They found physical source of anxiety in the brain

in brain •  7 years ago 


People are not designed so that you feel calm and confident during most of the time, but maybe one day will be. A new study, which is studying the neural basis of anxiety in the brain found cells of anxiety that are located in the area of the brain called the hippocampus. They not only regulate disturbing behavior, but they can and must be controlled beam of light! The results have so far been demonstrated only in experiments with laboratory mice can give a chance to millions of people worldwide who suffer from anxiety disorders, such as in the US are one person in five. Scientists hope that this will enable them to develop a drug to suppress the activity of these neurons that control anxiety .

"We want to understand the brain is encoded emotional information and where turns into anxiety," said one of the scientists on the team Meisel Keyrbek neuroscientists from the University of California in San Francisco. To reach valuable information scientists used a technique called calcium delivery of the image. They have scored miniature microscopes in the brains of mice to record the activity of cells in the hippocampus while the animal had a standard activity in their cages. But the cells were special - they were the type of labyrinths, some of the paths led to raised platforms and others to open psostranstva for which environments are known to cause anxiety in mice.

In 2016, the iconic physicist Stephen Hawking said humanity has only 1000 years.

Are we doomed or we can expect a bright future? BrightSide decided to check.

9.People will live for 1000 years.

Rich long-invest their millions in research on slowing or complete cessation of aging. After 1000 years the medical engineers can create drugs against everything that makes our aging tissues. The editing tools genes are already here. Te have the potential to control our genes and make people immunized against any disease.

8.We will live on another planet

Our only chance to survive after 1000 years, if you move to another planet. The company SpaceX is planning a mission to "help humanity to become a space civilization and mogoplaneten type building samoustoychiv city of Mars." Ellen Musk - its founder - hopes that the first ship it will be launched by 2022. In 2024 again for 4 handset will depart to Mars.

7.Everyone will look the same way

In its speculative thought experiment Dr. quantum hypothesized that in the distant future (more than 100,000 years) people will develop greater forehead, larger nostrils, bigger eyes and pigmented skin. Scientists are already working on ways to edit genomes, so that parents can choose the way their children will look like.

6.The computers are super fast and smart

Just about three years supercomputer perform the most accurate simulation of the human brain far. After 1000 it is expected to catch up with our gray matter and even overtake his izchisletelna power.

In the new century, quantum computers will be useful in developing more effective drugs will give more accurate diagnoses, improve space exploration and will allow vehicles to move autonomously with ease. Meanwhile, quantum computation can pose a real threat to the privacy and security of information.

5.People will become cyborgs.

The machines have long been able to improve visual and hearing people. Currently scientists and engineers engaged in the development of bionic eye that will help the blind to see. 1000 years after the merger with our technology will be our only chance to compete with artificial intelligence.

Uniting our consciousness with computers will lead to the formation of a super brain, which can calculate the most complex equations and searching the Internet with the power of thought.

4.Mass extinction is underway.

The last mass extinction wiped out the dinosaurs from the face of the Earth. A recent study revealed that the rate of extinction in the 20th century was 100 times higher than would be normal without human intervention. According to some scientists only gradual shrinkage of the human population could help civilization to continue.

3.We will speak the same language world

Commonality of language will lead to the creation of a universal language. Linguists predict that after 100 years 90% of the languages ​​will disappear due to migration, but those who remain will become simplified.

2.The buildings will be assembled and disassembled in command.

One day perhaps we will be able to create virtual worlds around them. T.napr. Recently Dr. Hall introduced the concept of polymorphic material composed of trillions of interconnected tiny "robots" which can essentially create any form.

1.Nanotechnology will resolve the crisis with the energy and pollution.

After 1000 years nanotechnology will be able to clean up environmental damage that mankind has caused to purify water and air and capture the energy of the sun. The new materials will satisfy the need for a new, greener and more efficient technology for energy storage.

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