BRUTALLY HONEST: Where is the growing Political Correctness regarding Sexual Assault, Micro-Aggressions, Eugenics, and Double Standards For Muslims leading us?

in brutallyhonest •  7 years ago  (edited)

My brutally honest series I don't hold back. I just stay what is on my mind. I decided I needed to start doing this a couple of days ago. I believe being brutally honest needs to come back. It is the counter to the cultural obsessive compulsive disorder to do everything possible to avoid offending anyone. It is okay to offend people. People can be offended about just about anything. Trying to avoid it will just get you caught in a spiral of ineffectiveness. I better not do this, because that might offend X, so what if I do this, nope that might offend Y. Does anyone take the time to consider how unproductive such thought is. If your goal is to accomplish very little and to be in fear and afraid of taking any action then it is a genius approach. Yet is that truly what people want?

I don't think so. Stop being afraid of offending people. I'll let you in on what is apparently a secret these days. YOU WILL offend people. They'll get over it. They need to LEARN to get over it. It is not your duty to protect them from reality so they don't have a chance to learn important life lessons.

We are also letting people hijack and repurpose words for purely political agendas. We need to fight back and say I don't recognize your authority to hijack the meaning of that word and redefine it for your purposes and expect society to simply go along with you.

People will refer to a micro-aggression as an act of violence. It isn't. Words are not violence. No matter how much someone tells you they are. Frowning or glaring at someone is not violence. Sticking your tongue out at them or flipping them off or showing them an obscene gesture is not violence. Micro-Aggression is purely a tool intended to try to justify banning of things you disagree with, or that make you angry or upset. This is the anti-thesis of free speech.

I don't care how many professors you have seen that tell you it is a real thing and try to build up this stupid idea. They are either pushing an agenda and trying to manipulate you, or they got their degree out of a cracker jacks box, or possibly both of those. I do not recognize their authority to intentionally turn reality into a place that now is a fantasy land where the monster under the bed is real and you no longer need to not learn to deal with people who disagree with you, learn compromise, learn rational thought. No you don't have to learn anything. You can simply state that it offends you, was a micro-aggression, and is unacceptable. You go on without learning a damn thing and your mind sits there and stagnates and rots in its static environment that is not conducive to learning new things.

Perhaps once you encounter REAL violence rather than allowing your imaginary thoughts to be reality you might snap out of it. I believe that is what is referred to as a paradigm change. It often takes a traumatic or shocking experience to trigger a paradigm change. Perhaps some of you micro-aggression advocates will have such experiences, survive and learn form it. The negative experience while bad might lead to freeing your mind.

Now that is not what I only wanted to talk about in this post, but I am just riffing with it and writing a stream of consciousness.

Several hours ago I had a deep thought but I was in the middle of that DAZ 3D post I just finished so I couldn't stop to give it life. So I made myself a few notes to come back to. This post is an attempt to give life to that post.

Sexual Assault

I believe we all have been around long enough to see an increasing number of things being labeled as sexual assault. Some of us may have been around long enough to see sexual harassment grow more and more pervasive.

Sexual Harassment didn't really grow. It actually likely decreased with awareness. What continued to grow is the things people could classify as sexual harassment. It is quite stupid and silly as far as I am concerned these days. I believe the early movement had merit. I just believe it has been hijacked by political agendas and has been pushed to extreme. I have this nagging suspicion of what the endgame for this might be and I will get to that.

This same process has been occurring with Sexual Assault, Rape, etc.

It is becoming so dangerous in some environments to say anything to someone of the opposite sex, or perhaps even same sex as LGBTQ type stuff becomes more prevalent. Asking for a date could ruin your life. Some places have recently made a wolf whistle sexual harassment. You can't whistle to indicate you think someone is attractive. You cannot tell someone they are attractive. This is all increasingly dangerous.

So how do you ask someone out? In person? It seems like the only safe avenue is DON'T. Online? If it's not through a dating service designed to facilitate such things DON'T as you could be hit with harassment and if this stupid micro-aggression trend continues potentially even sexual assault just for asking for a date on Facebook or via email.

Technology and Relationships

With that above picture painted. VR, and Artificial sexual partners are becoming more and more real. Especially combined with fleshlight technology which is even embedded in some life like dolls these days. There are also people in Japan that consider their significant other some character in an app on their phone that isn't even a real person. It is basically dating a specialized version of Siri or Alexa that has had their programmed responses and reactions to certain things crafted to act a specific way.

What is the ramification of this? I see people talk about it being messed up. I don't see people talking so much about why there might be a political agenda to push for this behavior to increase.

I am going to discuss that here.

Population control has come up many times. There are discussions out in the open on how to reduce population. There are also conspiracy theories about other nefarious methods to reduce population. One thing is certain about people. We are resistant to being told WE CANNOT or WE MUST do certain things. Making things taboo makes them attractive. Forcing things makes us want to resist them. We've been this way since we were small children. I see clear evidence we are still this way in many ways as adults.

Telling people they may only have one child. It doesn't usually work, and people are angry about it. Telling people they must have multiple children and support them is not always favorable either. They remove the voluntary part of life. They take choice away from people. This doesn't typically work out too well.

However, what if you can achieve the same results and the people go along with it, make a choice, and think it is their own idea?

What if people were finding it increasingly difficult to have in person relationships due to the potential dangers of sexual assault, rape, and sexual harassment charges? What if you could meet your sexual needs by pleasuring yourself with the aid of technology, VR, and perhaps anonymous telepresence type things?

These would cause a dramatic decrease in actual physical relationships. So wouldn't the net effect of this be to dramatically reduce the future population? I believe it would.

So while not as fast as a global pandemic, or soft killing people with vaccines, or wars, or EMP taking down power and people reliant on technology dying off, or any number of things... it is an approach that though slower people might opt into doing. Especially when all the new laws and political correctness make any physical relationships potentially very legally dangerous.

We already have the case where people wake up the next day after a voluntary sexual encounter where perhaps they drank too much, or for some other reason decide they made a mistake and suddenly claim it was rape. It was nothing of the sort, but these days that is often all it takes is regret and suddenly it is rape. This may seem extreme, but the claims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and things of this nature are exactly this stupid and getting worse.

They are so ridiculous that the legit occurrences of sexual harassment and assault are buried amidst all of the stupid claims and might not be given the attention they warrant.


For those of you unfamiliar with the term Eugenics. It is the process of by genetics, or birth plans of allowing some births to live, and others to die, and encouraging the pairing of certain individuals the goal is to produce superior people. The Nazis were big on this, though they were not the only ones, and the movement for this actually began before the Nazis took it and had a lot of its roots in the United States before the Nazis. It also did not die off completely or at all after the Nazis. In fact, it's probably been very active in many places under many different names.

With the ability to splice genes and edit genes we have the ability to embrace eugenics like never before. Now there are some things about Eugenics. It might sound good. Yet, it is us humans that are not super beings making decisions about what a super being should be and editing away the traits we don't want and accentuating others. Are we so omniscient that we know exactly whether certain traits might not actually be beneficial? Do we not realize that clones and people who are mostly similar would greatly reduce true diversity (not the B.S. politically correct stuff most people talk about when saying diversity) and limit adaptability to future circumstances. This super being may excel at a certain set of things. Yet if something beyond those things were needed they would simply have been bred away due to the arrogance of some humans that thought they knew best.

There are a lot of humans that think like that.

So if there is a huge drop in births due to the other things I discussed in this document such that there were not enough children how might this be countered? Babies from a lab. No mother, no father. Built to design. A Eugenicists dream. This could be a reality we are working towards. With one exception... which is the next #brutallyhonest thing I am going to write about.

Double Standards

Right now there are EXTREMELY CLEAR double standards occurring around the world with increasing frequency. Whether it is an illegal immigrant "accidentally" killing a woman with a gun in California and not even being charged with manslaughter as any actual citizen would be, or whether it is Muslim rape gangs in Sweden and other places and not being ALLOWED to talk about them.

There are many double standards. Yet the one that relates most to this particular document is the idea of Muslim Rape Gangs, Muslim Nations that endorse slavery and have sex slaves, and the forced immigration acceptance of these people into countries where they have no intention of changing to be part of the culture/country they are moving to. No, instead the country must change. It must accept the rape. It is not okay to say anything bad about them.

So if most people are finding it increasingly difficult to have physical relations due to potential sexual harassment, or assault charges, if you are Muslim you can potentially rape people, have harems, have sex slaves, or all of those.

So who would be having babies? Muslims. So is part of the eugenics program potentially that only Muslims are allowed to populate the world?

We see racism where people will say they might eliminate a "race" by breeding it away. Well if the muslims are allowed to rape, have harems, and have sex slaves while the rest of us can't even tell someone they are "attractive" are they not being essentially given a license to breed non-muslims away?

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Well said mate.
The PC crowd may think they have us all to afraid to speak out for what is right but they are wrong.
This insipid BS needs to stop before free speech is a thing of the past and spoken of in hushed tones in dark corners.
People are too soft these days and get offended by almost everything, it's pathetic. Outright abuse should be discouraged by polite society but to mandate what can and can't be said is cultural fascism and as far as I'm concerned those who promote it can fuck right off!

Which is why I started this #brutallyhonest tag and I welcome other people to do the same. Speak some truth bombs without worrying about whether people are offended or not.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:The Antidote to our Cultural Malaise

20% upvote. I appreciate your efforts here to openly communicate. I do not support socially-engineered belief structures and the transhumanist agenda which is the take over of humanity by neo-feudalists using AI algorithms to round us all up. Going backward to celebrate male aggression isn't the answer either. Balance is the key to mental and spiritual health. The social engineers know that and that's why they swing the pendulum back and forth as needed. Thanks for your post! @dakini5d

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

could you translate that into full retard please?

Pretty sure you just did!

Do you mean the part that says "I do not support socially-engineered belief structures and the transhumanist agenda which is the take over of humanity by neo-feudalists using AI algorithms to round us all up"?

Bloody Al Gore rhythms...

When you control the language, you control thoughts and people. Governments have been doing this for years.

Brutally honest, I like it. Just think what we could get done if we stopped bullshitting each other. Of course many people like politically correct language because it is easy to digest. Honest language requires thinking, how awful.

Oh My he not only removed the bubble wrap he popped all the bubbles!

All the bubbles - I like this segment.

Loving the Brutally Honest series! Even though some of your reflections weigh heavily against my faith in humanity (mostly because I agree with many of your perspectives on the current intellectual state/quality of popular culture), it's important that they be discussed openly.

Yep. I started doing this when I realized a lot of our problems are coming from the increasing fear of offending everyone and doesn't look like the trajectory for such thinking is a very self destructive one for societies around the world. So I was wondering about how to counter it. I am not 100% certain how to encounter it, but I do realize that one thing I should not be doing is giving in to it.

early to bed , and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise!!
that is damn true..

Awesome, I love the #brutallyhonest serie and I follow it, do not stop.

It seems to me that all this of the political correctness and the progressivism (that self-proclaims liberalism) is a true phenomenon sui generis that is being presented mainly in the United States and Europe.

The level of absurdity that these subjects reach is extreme, you just have to take them out of their comfort state for a while and they will collide with reality.

It seems to me that they live in a childish world, as if they were never able to mature and kept thinking in the form of a pubertal.

They believe that conservatives are racist and fascist, but it is only out of ignorance, if they saw a real racist they would not know what to do, even the supremacists of now are quite soft, if they go back to the past or study a little, read about Hitler, KKK, and the times of slavery, they would know that it is true racism, not micro-aggressions or ridicules like that.

They believe that crying and complaining, making a weak society can progress, but that is only possible as long as there are other people who do the real hard work, who is not whining, if they were successful in their pseudo-socialism and eliminate all their opponents, then they would regret the failure they have created.

if they saw a real racist they would not know what to do

A lot of the time to see a true racist all they need do is look in a mirror. They just can't see it.

The worst blind man is the one who doesn't want to see.

So true - I was just writing a post about the same thing yesterday!

If snowflakes can't handle being offended it's time for them to go and fuck themselves...

Well if the muslims are allowed to rape, have harems, and have sex slaves while the rest of us can't even tell someone they are "attractive" are they not being essentially given a license to breed non-muslims away?

I do believe that's the's in their holy book I think. If not worded exactly like that the general principle is definitely there.

Oh yeah...and it's racist to even speak of it..
you old meanie you...

Yep racist even though technically Muslim isn't actually a race. :) They will still call it racist. Am I opposed to their religion? Yeah, pretty much. Not just that one. Sure it says some nice things in their religion, but that is not a good enough excuse to make up for the bad things.

How about I give you $10... that's a good thing right.... Will it make up for the fact I'm rubbing shit on you and occasionally slicing you with a knife to test it's sharpness. :)

It isn't the only religion with evil that people ignore because they can point at nice sounding parts of the religion too? No. That's actually a problem with most of them. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

LOL - he's the munter who muted me for hatespeech but now he can't see me so I can give him shit :)

Thanks for the resteem!

He muted me for awhile too. :) He likes mute. Perhaps eventually he'll unmute you too. :)

The word racist has been hijacked as you mentioned earlier.

@sift666 responded to this too by the way :) He said you muted him for hatespeech so he can't give you shit now. I am letting you know in case he is another one of those like me that you may have been drinking that night. ;)

Might be.
I mute anyone I feel like WHEN I feel like it for any reason that I want to
it's called 'freedom'
I'm not preventing him from saying anything he wants to say
I'm just not listening.

Yep. I know. Just was letting you know. For all I know you may change your mind about him. :)

Thanks for standing up for me, without Everitt's support I feel a bit repressed :)

Actually I think he has some issues with my anti-vaccine stance too, but never mind...

He and I have things we disagree on as well, but most things we agree on. He had me muted for many months. I hope we have an understanding now as I like the guy quite a bit. He makes me chuckle and smile several times a week.

it's possible...likely even.
Some times my capacity to withstand 'Bullshit' is exceeded... I clean the barn.
who knows what the future might bring?

Yep, you've told me that before. Which is why I brought it up. :) I certainly wasn't telling you to unmute him. I completely respect your freedom.

this religion related post..i think this concept creation just you nicely done..

The very important thing is that in your post, the fact that today Muslims are being neglected all over the world, there is no ideology of our world leaders because they do not want Muslims to keep the world Islamic law on it. Thank you

can't say as I blame them either.
I'd not want to live under Sharia law.

great work! keep it up!

Excellent post for learning. Thanks for sharing @dwinblood.

this religion related post..i think this concept creation just you nicely done..