Fear Is Temporary. Regret Is Forever.

in braveness •  6 years ago 

Fear Is Temporary. Regret Is Forever.

We go through our life doing awesome things and also making mistakes which we learn from them a lot. It is totally normal not to have perfect decisions because we would not grow if we would do everything perfect; however, when we make mistakes, we tend to build up lots of fears and it is our job to face them and overcome them the best way we can.


Because of fear, we also tend to regret about actions we took or didn't take a long the way. It is very important to listen to what we feel inside of us because the majority of the answers are there. Do not fear what is outside of ourselves, instead take action from inside out in order to be successful in our decisions.

Regrets will be there and we cannot go back in time to fix anything at all. I do not have all the answers, but with my humble thoughts, I can give you ideas for you to figure things out on your own. All you have to do is believe things are possible from the heart and the universe will do the rest for you.

Take your regrets and fears and turn them into braveness to change the outcome of your mistakes.
Many blessings to all of you my friends.


"Love is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"
"Be there for your love ones when it rains, they know you'll stand with them when it shines"
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.

Note: Each post is created out of life experiences and personal opinion. There is nothing written in stone, your opinion is valuable and can be different.


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You are right .Life without risk is nothing.Fear is temporary but the regret is forever .Decision making is a tough job but we should not fear from taking decisions :)

Well said. Fear is usually an illusion that we create. Replace it with braveness my friend, thank you very much :)

Fear is most important dear but if we do mistakes then we are regret in our whole life.

Yeah,you are absolutely right.. If you fear to do any hard work, then you are living your hole life with regret. But if that hard time you encourage yourself & try to overcome the fear then you had no regret in your life. you have the ans. that you try your best to overcome that.thanks to sharing for your good post.. Very great work.. Dear.. Friend... @javybar

Very true my friend

If we need to go ahead definitely remove fear & regret our life and need to be braveness. Everyone has come problems still our live period. That's excellent topic @javybar.

We are all surviver and we can survive when we get together and overcome things. Thank you :)

That would be very interesting blogging. I like these and much time i face both conditions. There are so many imagine here. But take to correct decision on time. No need to worry about that. Both negative things can leave from life. Then can find success.

Hello. Thank you for your thoughts. It sounds like you have chosen the right path for you, even if it might be hard sometimes. No one ever promised us this would be easy. :)

I think it is also key to actually know what it is you want. And to be ok with the person you are while you are getting where you want to go. I've seen some people pursue a goal they thought would make them happy, only to get really disillusioned and bitter when what they achieved did not give them the feelings they thought they would have. Being able to re-tool and re-evaluate what it is you actually want, and how you can get there, can be hard. A lot of people give up. Congrats for going for what you really wanted and knew what right for you.

Excellent contribution my friend for all of us. We change our mind all the time and we re-focus for the better, I appreciate it.

There is an Indonesian proverb that states that "Think first opinion, regret then not useful". This adage invites us to think before we act. So do not regret after acting.

great message my friend, thank you very much! :)

Golden words, my friend and by the way, every man was afraid after failures in his life, but a man of courage is distinguished by the fact that despite his fears he can overcome them and move on to the top. All decisions are in us and only we can overcome our fear and achieve our dreams! Thank you @javybar

Wise words my friend. We all have the power to change our minds and decisions for the better. Fear is an illusion and regret is a different path of life. We can all overcome this if we really want to. thank you :)

“fear is temporary regret is forever” – might makes sense to different people in different ways, however, it makes sense to me the way i’ve described above. Follow your dream, no matter how the uncertainty of the outcome frightens you. Not regret for the rest of your life by giving in to a moment’s fear. Regret sucks out happiness like nothing else, there’ll always be a hollow space, ‍an emptiness that can never be filled no matter how rich or successful you become if you don’t be brave on that deciding moment. Life is uncertain, deal with it – be brave and be truly happy for however long you live. May Allah bless you with his limitless kindness and forgiveness.

have a nice day.

thank you for your contribution :) It was very inspiring :)

Hola @javybar, creo que soy la unica que saluda en steemit , bueno digamos que soy muy educada ja, ja, ja, todos cometemos errores , en ocasiones ofendemos a los demas , lo importante es aprender de cada error , y pedir disculpas .
Superar nuestros miedos , un poco mas complicado , lleva tiempo y en ocasiones hasta una ayuda profesional necesitamos , yo por ejemplo soy claustrofobica y no creo que supere esto .
Bendiciones :)

Hay muchos miedos que son dificiles de superar o controlar. Ud es una de las mas educadas y buenas escritoras. muchas gracias por siempre estar en comunicacion por este medio :)

@javybar, I was also felt fear before coz I wrongly taken decision in my life. Many one happened under the my working job. But We can get lot of experience and scenery across fear & then mistakes.

Because of fear, we also tend to regret about actions we took or didn't take a long the way.

Yep..firstly we feel fear and then feel regret. Both things non-wanted things to our life. But everyone 100% not perfect. So can be mistake anyone. We are not a god. All are humans. As my suggestion is, let to do everything our life. Then we can find lesson and better solution.

Nice advice! We just go with the flow :)

Your opinion always super..i appreciate your thought.. Your work always super.. And to be ok with the person you are while you are getting where you want to go. I've seen some people pursue a goal they thought would make them happy, only to get really disillusioned and bitter when what they achieved did not give them the feelings they thought they would have. Being able to re-tool and re-evaluate what it is you actually want, and how you can get there, can be hard. A lot of people give up. Congrats for going for what you really wanted and knew what right for you.. your support always helped me my own work in the steemit work.you giving support always.. i wish that friend...best of luck and take care od your health. i want you always stayed my sides and inspired my work.obviously its my goodluck that,god giving a good and best friend as like you. i appreciate your post every time..I completely agree with you, my friend,thanks to sharing for your good post...dear.. Friend.. @javybar

Thank you my friend, your words are always very nice to read :)

Thank you to read my simple word.i am simple girl.i can not very good writing as like you.but i want try to doing your skills writing.because you are a best person my whole life. Best of luck and take care yourself perfectly friend.. Dear. Friend... @javybar

Great post.Loved the amazing post.Yes, my friend when we fear something we can make that fear be out of ourself but when we have regret when we cannot do something than that regret stays with you forever.So fear can be overcome but regret cannot be overcome by any means.Thanks for sharing it with us. @javybar

thank you my friend. I know this message of regret is difficult to accept. Many of us have too much pride to acknowledge they're regret. Whatever is done is already done and we can only work on the next step where we feel we will do better. Thanks again :)

Yeah, in our life we do mistake but instead of regreting it we should move in our life as we learners and we should learn from our mistake and think to never do it again.It was my honor commenting and seeing your motivating words.@javybar

Very True! I agree with the Javybar that we must be a courageous person to succeed.

Brian Tracy said:

"The future is owned by risk takers, not security seekers. The more you look for security, the less security you have and the more chances it gets, the more security you will achieve."

Regards @javybar!

wow, LOVE IT!!! Thank you :)


The future belongs to those who dare to take risks. Only people who dare to take risks will achieve great things.

My friend's success!

Really true man... If you fear to do any hard work, then you are living your hole life with regret. But if that hard time you encourage yourself & try to overcome the fear then you had no regret in your life. you have the ans. that you try your best to overcome that.

Amazing point my friend. It's better to try and find out if anything is worthy or not. Regrets can be overcome if we try even more. Started following you, hope to see you often. Thank you :)

In our life we often face some problems, if we face the problem again and again then we don't have any interest to overcome that's called fear. But fear isn't the solution rather it's convert to regret which is forever. We shold be the ability to never lose our mind to take any failure, we should try to success as no fear comes. Convert our mind to be like a beavers who never accept failure. Thanks sir @javybar for your great lessoon.

Wonderful words my friend. Fear gives us weakness and it is not that easy to go forward that way. We need to be brave and overcome all issues the best we can. Thank you for your contribution.

We all have fear of losing in ourself but its temporary but some mistakes due to which we regret whole life.

Thank you for your contribution. started following you :) looking forward in seeing you on future posts :)

Fear is something that sometimes holds us back from taking the much-needed steps to get what we truly desire in life. Nothing is guaranteed in life's path. There's always a possibility of failures or hardships. No one, not anyone can tell for sure what's going to happen in the next second, and it's frightening, if truth to be told. But there should be a limit of fear. There are so many people who fear the uncertainty of life so much they give up their real dream of life and choose a seemingly safer path in order to be ‘happy’; but can they find real happiness?

Real happiness for my point of view should be very simple, but our surroundings are obstacles for it. You have some great words in your message and I was pretty impressed. Thank you for your contribution my friend :) I started following you.

almost all of us always choose a safe point, I personally often do so, but in the depths of our hearts know, life is gambling, bet with the consideration of a model of success

Great points of view my friend. Life is a like a puzzle you have to put together. It is our job to do it. Little by little at our own pace. Thank you for your contribution :)

Well said, my friend @javybar, our fears prevent us from living and achieving victory, so we alone have to cope with our fears, no matter how hard it was. You are absolutely right, only faith in your strength and in our dream, will destroy our fears and lead us to the long-awaited goal!

A wise man spreading wise messages! Thank you my friend. :)

Fear is a natural reaction. Fears arise as a reaction to certain events. And the root of all of them is the conviction that we are not able to cope with life. You are right, you must learn to turn fear into courage. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act despite fear. Thank you .

wow, all these words are very powerful. I loved "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act despite fear." Totally agree with you. Thank you very much :) I would love to have your comments in different posts :)

you are absolutely right, fear also will hold you to move on to our freedom , O wrote my thought about freedom yesterday. and Indeed I have learn a lots by leave the fear behind

thank you @javybar

@el-nailul Thank you for your contribution. I loved your post about freedom. I upvoted it for you. See you soon :)

Thank you very much for your visit and upvote, it is very generous of you @javybar

once again thank you so much

Fear is healthy, panic is deadly, regret is forever. Don't be afraid to suck when you try something new, your defeat is just part of the process for a greater you. Keep learning every day, stand up and fight, this life is design to give us sucker punchers every once in a while but the key is your readiness.... What the hell am I saying? Excuse me I think I'm not sober yet, lol I'm in love with steemit!

haha we are all in love with steemit :)

Very true! If we will keep fearing and don't move forward we won't be able to do anything. On the contrary if we take risk and jump in despite of fears, we may succeed. Even if we fail, we will learn a lesson.

Well said. If you want to Excel and growth in life you have to get rid of fear and regret. Fear discourage you to adopt new things whereas regret decrease your motivation. So for happy and healthy life. Just be happy and do a lot of effort with out any fear and regret

Lovely comment! thank you my friend :)

Very nice post..DQmNtj7YabNLqaV443XWuj1SXa9cwjdGanXDaFnkWhS74Ep.gif

Very nice clapping lol

This is the bravest and wisest approach towards life and this thought actually minimizes the peaks of fears to an extreme low level, nobody is perfect, errors and mistakes are the human nature. I fully agreed the thought you shared ...

we would not grow if we would do everything perfect; however, when we make mistakes, we tend to build up lots of fears and it is our job to face them and overcome them the best way we can.

Off course fear is not a permanent situation, it always vanishes with the light of Hope. So, everybody should be flexible and optimistic in any situation to settle in a better way :)

"Fear vanishes with the light oh Hope" VERY NICE. Thank you for your contribution, I really loved it. I learn from you. thank you my friend. VERY appreciated.

My Pleasure Friend :)

Very true my friend highly appreciated. Again you raised a point related to our real life 👌👌👍. 100% agreed we all go through such situations. We all should have to admit and know fear is temporary but regret will stay till death. So its better to regret after overcome and work on your fears now. Again bravery does matters in such situations best post indeed 👌👌. @javybar you are doing moral training of people through your blog.immense respect for you

Your respects are very powerful for me because it means that the content is making some sense for many like you. Many can have different opinions but the main message is what really counts. I do appreciate your words, I'm on steemit.chat if you ever would like to chat live :)

yes i would love to it's an honour for me 😇😇

I totally agree with you @javybar. You really give the motivation for me. Thanks. Life is struggle. We should take our fears and turn it into braveness to change the outcome of our mistakes.

You got it!!!

We should believe in ourselves . We are braver than we think, more talented than we know, and capable of more than our imagine..
Very inspiring content Mr. @javybar

Thank you very much for your contribution my friend, I started following you :)

We should believe in ourselves . We are braver than we think, more talented than we know, and capable of more than our imagine..
Very inspiring content Mr. @javybar

Thank you my friend, it is a pleasure :)

You said right fear is temporary but regret 4 forever we should remove regret but it is very hard

Very true, not an easy task. Forgive yourself and focus on what you need and want. If you fail again, get up and keep going. Thank you my friend :)

Thanks for supporting my comment my friend.

its really great post
dear @javybar.
its great post of go ahed to remove fear.prove myself as a fearless king.

good for you :)

Follow your dream, no matter how the uncertainty of the outcome frightens you. Not regret for the rest of your life by giving in to a moment’s fear. Life is uncertain, deal with it – be brave and be truly happy for however long you live.

Excellent and inspiring words, thank you my friend :)

Fear is a natural feeling in man, but man must overcome this feeling and take responsibility for himself
He must face mistakes with all courage

true statement! Thank you :)

Your statements are very imressing & these are consisting of a lot of knowledge .
I apreciate it.

It is a pleasure for all of you my friend, thank you.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

“fear is temporary regret is forever” – might makes sense to different people in different ways, however, it makes sense to me the way i’ve described above. Follow your dream, no matter how the uncertainty of the outcome frightens you. Not regret for the rest of your life by giving in to a moment’s fear. Regret sucks out happiness like nothing else, there’ll always be a hollow space, ‍an emptiness that can never be filled no matter how rich or successful you become if you don’t be brave on that deciding moment. Life is uncertain, deal with it – be brave and be truly happy for however long you live. May Allah bless you with his limitless kindness and forgiveness.

have a nice day. @javybar sir...

Every mistake is wonderful at the time of its occurrence, but we should not fall into it again or we will become fools

Agar lebih baik menjadi lebih baik maka bertindaklah, jangan hanya menunggu. Diam tidak akan dituntut. Namun bertindaklah dengan melakukan hal baik. Maka kamu akan mengadakan yang lebih baik.

its really great post dear @javybar.We are not born successful. And usually we are brought up far from what successful people should be, so if we want to achieve our goals and dreams, we must learn to overcome fear. Learn to act in spite of fear. Tell yourself: Yes, I'm scared, I'm very scared, but nevertheless I'll do it. And then all roads will open for you. Thank you for sharing

its really great post dear @javybar.We are not born successful. And usually we are brought up far from what successful people should be, so if we want to achieve our goals and dreams, we must learn to overcome fear. Learn to act in spite of fear. but a man of courage is distinguished by the fact that despite his fears he can overcome them and move on to the top. All decisions are in us and only we can overcome our fear and achieve our dreams! Thank you @javybar

A very good and necessary topic for motivation. We are not born successful. And usually we are brought up far from what successful people should be, so if we want to achieve our goals and dreams, we must learn to overcome fear. Learn to act in spite of fear. Tell yourself: Yes, I'm scared, I'm very scared, but nevertheless I'll do it. And then all roads will open for you. Thank you for sharing :)

wow...very interesting post,Fear is a natural feeling in man,my dear friend @javybar,i like this post all time,thanks for share,

for me ketakukan is the human nature, few are able to make fear as stepping stone, when we are afraid we are actually afraid of kuseksusan ,,
I myself also coward ,, ha ha ha

i remain
i will fight for myself
i will show my bravy
i will show my power
i dont get down
i dont go backward
i will win ,i dont fear in ruin.
yor post is really great

its really great article dear @javybar sir

Sometimes life may seem very difficult but what i learned and still learn is that faith is what has the last say and which can transform everything forever there is something greater than us who made all this beauty around us never stop fighting for what you believe is right.
So, Fuck fear, being badass and do it your own way as bad as you can !!

there have many broden in man life.its really need to defend himself
from ruin by using bravy.@javybar

There will be things that we will not be able to do as coz of fear but when we get past that door than and only then we will know the real meaning of life .

Agreed with your words buddy !

hurdles makes a man perfect. without facing hurdles you can not sparkle you personality.

Don't let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. I've learned that fear limits you and your vision.

Fear is the biggest hurdle in the way to your success!
If you want to be successful, you should this hurdle by thinking brave!

Life is too short, time is too precious, and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been..

Fear is what we have learned here
with more fear there will be more regret
be fearless so that you will not regret later


I agree. The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.

The article is gorgeous. I believe - ALL POSSIBLE!!! Good luck to you and Love.

Статья великолепна. Я верю – ВСЕ ВОЗМОЖНО!!! Удачи Вам и Любви.

that one moment can change the life we have to take that step because life is meant to be lived to the fullest

Sometimes we fear for very little things and when we go for it we realize that was nothing. Your inner fears shouldn't restrict you to perform your job and you should achieve success by facing the realities confidently.

Fear is most important dear but if we do mistakes then we are regret in our whole life.

Awesome man salute you.You change my thinking.Thank to share you great article writing.Again salute you.


Nice idea....it is better to tackle with our fears boldly..

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Great post @javybar

thank you for you copy/paste comment stolen from @dragonking

If we need to go ahead definitely remove fear & regret our life and need to be braveness. Everyone has come problems still our live period. That's excellent topic @javybar.

I can't wait to see more stolen comments from your other accounts

Oh I see.... Thanks your attention @dera123
These person lot of early comments stolen I've seen before.

Edited: @perry1 now changed his comment. But already mentioned above.

many do this. I can't judge anyone, but no reward will be there for them. Thank you for coming up with unique comments :)