BRUTALLY HONEST: You are free to believe whatever you want, that doesn't mean I'll agree with it and that I won't analyze it, agree with it, criticize it, or eviscerate it...

in brutallyhonest •  7 years ago  (edited)

I am a huge advocate of free speech, and free belief. In fact you can and should believe WHATEVER YOU WANT as long as you don't force me to believe the same thing or pass laws based upon your belief that force me to do things against my will. Until you force me I view you as a fellow experiment in reality. I am curious to see what new things you come up with.

I will tell you now if you are being programmed and robotic and let other people do your thinking for you I'll see you as a waste of air unless someone can snap you out of it and get you to do your own experiment rather than copying others. I don't have much interest in millions of people doing the same experiment. That seems like a lot of wasted potential.

This could also be a big part of why I am at odds so often with centralization, federalization, etc. That is taking a multiple experiment situation and trying to consolidate it to one experiment.

When the outcomes of these experiments are vital to our survival I believe we greatly increase our chances of survival, success, and advancement when we have multiple experiments.

Consolidating everything down into a single experiment is much like hedging your future on whether that single lottery ticket you just bought is a winner or not. In other words to be blunt and brutally honest I see as INCREDIBLY STUPID AND NAIVE.

Just because consolidating down to a single entity makes things EASIER does not mean it is a SMART THING TO DO. In fact, the easy path is often the wrong one.

What is my point? Quit saying "The government should do X". Fuck that! Instead say "Hmmm... I should do this and see if anyone wants to help me." You'll likely do a better job, with less corruption and you won't be wielding the force of the government against other people that have no interest.

Better yet. Crowdsource it, Patreon it. Check out,, or and think about the fact that so many of the things people want the government to "save me, save me, save me from having to do something" can instead be handled by you and others via crowd sourcing. Furthermore, the beauty of crowd sourcing is that it is 100% voluntary. You are not stealing my money because you think YOUR road by YOUR house needs better paint. Why should I pay for your road? However, you could crowd source it and you and all your neighbors could pay for whatever you wanted to do for your road.

If the government doesn't build the roads, who will?

I have news for you. The government doesn't build roads. They contract with companies who build roads. There is nothing stopping crowd sourcers or YOU from contracting with the same people.

So who would build the roads? The same people that do now. Yet, you don't have to steal from people to do it, and there is likely far less waste, and funneling of that money into things that you and I do not support.

Yet let's circle back around.

Yelling for the government to save you is trying to take an EASY path and consolidate reality down into a single experiment. It is stupid.

There are other ways to do pretty much anything that do not require you relinquishing responsibility to the government. It is even more likely to succeed when we have multiple experiments instead of one.

Furthermore, WHY DO YOU think you have the right to authorize someone else to steal from me and spend what they steal from me in ways I don't agree with. Hell, you likely don't agree with a lot of it either.

Technology has advanced enough that we could solve our needs without anything like any of the governments that exist in the world at this time. Has it ever been done? Nope. So what?

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Well stated. Without discourse, there will be no new ideas. Free markets are much more efficient than centralization of power.

Day by Day we have to find our way to independency. We have to take care for ourselves, and make the right choices.
The government... why do we have one? Companies which hasn’t their bills under control goes bankrupt, or at least others will take over, but then things must sure improve and change.

Because people are simple minded and lazy. The simple minded want someone smarter than them to solve all their problems and the lazy want someone else to do all the work.

Yet they are too simple minded or lazy to stop and realize that. There is a third type. There are those that are neither lazy or simple minded. They simply are so indocrinated with the ACCEPTED or POLITICALLY CORRECT ways of approaching things that they have trouble seeing outside of the box they are in.


Long Live Liberty

nice video thank you for sharing @thx1138

I believe that when we start to work our own way no matter what others think, it is when we begin to be happy

I happen to totally agree with your assessment. I also doubt that we could live in as structured, sophisticated and elaborate society that we now have under anarchic conditions. I'm all for that too. Let me give you a real-life anarchic situation:

I currently live at the end of an easement road. What that means is that nobody owns the road, the government doesn't maintain it but anyone can drive on it. The homeowners at the entrance to the road got together and paved their portion, about 500 feet. The homeowner of the house I now live in has also paved her portion since it dead ends at her house and nobody else can drive on it. The rest of the 1/4 mile road is not maintained, yet it serves 6 other houses 3 of which are rentals. The owners of these 6 houses refuse to put any of their rental money into maintaining the road. With the renters and their guests, I'd estimate that this road is traversed at least 50 or 60 times a day. Last year was a rainy year and I spent quite a bit of time filling in gullies, digging out the ditches along side the road, putting gravel and rock in the bigger potholes.

As I did this, people would drive by while I worked. Nobody so much as smiled at me, let alone offered to help. I had it in pretty good shape after a couple of months of spare time solo labor. This year the road is the worst it's ever been. None of the renters or homeowners are open to having a work party. They're all too busy.

Everybody thinks that road maintenance is somebody else's responsibility. That is the dependent and decadent culture in which we live.

One solution would be to put up a carded automatic gate at the entrance, one that charged a dollar to open it. That would be a fair way to charge those who use the road. It wouldn't take long to have enough money available for a load or two of gravel delivered and spread. But that would take organization, cooperation, initiative and money and without a profit motive, nobody would be interested.

My solution was to buy an old Ford Ranger 4x4. Let the Prius and Accord owners worry about the gullies and the potholes from now on. I might even burn rubber through the potholes just for fun. Ahhhahaha.

My solution was to buy an old Ford Ranger 4x4. Let the Prius and Accord owners worry about the gullies and the potholes from now on. I might even burn rubber through the potholes just for fun. Ahhhahaha

I like this idea. Yeah those people have no clue what responsibility means. I've had to fill my share of pot holes on a road on some land we once owned as I grew up.

When you do the work, you respect the work. If nobody else does, screw 'em.

I agree. Abdicating responsibility to the government keeps people in a state of infancy (although these infants need to get working to pay for the privilege). Pay your taxes. Let daddy deal with the details. Yes, daddy will take care of your education, your health, your environment, your food... Of course you can trust daddy to do what's in your best interests. Yes, daddy's looking after you mwhahahahahahaha

We need to take ownership of our shit. Deal with our own problems.

Cool post :)

But but what about the pot holes wahhhhhh. ;-)

Those are a feature. They add character. :P

bwahahaha yes they do!

I was arguing with someone about this and I said that it was better to let the greater good take care of itself. She said I was being Utopian - unable see how her statement was a projection on behalf of those who think they can manage the greater good.

I am not a fan of the phrase greater good. I see it often using to conceal evil. For example: I truly despise the term collateral damage. To me that is something that should be an accident and everything should be done to make sure it doesn't happen again. Instead it is treated as acceptable loss for the "greater good" and that to me is an evil thing.

So you won't hear me use the term Greater Good, or Collateral Damage except when I am talking about them in this way.

I DO get your sentiment, but I did want to explain WHY I avoid that term. What you choose to do and say is of course completely up to you... :) Viva free speech, viva free thought. Free Thinking for the win.

There's always a risk when using your opponent's weapons against them, especially in idealogical disagreements. Since she was able to take the opportunity to call me Utopian, it was not the best choice on my part. One thing I took away from the experience is how in a battle of ideas it's better to think in terms of generosity, instead trying to use the other's rhetoric.

Well as you study critical thinking you'll also see her choice was to attack the messenger NOT the message. She used an ad hominem attack on you when she chose to label you Utopian. People should always have goals. Anything better than we are now can seem Utopian. Does that mean we shouldn't try?

I must clarify that I am not an anarchist, I am quite a libertarian, but every time I read it I am closer to his position. The State is really inefficient in almost all its roles, except maybe the collection of tax, in that if they are strange and surprisingly effective.

I think many people refuse to turn their back on the state simply because they do not care, many do not want to know anything about politics and want to focus only on their work and their personal lives, they believe that if they do not read or talk about politics it will simply disappear. But they do not know the greater harm that is causing them to be ignorant politicians.

Yeah. I don't care if people are an anarchist or not (the true meaning not the hijacked vilified meaning). Since all Anarchy really means is NO RULERS. No humans being able to force rules upon other humans. That's it. That is all it means. The directions people choose to take it from there depends upon their agenda.

Though I don't believe the world is ready for Anarchy I do think in the distant future that Anarcho-Capitalism is a beautiful idea. Whether it will work or not we are not in a position to test. We would need a world where most of the population was skilled at critical thinking. That doesn't exist at this time, so it would be doomed to fail as most ideas are doomed to fail.

I began more as a Libertarian and I see that as the best path in the current environment. Anarcho-Capitalism is more the utopian experiment I'd like to see the world be able to Try out when the people are capable of thinking for themselves and interacting with people reasonably that they disagree with.

Though I don't believe the world is ready for Anarchy

That's why I'm a Libertarian.

in the distant future that Anarcho-Capitalism is a beautiful idea

Completely agree.

Anarcho, yes, Capitalist, no.

Here's the definition of Capital:

Wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value.

And here is the definition of Capitalism:

An economic system based on private ownership of capital

So a capitalist is someone who controls capital through ownership. Excuse me, but that sort of aggression impinges on my freedom.

Humans are certainly not resources, and even resources are not resources to be exploited. All that stuff is here for me to use. For those of you who believe in basic human rights, that's the primary right. Nobody has a right to control what I need to survive, especially for profit.

In that sense Anarcho-Capitalism is an oxymoron.

No government , no banks , no tax , that is steemit blockchain technology.

Roads are over rated.

A very wonderful topic and a wonderful article I wish you a successful march @dwinblood

It's too much information for one post.)) Great. Part with road gave me insight

I think that around 20% of my blog is your resteemed posts. Lol...

Hahaha... well thanks for that.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Discussion of Free-Market Anarchy

Consolidating everything down into a single experiment....

Of course if there was a single experiment carried out in schools, it could avoid a lot of problems for the future..

2 pupils are given 'stuff' to share between each other..

(let the rest of the class watch this)

THEN, a third pupil is introduced, and put together with the original 2.

but the third pupils has no 'stuff'.

Any 'stuff' the original 2 pupils want to exchange, has to be passed to the the third pupil.

The third pupil, can take 1/3 of whatever is traded between the other two- for himself, and so it continues.

The entire screw up of governments, for kids.

A lesson that will take them into adulthood..

Now that kind of single experiment has merits !