Brave help you earn 500-1000$/month and more. It replaces Safari, Coccoc, Chrome
Step1: Click the link and download Brave to your computer (or phone), register by gmail
Step2: On Brave browser, click the link to register account. Make link ref for sharing user:
This step: register by gmail then sign in gmail to confirm
Then there is a required security has 2 steps to protect your account.
Download: Authenticator to sign up by gmail, enter your pass( 4numbers), enter your re-up pass (6 numbers). Activate security on Brave, connect to Authenticator. Every sign in Brave needs Otp from Authenticator
Step3: Make advertising chanel on Brave, click “add chanel”, click youtube chanel, choose gmail account is done
Step4: activate Uphold wallet on Brave, sign up by gmail, make your pasword, confirmed by email. KYC om Uphold wallet is done, fill up your information with your ID, take a photo with your ID (follow required by wallet)
Step5: download Uphold - this is a Brave’s partner wallet to keep BAT, on 9th every month Brave transfers Bat to Uphold wallet if it has balance
Step6: get your link: referral to share every users who singed up from 30 days, replace Safari, coccoc, Chrome...
Sometimes, you’ll receive a reward amount Token BAT from Brave
Token bat is traded on 160 Digital tranding