It looks as if there will be a number of people boycotting the NFL this year. It mostly stems from the fact that former San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick decided to do a peaceful protest against injustices to people of color during the previous year's games.
Some groups see him as being unpatriotic, while others see that his Constitutional right to peacefully protest has been violated. He has been having trouble finding another football team that will sign him. But I've read where he may be getting a deal from a team soon if things work out.
A group that is standing with Kaepernick is demanding that Verizon, which is a company that gives money to the NFL, show support for Kaep or else they are going to close out their Verizon accounts. They gave Verizon a deadline of September 7th. It's going to be interesting to see how that turns out. One thing is for sure--this is going to be a very different football season.