Equitable trade relationship would bring greater prosperity in both Britain and China

in brexit •  9 years ago 

Trade and Investment with China are important and should not be jeopardised lightly, but should not be pursued at the risk of compromising our national security and economic prosperity.

Trying to tie in negotiations for 27 countries is just too difficult, so the EU was never best placed to negotiate for us.

It's very difficult to sell to China but it can be done. China is one of our biggest export markets but that is only because they have so far not been able to safely copy all our products.

I'm wondering what exactly we're going to sell to China soon because just about everything in my house was made in the Middle Kingdom.

As soon as they work out how to make it themselves, they will copy it. In the day they make clothes for designer labels. In the evening the factory keeps producing with inferior material and turns them out for the markets in the Far East.

They are no respecters of intellectual property rights. They are no respecters of confidentiality. They have a dedicated unit to cyber-crime to steal intellectual property from Defence manufacturers.

Now, we are effectively using France and the Chinese to finance the biggest PFI in history which via high rates of costs will be very expensive for us taxpayers.

If we've got to borrow to build we should borrow it rather than pay foreign countries to borrow for us at a premium.

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