Countdown to Mayweather vs McGregor PART I: Floyd’s keys to victory

in boxing •  7 years ago  (edited)



To most independent observers a Floyd Mayweather victory over Conor McGregor in Saturday's 'Super-fight' is a formality.

Floyd’s boxing record is a perfect one. 49 wins, 0 losses, 0 draws. He is acknowledged as the best boxer of his era and one of the best of all time. And he is facing a man who has never laced up gloves in a professional boxing match. On paper it is a mismatch.


Yet in many ways, this fight is a voyage into the unknown for Floyd. He is in his forties now. He has not fought for 2 years. Floyd is a fighter that relies on his speed and reflexes. Those are often the first things to go when a boxer ages.

Conor McGregor may not be a conventional fighter. Yet some of the most unconventional fighters are the most successful. Muhammad Ali was an unconventional heavyweight when he ripped the World title from the forminable Sonny Liston. Prince Naseem Hamed and Chris Eubank (Sr) are just two fighters that have used unconventional boxing styles and angles to win World titles. The much lauded Vasyl Lomachenko is very unconventional in many of the things he does in the ring.

Unconventional fighters have a habit of changing the boxing paradigm. The intrigue in this fight is whether the enigmatic Conor McGregor can repeat his feats of defying conventional wisdom in the UFC Octagon, in a boxing ring.

Mind Your Ps&Qs

The first key to a Floyd victory is that he must not underestimate McGregor. One of the reasons Floyd is so successful is his diligence. His diligence in preparation - "hard work, dedication", is his mantra. His diligence and concentration of all 36 minutes of a fight. He does not slack. He does not take victory for granted.

In the build up to this fight however Floyd has made noises that indicate that he is taking McGregor lightly.

First he has made mention that he intends to be out partying in the week ahead of the fight.

Starting tonight Thursday Aug 17 all the way through Monday Aug 28. I’ll be at the one and only Girl Collection meeting and greeting my fans. That’s right, I’m partying the entire week before my fight all the way through to next Monday following my fight, only at Girl Collection. Bring your friends and meet me there.


Secondly, he mentions he intends to make the fight exciting and go to Conor McGregor.

This can't be a defensive fight. I got to go down. I got to go to him... I owe the public for the Pacquiao fight.

I’m hoping this is bravado on Floyd’s part. He is not prime Mayweather. And Conor is not a rank amateur. Floyd Mayweather does not need to do anything different to what he has done in his previous 49 fights. He doesn’t need to be a baller. He doesn’t need to become a brawler. If he respects the game and the approach that has made him a pound-for-pound king, he is 90% of the way to victory.

Straight Lead Right Hands

In his fights against Zab Judah and Victor Ortiz, Floyd demonstrated how devastating he can be with the straight lead right hand against southpaws. McGregor is a southpaw. McGregor will struggle to find a sparring partner that can imitate Floyd lead right hand. It is not just a scoring punch, it is a punch that can bust McGregor up and make him frustrated.

Both Judah and Ortiz resorted to fouling due to their inability to deal with the lead right hand Mayweather was landing at will against them. I could easily see McGregor going down the same road if he is unable to combat that punch.

Body shots

Kill the body and the head will follow

Never has the saying applied more than in this fight. McGregor will bring youth and general fitness to the contest. Floyd can neutralise that quickly with attacks to the body. Sure McGregor will be conditioned for kicks to the body. A well placed kick can end the night in an mma fight quickly. Yet so can a well- placed punch. And the cumulative effects of a body attack will drain McGregor’s gas tank.

Drag him into deep water


McGregor is known to fade in mma fights. It happened twice in his match-up’s with Nate Diaz. Mayweather is known for taking over a fight in the last six rounds. That has to be his blueprint for this fight. Mayweather needs to resist the temptation of trying to make this an early night. All things being equal he should have too much for McGregor down the stretch provided he goes into the fight with the mindset of making it a long hard fight for the Irishman (rather than a quick finish).

Don’t brawl


There has been a lot of trash talk in the build up to this fight. Both men have tried to prove themselves as the "alpha male". Now we are in fight week you can rest assurance that the trash talking and intensity will be raised a notch.

Whatever transpires Floyd needs to keep this a clean boxing match. If he does, it will be nigh impossible for Conor to win. Floyd does not need to prove he is the bigger puncher or has a better chin. That would make the fight more of a toss up than it needs to be.

One open question is whether the power that McGregor undoubtedly has in mma can translate into boxing. Floyd does not need for that question to be answered in this fight. Let another opponent experience the full force of a McGregor left. Floyd should be set on proving McGregor's boxing skills to be insufficient for top flight competition.

Simple Math

If Floyd’s focus is on putting on a defence masterclass the math is pretty simple. He should wipe the floor with McGregor. If Floyd underestimates McGregor or chooses to prove a point by scraping with him, he could easily come unstuck.

I expect Mayweather to be Mayweather. I think he is suckering people into believing he is partying all night and that he will go to war with McGregor. Then once you’ll bought your PPV, you’ll be cursing the screen at yet another defensive masterclass from Mayweather. Floyd will of course be laughing all the way to the bank.

Stay tuned as later in the week, I will be tackling McGregor’s keys to victory.

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Great post man. I too believe Floyd is simply trying to entice more PPV buys by insinuating he's going to take the fight to Conor. His antics and words to me have double meaning. He's doing his part in selling more buys while still playing the psychological warfare game with Conor. I've never heard Floyd talk quite like this before, but also this is a different situation than he's ever been in before. He's truly at the end and has talked as much about his "Girl Collection" as he has about the fight. Makes you stop and think.

It always has seemed to me in the past that Floyd was already thinking about the next fight, the next pay day. Old habits die hard. Could he really be thinking about MayMac 2? Floyd has always done things on his own time. He's extremely intelligent and very, very deliberate. So his actions and words definitely mean something. He commands top dollar and the only person he can get that with is Conor. At the end of the day it's all about the money, and Floyd will follow that money trail wherever it leads. Do I think we see the defensive wizard on Saturday night put on a clinic? Yes, absolutely. Could Floyd have other plans in mind that we don't see that leads to another massive pay day? Yes, absolutely. That's why they call him "Money", because his brilliance as a business man rivals his skills as a fighter.

I think Floyd loves his 0 too much to let it slip to McGregor. But if he can make it close, like the Maidana there many be the demand for a blockbuster rematch!


U did it again!
giphy (63).gif

Definitely gonna be one of Mayweather's best performances. I've got a good post coming for this fight.

Great write up @nanzo-scoop like the way you have covered all the variables.

One thing is for sure no matter what this fight will go down in history!

I love your fight series about this combat! I saw all press conferences and to be honest, I am not sure who will win this fight. I believe McGregor will make it because of his passion. Mayweather balls too hard. This girls club thing is way too much. He should focus on his condition, he´s in his forties as you said and not the young Mayweather any more. But he is undefeated! He is one of the best and he can not lose this fight and retire once again. He really needs to win it! I am exited for the next press conference on Wednesday. Great post!

Great write up, you are going to make me sound like a genius at the fight party I'm going to on Saturday. lol. I'll tell them to follow you on Steemit.
I'm not a big fight fan, but your insight leading up to this fight has been on point and something I can follow step by step. Great stuff man.
As always, I really appreciate all your support on my posts.

This is an awesome post!
I couldn't have said it better. I am a much bigger UFC fan than I am a boxing fan FOR SURE. Yet like you said Floyd wins unless he makes stupid mistakes.
This is one of the only boxing matches I have been excited to see and this is shaping up to be one of the biggest sporting events of all time!
Cool post man, gonna follow you, don't have long before the fight now!

Mayweather is a marketing genius as much as he is a boxing genius. He is trying to sell more tickets. Once the bell rings he will go into the same mode as his last 49 fights to pick up his 50th win. I'm doing a 175 Steem Contest on the fight. Get your entries in before fight night!

Upvoted this post because of the detail. I would still put my money on McGregor because I think his focus is stronger & has more to gain by beating Mayweather.

You give the best fight commentary anywhere. I see a lot of lead rights and check hooks coming Conor's way and I can see where Conor will be very frustrated. He's gonna say Floyd ran the whole time with a busted up face. lol Nate Diaz outboxed him. lol

Mayweather vs. Gatti part 2 maybe?

Can't wait! However I'll be in the middle of a fucking field up to the eyes in mud and shit camping in the English Countryside when the fight is on! 😩 Thanks Mrs! Enjoy everyone!

Floyd is just trying to sell the fight and get as many people interested as possible, after all this is his last fight ever, he wants as big as big a pay day as he can manage. He is also maybe trying to play mind games with mcgregor by making him believe he is not prepared properly, but mayweather is not just one of the best because he's naturally gifted, its because he also works harder than most everybody else. Nice post, i like how you going to be doing it from the perspective of both fighters.

It's going to be an exciting Saturday in Las Vegas, just one precision punch to Floyd will make me happy 😂🙌🏼

Defense, straight lead right, and outlast him in the later rounds, that sounds like a win for Mayweather.

and now with the 8oz gloves wooaaa good post!

No gloves 🤑😂

Ha I don't even know why Floyd opened his mouth about 8oz gloves and now it's pushed through and official they went from 10oz to 8oz which gives Conor an even bigger advantage. I can't say for sure if this fight is fixed and just for the money until I and everyone see's the fight. But one thing about Conor I have noticed is that whatever he visualizes he makes come true. He is hungry and that hunger is what creates champions, I know because my husband had a contract with Bellator Fighting. He has been into marital arts and wrestling since 5 years old and his father was a Boston Golden Gloves Champion. I use to not like Floyd but now that he got older he seems to have calmed own a lot. I want to see Conor knock him out!

You hubby is a fighter? oh oh lol ... My brother and I own a UFC gym in Vegas for about 5 years, you guys are welcome anytime, free of course lol... Its Vegas and anyone who comes out of town here don't plan to "Workout" or even wants to stop by haha.

This fight is all about the money only, a spectacle but its going to be fun to watch. I tried to get tickets but im not droppin $2000 for a nose bleed seat lol

He use to be until he got spinal sarcoma cancer. I appreciate the offer I will pass it to him. He is in Italy right now for treatments. He sent me a video of that punching machine game with a bunch of other people trying it and he still maxed the machine out. My father in law and others said that punching power is a technique that comes from the hip. Torque. Not about big arms. Go figure stage III CANCER and still has power. Cancer sucks my father died of lung cancer I pray for a miracle everyday. :/ thanks again.

Sorry to hear about your husband. I hope he beats it and returns to full health.

I can not wait for their fight
They are great in the field of their own martial arts
very nice post and followed you @nanzo-scoop :)

I am really excited about coming Saturday :)


Good post, you're a big one. Follow like this greetings I am your follower

Nice post...i love boxing

Going to be exciting, voted and resteemed

It's going to be an insane fight!!!

That's it man, I am putting a bet on McGregor!! :0)

Pacman and floyd have a remach too!

Another Great one!!

TIme will tell!

sit back and enjoy :D