Brexit’s over, it’s just about the mopping up now

in brexit •  2 years ago 

Phil, of a different Bias, has released a new video, spurred by his observation that the Brexiteers have retreated from “Take back Control” to “Save the Pound” because if we were to rejoin, they think we’d have to join the Euro. This probably isn’t the case. Phil points out that Sweden has agreed to join up and did so in 2002, but hasn’t yet done so and has no plans to do so.


Actually, I think that of the opt-outs we had, the Euro is the least likely to be required; the issue of integrating a global reserve currency into the Euro maybe sufficiently risky for the EU to not press too much on that front. The Stability and Growth Pact is a bigger problem. Austerity vs Keynesianism is a political question and adoption should be accountable to the electorate and not frozen in unchanging treaties. This is not the case in the EU.

The other opt-outs were, that we received a rebate on the financial contribution, we were outside Schengen and had a number of opt-outs from the Justice pillar, and our relationship with the Court and the Charter of Fundamental Rights was weaker than most members, yet strong enough to remain full members of Europol from which we have now been ejected.

The Truss Government was an ERG Govt, it’s fall marks the end of Brexit.

We remain unlikely to be able to apply to re-join until membership ceases to be a partisan issue and that the UK, if it still exists, can offer a substantial and believably long-term majority in support of re-joining the EU. We are not there yet as the Tony Blair institute reports, and the EU won’t want us if we plan to dance the okey-cokey. The majority in the UK seem ready to consider dramatic measures to ease trade friction by aligning with the single market and adopting regulatory harmony with the European Union.

Taken from a blog called, Brexit’s over, it’s just about the mopping up now, in which I say more.

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