BRUTALLY HONEST: The Truly Evil Books, The Truly Evil Literature, The True Diabolical Tomes, Not The Ones You Would Suspect

in brutallyhonest •  7 years ago 

We've all seen those movies where some book made of skin and the illustrations of demons and esoteric lettering apparently drawn in blood. Many of us have heard of the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. Some of us may have seen the creations of the Necronomicon that likely were inspired by the fictional works of H.P. Lovecraft. We may have stumbled upon old books by Aleister Crowley that we found disturbing or exciting. Some of us may have read older translations of various bibles and have noted the passages that seem particularly evil by the standards we claim to hold today.

We may talk about the Satanic people, and the Luciferians. We may look for literature proving their evil deeds, or their interest in evil deeds.

We were not paying attention. The truly evil tomes and works of literature that have inspired far greater works of evil than any of those are fairly recent. They are right in front of us. They are spoken of fairly regularly in some circles and people hardly even blink. They believe they seem rather normal.

Of these there is one that has gained a lot of attention. It is a simple book called "Rules For Radicals" and was written by Saul D. Alinsky in 1971. It is a book admired by Hillary Clinton. This should not be surprising as Saul Alinsky was one of her mentors and she even wrote a Thesis on his works.

If you pay attention to her life and how she operates you can see the application of the teachings of this book at work.

Yet, that does not state why I am calling it evil. I have been aware of people applying these rules in many of the movements for some time now. It was only today that I truly came up with the realization that the teachings in this books are a better definition of evil than any of those books I referenced in the opening paragraph.

Why? We can read the rules and consider their applications and they truly are often powerful and effective. Yet, I think we forget to consider what it says about the personality, morality, and ethical behavior of the person that applies them. That perspective seems to be carefully ignored. It is an important one. For it is that simple change in perspective which reveals the book for the evil that it is.

Now I have been thinking on doing an in depth analysis of this book for some time. I may actually do that. That isn't what I wanted to focus on here. I wanted to touch on a couple of these rules and put a twist on the perspective and maybe get you looking at these rules from a different angle like I am now. I believe it shows a pretty dark force, and dark intent.

Now the rules as shown on the wiki page are these:

  1. "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
  2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
  3. "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
  4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
  5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
  6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
  7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
  8. "Keep the pressure on,"
  9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
  10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
  11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside"
  12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
  13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Now I would encourage each of you to consider those rules. See how many different thoughts you can come up with about them. Saul Alinsky wrote and entire book on them so clearly he did more than simply list them.

One thing that is immediately obvious. They certainly have nothing to do with peace, or compromise. If those were the guiding principles a person lived by what would the nature of that person begin to manifest as. As someone who has read ALL of the books I've mentioned in this post I will say that those rules when seriously considered are the closest thing to tenants of an evil bible as I can find. The others are not nearly as insidious and are mostly for show.

Now I notice a rule here that I've often heard attributed to Saul Alinsky and it is actually the rule that lead me down this mental path today. It turns out the thing that lead me to write this post actually predates Saul Alinsky. Though I do think it very much shares the flavor and approach of his rules. It also is certainly something that Hillary and those she has trained do extensively. They've even indoctrinated large groups of people who employ this next step instinctually. I truly believe a large amount of people that employ it don't have any clue that they are employing it. That is perhaps why some of us can see the frequent hypocrisy, but they seem blind to it. (Antifa is one group that has a lot of people like this)

That rule is simply this:
"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty"

I have heard that Saul Alinsky was an advocate of this tactic though I've also found reference to it possibly being attributed to the Nazi Propaganda Master Joseph Goebbels.

I can tell you that Hillary has been employing this tactic regardless of where she got it for some time. So many of the things she casts blame at others for or accuses others of it is actually she that was doing these things. In many cases there is even evidence, but she is held to a double standard and is protected from evidence. That too may be changing though. The tides may be turning for her.

Consider that phrase carefully. That is what I did today.

If you are accusing someone of an action that you did. The accusation is generally made because it is a bad, illegal, or evil act.

If you are viewed as an authority figure it often works as that evil deed is attached to the accused target. Often they are treated as guilty before there is any actual proof other than the accusation. Sometimes they survive it. Sometimes their life is ruined just due to the vast sums they must spend on attorneys to defend themselves. That makes it even worse as far as I am concerned. Not only were they not guilty of what they were accused, they are destroyed and harmed by the accusation.

So the accuser that pointed at them actually commits bad, illegal, or evil acts and also takes down their opposition by blaming the act on them.

How often do people stop to think about the evil of the accuser?

That rule is steeped in evil. I do want to qualify that I am not religious in any organized sense of the word. So when I speak evil I am not tying it to some specific religious interpretation. If you must pick a religion for me the closest fit for me is called Deism and it is not known by many people. It was practiced by people like Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Payne, you may have heard of those people. A lot of Albert Einstein's writings related to God and such also seem very Deistic in nature. It doesn't seek the word of God/Creator/Catalyst in a book, or some revealed visions. It simply uses observation and sees the hand of creation written into reality around us, not in the word of man. That is the closest fit for me. The entire Simulation Hypothesis if it is real would actually fit nicely inside of Deism as well.

So when I speak of evil in this post. Let's see if I can define that.

Enslaving, forcing, or physically harming others. Accusations can lead to Laws being used against you and thus bringing the enforcement entities against you which applies force. The expense of defending yourself is also harmful.

It could be far more broad and encompass more than that. Yet that is simple enough for my current purposes.

This is a new idea for me. I am sure I'll continue thinking upon it for awhile and I simply wanted to share it. Some of you may find it takes your mind in new directions as well.

What is it they say "Knowing is half the battle"? Well, I now see the evil in some statements that I was kind of ignoring the evil of the accuser and their behavior as I focused on those they accused. I saw the false accusations often and was outraged and would speak up about the lies. That doesn't mean I stopped to seriously thinking about the accuser themselves. I can assure you that will no longer be the case.

Deism [1 | 2 | 3]
Joseph Goebbels [1 | 2 | 3]
Saul Alinsky and Hillary Clinton [1 | 2 | 3]
Anton LaVey [1 | 2 | 3]
Aleister Crowley [1 | 2 | 3]
Necronomicon [1 | 2 | 3]
Rules for Radicals PDF [1]

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A very interesting correlation and thought you've come across here. I personally would have never expected to see this perspective. I suppose when you say "knowing is half the battle" there is also another saying it reminds me of; "there are two sides of the story, and then there is the truth." Thanks for sharing your thoughts and information.

Yeah a lot of my posts are me simply having an AHA moment and sharing it. ;) It was a pretty new perspective to me too when I wrote it. That was part of what made it interesting.

It would be good to find a little peace (at least this time of the year) for all of us.
Act like human, and respect all human beings.
Should not be so difficult,.. its forced to have it difficult,...

Really appreciate you bringing this to light.

Interesting to note that I read the Satanic Bible.. it wasn't as bad as 'Rules for Radicals' . It actually taught personal responsibility, it didn't teach killing or anything like that. But in researching further I found some evil stuff about culling the weak, but they seemed in the minority. It has been years since i read it. I read everything years ago that was subversive out of curiosity.

Yeah I think the Satanic Bible is more of a money scheme. I didn't find it particularly appealing but you are correct "Rules for Radicals" seems far more evil than that book.

Alinsky's mentor was Frank Nitti!

Expand for us Neophytes... I am only just starting to really dig into Alinsky. I've heard the name Frank Nitti before, though I don't remember why and I didn't cheat and GOOGLE it to make myself seem like I know what you are talking about. Isn't it amazing how we can use Google and Search Engines these days to make it seem like we are wise and know things without actually knowing them. Well apparently I know nothing about Frank Nitti. Tell me more. :)

Frank Nitti was Al Capone's enforcer and successor after Big Al went to the pen. For a relatively uneducated man, he was very good with numbers and turned out to be a very astute businessman. In fact when prohibition was repealed, it was Nitti's savvy that kept the mob from going under.

Ahhh yes.... I remember the name with relation to that but would not have made the connection to Saul Alinsky. If you do a post about this please reply and let me know so I don't miss it.

Hmmm. that some interest point of view. Never thought of that.

not half bad.
I might point out that knowledge of ANY kind is not inherently evil.
it depends upon the application.

I've always wondered why the jellyfish we have in congress (some would call them Rinos but that's maligning a vertebrate..which they clearly are not)

do not use the rules AGAINST them?

If the foe makes the rules...and they have...then turnabout is fair play.

that was obviously a rhetorical question.
I did say jellyfish.

Well the big thing for me was considering what type of person I would likely believe if the rules I lived my life by were those Rules for Radicals.

That was a new thought for me today. What type of person would that make me?

Not a particularly GOOD person as far as I am concerned.

Not an advocate of PEACE.

Not an advocate of FREEDOM, especially since it is primarily focused on how to manipulate others.

same principle
the enemy set's the rules of engagement.

Amen! My oath never expired either... as long as I have breath!

fight with what you got.
if breath is all you have...use breath...

That's what the other side doesn't understand... There ARE things worth dying for!

we don't want you to die for your country boy.
we want you to make the OTHER sorry SOB die for HIS country!

sacrificing yourself for your convictions is nice and all, but in conflict you have to kill for your convictions which is much harder for most people.

if you're not willing to stand up for your convictions..
then you really don't have any
do you?

meh I was actually excited to talk about Satanism. I have encountered a form of Satanism on Steemit that seems pretty jolly. They see themselves connected to old religions like the Egyptian and North ones and see Christianity, Buddhism and Co as purposefully bad crafted copies of the old believes.

I tend to enjoy political realism which is generally absent of morals. Machiavelli was one of the first and I actually posted about that recently

Machiavelli was a huge proponent of being armed and vigilante because the state is by default the biggest threat to the people.

meh I was actually exited to talk about Satanism. I have encountered a form of Satanism on Steemit that seems pretty jolly. They see themselves connected to old religions like the Egyptian and North ones and see Christianity, Buddhism and Co as purposefully bad crafted copies of the old believes.

Heh. Well. I personally think Satanism is a fantasy construct. I actually think that is true of many aspects of religion. I don't know if you and I discussed it before but look on youtube for a pretty old documentary called "The History of the Devil" and give it a watch. It is pretty interesting. It only scratches the surface, but as far as Satanism if one pays attention it essentially kills that concept good and dead.

Now I know that a lot of Christians (not all) view anything that is NOT Christianity as a tool of Satan. I personally see this as another manipulation tactic and not that dissimilar from the tactics of indoctrination followed by equipping with tools to closes one's mind that I described in other places and other movements. Such absolutism can lead what people think is a peaceful religion into the realms of what they would normally consider evil. This is not a problem with just Christianity. IT can and does happen with every religion I am aware of. Well except Deism. Deism has no concrete set in stone beliefs and by some might be confused with agnosticism. And agnosticism is more a realm of uncertainty in whether there is or is not a God/Creator. Deist decided there is evidence of a creator they just don't believe WHAT it is can be found in books, visions, and prophecies. Observe and use reason. Therefore, there really are no priests, holy books, etc. Nothing you can really push on anyone. :) That's kind of why I think it appeals to me.

As to Machiavelli. That's a good example. He is actually a person that wrote some great works on what could be considered manipulation and control of others. I haven't thought about him in awhile. I've read "The Prince" by him before but it has been a long time. I'll go check your post.

I haven't noticed your activity in awhile.

The story I heard from @ladyreijya was about the depiction of Satan being mainly inspired by Loki. While Loki is a trickster and an antagonist of the gods he is usually not deemed evil. Even the battle between him and the gods is not constant, after all he gave Odin his child Sleipnir. The story on how Loki got pregnant with a horse is a little weird though :D.

The Norse Mythos is about being vigilante and brave, while Christianity promotes submission to a higher power. The Satanism - at least the one @layreija told me about - puts a lot of emphasis on self improvement, according to them Satan has created humankind to become like the gods, so as long as you stay true to yourself and don't blindly trust in authorities, you don't have to worry about Satan being displeased.

I used to be of all religions being just some fairy tails with a good core message that people tend to abuse for power or justification, but meanwhile I think there is a lot of wisdom that might be lost. After all many of our political/philosophical questions have been spiritual question in the past. The Norse also mention a lot of frozen stuff, which might be actually records of the deep Ice Age. After all there are bound to be a lot of sunken cities with a sea level 120 meters lower 20.000 years ago.

So all in all I generally see the three monotheist religions as something build to control humans and build a state, while the old nature believes are actually the nice fairy tails with a message worth exploring. There are also generally so over the top that no one would take them word for word, like some Christians tend to do.

I have been a little inactive for multiple reasons, but after all Steem is still the lessest evil when it comes to social media ;).


I think Alinsky points to his evil intent right off the bat by dedicating his book to Lucifer in the beginning. Even though I don't believe in that stuff, my Spidey Sense always perks up when someone who does believe takes the side of an evil mythical figure. It is the same to me as if someone tells me they like to watch other people suffer. It tells me stay away and watch out for them. They're going to do bad things because they just told you they're going to.

Good observation. I totally missed that dedication.
