I won't be posting anything today - Working on reference library - Become a natsec genius

in break •  8 years ago 

I have milked myself dry on writing for now AND I am behind on other tasks. I spent too much time here on Steemit over the last couple of days (it paid off, but that's not the point LOL)

What I am working on is my reference library

Now, a while back, I published this post:
How to give yourself a college or graduate education without spending a dime

For those of you that are interested in homeland defense, domestic spying, Constitutional national security (natsec) law, the FBI, leftist subversion, leftist terrorism, Islamic doctrine, retributive theory, and issues along those lines, you can click on the following link and look for a course title of interest:

Some of these references don't have URL's associated with them, but if you see a syllabus you'd like a copy of, let me know and I'll get it for you

  • Most of these courses are graduate level, but there are a few that are undergraduate. I don't have any distinction between these yet. This shouldn't matter to you. If something is "too hard" for you, look it up and see what it's based on, then read that
  • You can very often find the textbooks in pdf form online, or older editions of them in pdf form

I would like to write more fiction, which I haven't done in over a month now. I can rest my brain by organizing and cleaning this database...the damn thing is that by the time I almost get it cleaned up, I have already downloaded another 500 references.

And no, I haven't read all of this, nor even half of it yet. Sometimes I'll see a title or skim and article and grab it for later use, and sometimes I'll search out a reference after seeing it used in something I did read.

Other things I need to attend to:

  • I need to return focus on organizing my writing (see older posts)
  • I need to organize how I'm using my social media (subtask to the above)
  • I need to reformat my sig here; I threw this one together and promised to clean it up a month ago
  • I still need to reformat my Kindle book for paperback publication

Have a great Sunday!
It's so pretty and sunny here I'm going to have to do some yardwork later, even if that just means holding the rake and soaking up outside breezes ;>

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Home To Texas: Recollections of a Texas Badman

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