Presumption of innocence must be an absolute.

in broadwater •  2 years ago 


At the peak of the #metoo movement, there was this odd insistence that you either believe women or you believe in presumption of innocence and that the two concepts were at odds. Basically, the idea was that if you stood by the presumption of innocence, you have to believe that the victim is lying.

The Anthony Broadwater case stands in the face of that.

Yes, there have been cases of alleged victims actually lying; but, this case is different. Alice Sebold didn't lie. She was legitimately assaulted. She was just wrong about who did it.

So, you can believe women and presume innocence at the same time. You should do that. Those are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Since there wasn't a healthy presumption of Broadwater's innocence, we created a double wrong. An innocent man spent sixteen years in prison and forty years on the sex offender registry while the actual rapist went unpunished.

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