Brave Browser - Ad-Blocking finally works!

in browsing •  7 years ago  (edited)

While stumbling at this (a @noisy post), I found something that I was looking for years... and I highly recommend you to check the youtube video inside if you have not yet done so.

The controversy about Ads and privacy has been a major subject on which blockchain tech has been able to circumvent somehow... but if you really think about it seriously... most browsers have you under complete control. They know so much information about us, that if Google would like, it would be possible to guess some or most of the things you do every day.

Due to these fact's I always looked on both sides of the coin:

  • Sometimes is somehow handy to have the place I usually browse knowing some stuff, so I do get MAD trying to learn something on the internet.
  • At the same time, I do not wish to keep being tracked and have to accept any kind of "giving up information" about myself or daily life, just because I wish to maintain a good browsing experience.
  • Preventing or blocking by default, helps a lot on the criminal aspect of the internet. If you reduce your exposure, you become less attractive and therefore the need for exploiting you is reduced.
  • And finally, I don't have to WAIT or RESPOND to all the information, a website is either sending or asking to my browser. I am the requester, and therefore I should choose when I wish to STOP!

Given this, and after trying "Brave", I got a really good experience and ultimately I became astonished by how well it actually worked!

I Was...

(image source)


Plus I get extra speed from the crap I do not need to "listen", "acknowledge" or "give back".

(image source)

It looks so perfect at first sight.. and it is!

There is still room for some performance improvements and the usual hard expansion for mass user adoption, but in a real world, the browser is HERE! And it works almost with any common extension you might be already using at your current (now older =) browser. But if not, just check or propose it at GitHub.

It's available for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and Linux!
For me, the mobile world is the most important one in fact. Why? Multiple reasons...

  • No more additional DATA consumed because I am giving away stuff or having to listen/watch things I am not interested in.
  • I can easily be more comfortable browsing everywhere without giving up much information, on WHAT I am browsing and from WHERE!
  • Faster browsing is a MUST on the mobile world. I want near 0-second loading times!
  • Less time downloading and uploading unnecessary stuff means more battery. For what I really need.
  • Have you ever tried to show something to someone and then you have to wait for the "COMMERCIALS!!!", DAMM!!

I am sure many more reasons apply, but you got the point.

How quick is to do the transition?

Well, for me it was less than 5 minutes:

  1. Download it here.
  2. Double click to install (on phones up to here is even faster).
  3. Set as default or not (depending on your reasons).
  4. Go to "about:preferences" in the Brave browser and on "General" click on "Import now..." and select what you want to import from any of the other browsers you are using...
  5. Activate the password manager and log into it.
  6. Restore pages from the other browser, and Done!

There is much more in Brave that I have not reviewed here. But my objective was to justify why I think it is just AMAZING for Ads and tracking blocking. And it even says how much time I have saved using it... (this example is around 5 minutes looking at reviews websites).

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After some time using Brave, I found out that there still a long way for it to get to solid ground in terms of performance... the browser has some serious troubles when hanging around "open" for some time... or when you have a good couple of tabs opened. Anyway, it was nice to try.

I give you a witness vote

Thanks. I have yet to bring some additional info about my path to become a witness. For now, is still lacking behind and I know that... But thanks for the vote of confidence. And please do take the time to check other witnesses and vote accordingly. Steem network is as good as who is voting for it! =)