ZCL Up 100%. ZClassic and JP Morgan Indirect Relationship with Zcash. ZenCash. Family Tokens. Respect.

in bprivate •  7 years ago  (edited)

ZClassic (ZCL) keeps on exploding. (Sorry about the airport noise. Transcript is below).

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Yes. I am very bias. The Z family of alt-coins have always been my favorite. Great privacy technology and concepts that simply gets overlooked. That is all for today. Have a great day.

Nick is a content creator for Sobuka with a background in programming, information technology, finance and digital forensics. He shares interest in cryptocurrencies by reporting on International Affairs. You can find myself, B, and Laura here from time to time.

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  1. Coinmarketcap.com

  2. For more information on Bitcoin Private (BPrivate) by ZClassic go to their twitter here: https://twitter.com/bitcoinprivate

  3. ZCash and JP Morgan Article: https://www.coindesk.com/jpmorgan-integrates-zcash-privacy-tech-enterprise-blockchain/


The information on this blog is not financial advice. Before you invest in cryptocurrencies, please speak to a financial advisor.


Hi guys. Good evening and hope you guys are have a good new year this coming weekend. I am currently at the airport flying south for the holiday

So this is a really quick rant of several videos I will be making at the airport since i will be here for a couple of hours.

I think the market has spoken. I am definetly excited about the crypto dividend by Zclassic

that will be called BPrivate. For more information on this crypto dividend that will be coming out, just go to their official BPrivate twitter for 24 hour update. There is a link below in my comments section.

ZClassic itself has risen by 101% within the past 24 hours. And I am not complaining. That is very good. What is a surprise is that not many youtubers are covering this news. Yes some are shilling for Segwit2x but i'm like whatever. I like ZClassic so tehcnially I am shilling for it just to be fair. ZClassic is the family of tokens as ZCash and ZenCash. It pretty much offers the same technolgical features as these coins but different rewards. Also their team work seperately and they are extremely professional people. This is not a bunch of guys working out from a hut.

The best way to view the relationship of ZenCash ZCash and ZClassic is look at them as siblings, brothers and sisters.You come from the same tree or concept but your sibilings grow up to do different things while sharing the same bloodline or core.

This past year it was announed that JP Morgan intergrates ZCash Privacy Tech into their own blockchain. So JP Morgan is essential using the same type of technology as ZClassic. I mean to me that says a lot. I have a article of this in my comments section below.

There is no way to sugar code this. This family of coins as an entity easily fall into the top 5 list of cryptocurrencies stacked upon with Dash and Monero.

So I am definelty excited about the BPrivate tokens coming out. I think 2018 will be the year of privacy given internet censorship, crazy allegations, and crappy poltics and news media.

Also this family of coins is about a 1 year.

Now compared really quick to Segwit2x, Segwit2x is a few days or weeks old depending on how you see it. It failed several times this year and it says it now offers privacy. To me the coin is really bipolar. I don't even know how to describe or even attempt to trust this coin. I mean guys would you trust your bank if it promised you one thing over and over again but failed and went back on its word many time. That is how I see Segwit2x. However if you are a bitcoin holder, hey there is no problem with free money. Okay guys please share comment. let me know what you think. have a good weekend. off to my next quick video while i sit in the airport.

I will get more techncial BPrivate this next few days as I have time during the holddays.

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