Descover ATS tokens and get free 10$🎁

in bounty •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Receive 75 ATS tokens for FREE worth over $10
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Great post

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I really would like to invest, but, I have several questions as I am new to ICO

Q1: I am unable to understand that if I send ETH via "ETH Address" from wallet e.g. ... then, how could they send me back "75 ATS tokens" + "Investment tokens that I may buy" by sending ETH vi ETH Address..

I mean how could ETH address can accept ATS tokens???

Q2: How they can keep track of my investment? Is it via ETH Address?

Q3: Is it possible to invest in USD or EUR?

Q4: What wallet will accept ATS tokens?

Thanks in anticipation,

Best Regards

Ats token wallet is myetherwallet
You can't invest with €&$
To invest you need subscribe on ico website

The tokens will be sent to the wallet address the deposits were made from. DO NOT deposit directly from an exchange

The ATS token contract address is : “0x2dAEE1AA61D60A252DC80564499A69802853583A”
Token Symbol: ATS
Token Name: Authorship Token
Token decimals: 4

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment