Steamed Bolu Bread

in bread •  5 years ago 

Material :
2btr eggs
250gr sugar
250gr medium protein flour
1sdt emulsifier (sp)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
200ml of milk
Chocolate paste to taste


  • beat eggs, sugar until fluffy and thickened, add the emulsifier until well blended
  • reduce the mixer speed, add flour, salt, vanilla, milk gradually .. Stir well then turn off the mixer
  • Divide the dough into 2 colors, which are 1 brown color and 1 which is left white
  • Pour the mixture into a steamed sponge mold that has been on the base of a paper cup, give the white mixture first then the chocolate mixture
  • insert the mold that has been filled into the steam that has been heated, steaming kurleb 15 minutes
  • lift & serve
  • enjoy 😋
  • Cover the steamer / towel cover with a napkin / cloth so that no droplets of water vapor fall onto the surface of the cake.g5evar0mw4.jpg
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