The Brutal Truths About Life That You're Probably Suppressing

in brutal •  2 years ago 

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you couldn't do anything? That's how I felt when my partner and I were trying to get pregnant. We both had the same doctor and we both wanted the same thing, but our beliefs were two different. He said IVF was the only way to have a child, while I said that I wanted to try natural methods first. We argued about this for hours on end and came up with nothing definitive. We just didn't want to be told what was best for us.

The Brutal Truth About Life

We all know that there's a lot of pressure in our society to have children. We're constantly bombarded with ads and messages telling us that if we don't have children, we're going to be failures. And while this may be true for some people, it's not always the truth. In fact, many successful mothers say that they didn't want children until they found the right partner and had kids. So it's clear that having a child isn't always the best choice, but some people still feel pressured to have children.

The truth is that there are so many different options out there for people who want to have children. You don't have to go through IVF or adopt to get a child. You can also start your own family. Some people choose not to have children and others choose not to be parents, but they still want someone in their life who will love and care for them. So why do we as a society pressure people into having kids? What is the real reason behind all of this?

The Brutal Truth About Life That We're Suppressing

It's true that childbirth has many risks for women, such as blood clots, infections, and complications during delivery like C-sections and epidural damage. But it's also true that pregnancy is risky too. In fact, one in four women will experience complications during pregnancy which include high blood pressure, miscarriage, premature birth, and pre-eclampsia. And many of these women will die from these complications.

So why do we as a society pressure people into having kids? What is the real reason behind all of this? Well it's not to make us happy or to have a good time. The truth is that we all want children because they fulfill our subconscious need to be needed and loved. We're all looking for someone who will love us unconditionally and accept us for who we are, no matter what we do or how many mistakes we make.

We're looking for someone who will love us unconditionally and accept us for who we are, no matter what we do or how many mistakes we make.

I'm sorry if this is hard to hear, but it's the truth. And the truth about life isn't always pretty, but it's what makes life worth living and it's also the key to a fulfilling existence.

Our Beliefs about Life

We both had good reasons for our beliefs. Our partner was already married and had children, so we knew that trying to conceive naturally would be difficult. Plus, there were all sorts of myths and misinformation floating around about IVF. I also knew that if we tried natural methods and didn't get pregnant, I would have to deal with people's thoughts and judgments about me for the rest of my life.

But I also knew that I couldn't keep living my life without having a child. And so we decided to go through with the IVF, despite our fears and doubts.

The IVF Process

We had to start the IVF process on September 12th, 2018. We had to wait almost two years for our embryos to mature enough for transfer. The first embryo we transferred didn't survive the transfer, but luckily the second one did and we were able to carry it until it was time to implant it in my uterus on December 11th, 2021.

How We got to this point

We came to this point because of our beliefs. We didn't want to be told what was best for us and that's the same thing that many small businesses face today. We're not given a lot of control in our lives, and that's why it's important for businesses to understand how their beliefs are limiting their options and jeopardizing their success.

We're Not Your Parents

It was important for us to remember that we were not our parents, and that we were perfectly capable of making decisions for ourselves. We had to believe in ourselves and trust our judgment even when it was hard. We had to believe in the process and never give up hope.

No Matter What We Did or Did Not Do

As I mentioned earlier, I had been through a lot of failed IVF attempts before I finally got pregnant on December 11th, 2021. And I also knew that there was no way that I could have known what would happen if we tried other natural methods of conceiving instead of IVF. It's simply impossible to predict the future. So even though it felt like we were giving up on the possibility of having children, we knew that it was not our responsibility to have children at all costs.

What do we want from life?

We want to be happy. We want to feel loved and accepted. We want to be able to do what we want, when we want, and have the life we want. But these goals are difficult to attain without some compromises. For example, many of us might not be able to live on our own if we don't have a job. We might have to take a lower paying job or find a way to get by without a job. And in order to make these changes permanent, we often have to give up certain aspects of our lives that we love.

Maybe it's time to change our beliefs about the world and ourselves.

What does this mean for our relationship?

This situation has a lot of implications for our relationship. If one side doesn't believe in a certain approach to parenting, it can lead to tension and arguments. It's important to be honest with each other and try to come up with a compromise that both parties are happy with. Don't try to force your beliefs on the other person, and remember that they have their own life outside of your relationship.

What does this mean for our child?

It's important to remember that every child is unique and is going to be a different person than we are. They're not going to need the same things that we do. It's important for them to learn how to stand on their own two feet and make their own decisions about what they want in life. However, it's also important for us not to forget how much we care about them and how much they need us.

How can this affect our relationship?

Even if it doesn't affect our relationship directly, there are still ways that it could affect our relationship indirectly. For example, if one of us doesn't believe in the other person's parenting style, then there might be issues with trust because we don't know if the other person will do what they promise or not. We might have trouble with communication because both of us have very different perspectives on parenting and things like discipline, which can lead to arguments. If


We are living in a society that is constantly trying to change and improve. But in the process, we are losing our traditional values and beliefs. Our beliefs about life have a big impact on how we live our lives. We need to remember our traditional values and how they impact our lives so that we can move forward in a positive direction.

Do you have any traditional values or beliefs that you would like to share?

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