Broken but not Broken

in broken •  7 years ago 

In our world today, there is no such thing as complete happiness. Every human, irrespective of his/her financial status, age, class or personality, has a demon with which they are in constant battle with on a daily basis. Some fight with all their strength and will. While some give up along the line, thereby welcoming the demon called “suicidal thoughts”.

We are all broken, one way or the other. Some are mentally broken; some are emotionally broken, while some are broken with bad habits. You know your area of brokenness. I know my area of brokenness. Having known this, the words “Choice and Free will” automatically comes into play. It becomes your choice to either face your demons and fight like a man or give in to the battles of life by being feeble with your demons.
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Every bad habit in the world today is as a result of individual brokenness.
Be strong! Be a fighter!


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