BRUTALLY HONEST: X Superiority, Racism, Fascism, Religion Oh My

in brutalhonesty •  7 years ago 

White Superiority is a big topic at the moment. It is the go to attack and attempted justification for a lot of bad behavior. On both sides. Though really there are not proportionately speaking that many white superiority white people. They exist. They are actually pretty small in number. I'd actually be unsurprised that if the white superiority people and the black superiority people (black power and white power) met up on a field of battle the white superiority people would be smaller. I KNOW it has not always been this way.

It's racism regardless of the amount of melanin in the skin of the target. Racism is growing. It is largely being fueled and increased by groups claiming to fight racism. In fact, if you ACTUALLY study racism and historical racism thoroughly the most racist acts of the day are coming from groups allegedly fighting racism. You don't fight racism by picking another race and attacking them instead. That's still racism. I choose to fight racism by not giving a shit about skin color. I actually personally don't consider it a race. I choose to view us all as the human race. Racism as it is called in that sense is just really a form of bigotry. People can be bigots about anything. When the skin color is all the same they find something else to be a bigot about.

To stop it, you should quit trying to FORCE other people to act how you want them to act, and think the way you want them to think. That is unrealistic. There is only one person that you can control how they think and how they act.
That is yourself. Lead by example. If you want to end skin color bigotry then stop giving it a platform. If you attack a black person that is still bigotry. If you attack a white person that is still bigotry. If you say kill all black people that is still racism. If you say kill all white people that is still racism. Using the common definition of racism for purpose of explanation, as I stated I view us as the human race. Fuck skin color. If you choose to identify yourself by skin color rather than simply as a human then you are choosing to self segregate and you are fueling racism. The only mind you can control is YOUR OWN.

If enough people work on changing racism in their own minds and lead by example then this will die off quickly. If they continue to try to FORCE other people it will only grow and grow and grow.

The Aryan Race

Hitler and the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany (aka Nazi's) did push race superiority. It went beyond simply white. They had their ideal appearance. They believed in Eugenics. They considered one race their mythic "Aryan" race as the superior race. This was without a doubt racism.

They killed a lot of Jews in the holocaust, though they killed more than Jews. Yet I do want to add the caveat that The communist movements of Stalin and Mao killed FAR more people than the holocaust yet that is rarely mentioned as people gleefully advocate for more communist and socialist experiments.

Nazis were National Socialism. The term Nazi is a contraction of those. What was Bernie Sanders pushing for and so much in favor of? National Socialism. Why? Well, it's likely to work this time if we try again right? (sarcasm)

It turns out in the press to make everyone conform and force action from people societies become less and less tolerant. They begin to single out and pick targets. Those that disagree. First it is laws. It is not uncommon if that progresses to lead to executions and purges. This is not a unique thing to Nazis. It has happened in many Socialist and Communist countries. Capitalist countries have killed many people too. Though they'd be hard pressed to beat the numbers that were killed by the Nazis, USSR, and China in their rise and elimination of those that ideologically disagreed with them.

Yet this is a #brutallyhonest post. It goes beyond the Aryan race. There are several other significantly racist entities and groups that often get a PASS today. In fact, talking about them is considered a crime and taboo in many places. You can be called a racist simply by criticizing anything about them. Or perhaps religiously intolerant.


I do want to add the caveat that there are different groups of Jews that believe different things. Yet by the sheer nature of Orthodox and Zionist Jewish beliefs they are extremely racist.

Why? They like the Nazis believe in a superior or CHOSEN race. That is the Jewish race. In some groups it is not believed you can become a JEW. You have to be born a Jew. Not all groups agree with this though most of those are modern.

You could marry a non-Jew and your offspring would sill be Jewish as long as they could trace their ancestry. So Jewish is more than a religion. It is for many people also a race.

I love the interview with Morgan Freeman where he talks about racism and "Black History Month" and at the point he asks "Do you want a white history month" the interviewer cuts in and says "I am Jewish". Which Morgan changes his statement "Okay, do you want a Jewish history month". You see, even though the interviewers skin color was similar to that which gets people labeled "White" today he qualified that he was "Jewish".

So what is white then? Caucasian? Irish? Jewish? It can be as fixed and pointed as you want it or as nebulous as you want it. This is true of black as well, as there are many different ethnicities and groups of people. People that choose to self segregate and don't want to be lumped in with the rest of the humans.

So am I an Anti-Semite. Nope. I see them as human. I am opposed to those that view themselves as the chosen race though. That to me is blatantly racist. Though not all of them are that way.

Mormons: LDS

The Mormons are big on tracing ancestry. They are known for having perhaps the most thorough genealogical records on the planet. Why? Well only a limited number of people are supposed to be saved according to their religion. These people all trace back to the original tribes. Actually tracing back to the same heritage as the Jewish people. They simply acknowledge that history and breeding have spread so thoroughly that simply fixating on a label "Jewish" is no longer sufficient to trace such lineage.

There is a problem though. This again presumes that those descended from a specific ancestry are superior and will be saved, and the rest of the people are doomed. Actually, the religion was modified early on so they DO have a place for the other people, it is just not as elevated in the after life.

Now my point here was not to attack religion. Yet, this is a brutally honest post, and when writing such a post I am not going to worry about potential offense. I am simply going to speak my mind. If it offends you. Too bad. I will not self censor myself to protect your mind. The only person that can control your mind is you. I cannot.

I did want to point out that it wasn't simply the Nazi's that have this idea of an elevated and special chosen/superior group. There are other groups that also state this. It is racism, ethnic bigotry, etc.

Losing the War

Now short of the promises of an after life those fixated on a specific bloodline are doomed to be vastly out numbered. Especially when we have some cultures/religions that are fine with sex slaves, harems, and rape gangs. Those groups will obviously impregnate far more people more quickly due to their eschewing of monogamy.

I don't state this as a good thing. I find it highly distasteful. Those with sex slaves. Eradicate them. Those that think rape gangs are acceptable and good things. Eradicate them.

Those that are too worried about offending the immigrants with such beliefs. Wake the Fuck up while you still have a chance.


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The biggest proponents of white supremacy are the ones who are always yammering against it.
If whites could do one TENTH what they claim we can do we'd truly be the master race.

Hehe... People love their myths. At least the ones that support a chosen narrative.

I'm still looking for my white privilege. I think I missed that somewhere when they were handing it out. Or perhaps they just didn't give it to the whites where I lived. ;)

to even mention it is racist. Imagine the pain that you just caused some poor vulnerable snowflake!

I kind of started this #brutallyhonest crap with the intentions to cause snowflakes pain. They avoided learning a lot of lifes lessons when they were younger. I'm just trying to be helpful. ;) LOL

you old bubble buster you.

And you were right about me having a horde of bots following me. They'll have up voted and commented in some cases after I clicked POST and refreshed my blog to make sure it was there.

yup post a thousand word article, complete with pictures, and have it be voted on one tenth of a second after posting...

some rilly, rilly fast readers out there huh?

My card must have been lost in the mail or something, because I never received it. Shame, too! We could both be gazillionaires right now if only we had our White Privilege TM cards!

Interesting topic. I did a post today applying Eugenics and Darwin to Pedogate. The end of Darwin's title has been chopped off "The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life." Here's another interesting tidbit from the same eugenicists...

Talk about blatant racism!

Yeah.... that type of stuff is stupid. These days you could put any white person on that sheet and just the words evil, criminal, racist and many people would agree it is true.

I believe that there is no such thing as "Race."
We are all human.

We do tend to gather in "tribes," however, which seems to be more of a practicality, that later overflows with misguided endeavors, as well as wonderful advancements.

I've always had a glee regarding meeting people of other tribes, skin color, hair color. To me it was NEAT! Then I aged some, seeing all of the confusion generated by the mind trap of construed racism.

Thank you for the post. We should not shy away from these oft difficult discussions.

Cheers to humanity!

Yep. We can be tribal. In fact when people share a skin color it is often the tribes they belong to that they instead focus their bigotry on.

Some people think they just always need a bad guy other than themselves to blame things on. Sometimes it may be true, but it often is not.

While I appreciate the sentiment, race is a discernable biological factor. That's how science can look at a set of bones and determine, with a surprising degree of accuracy, age, sex, and general racial category.

Race is a thing, but ultimately it's usefulness is limited to being a heuristic.

LOL I can see you are hot and fired up this morning! Need a megaphone?

Haha... no I had the idea for both of these posts at the same time. They summoned my out of bed before my time.

We'll see how long this stay with me.

That might take a while ;-) Let that pent up rage out (makes ya feel better).

It's like the overton window, all those subjects who say they oppose racism and then call anyone who opposes their ideas racist, and tell everyone who disagrees with them fascists, are normalizing all these ideas. Then being racist and fascist is quite normal because anyone already has that stigma.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Using race to divide society

Really good job man carry on thanks i like this post and your all post is very important and helpful thanks

Definitely #brutalhonesty !

Race is so damned subjective it means nothing!

Well no, not really. That's why forensic anthropologists can look at skeletal markers and determine not only the general age and sex of a person, but also, with a surprising degree of accuracy, their race. That being said, what one does with that information is up to them. I care way more about philosophy and principle. Race is just a heuristic; it's not 100% accurate, nor is it meant to be.

I stand corrected.

For a beyond-organic farmer in Oklahoma, race means PRACTICALLY nothing.

Just trying to be precise. The more precise we are with language and definitions, the less our words can be twisted and misread. :)

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