because of theblindsquirrel's photo at the top.

Ouch! It took me a 15km cycle and back to work it out. There is no text attached to theblindsquirrel's post so I didn't even notice it. Had I seen it I would never have posted.

Lol. It would probably have been best of me to explain that it had already been guessed correctly.. But there were some interesting ones coming in and I began to get curious. My apologies.

Very Nice Poem!

this could definitely be about your old dog...

(source: Pexels)

but I think is more about BCC price, actually

(source: Flickr)


I think it depicts the light entering a palace after 50 years where used to live some nocturnals.