Feed The World Global Foundation is a charity born with the aim of nourishing the body, soul and mind of the collective. From food banks to financial support for medical expenses, we at “FTWG Foundation” want above all to help people develop their potential and with this goal in mind we would also like to establish collaborations with teachers and instructors to create projects for the benefit of communities.
Creating scholarships that will allow individuals to participate in courses and seminars offered on psychology, mindfulness, non-violent communication and paths for children and vulnerable populations.
Our greatest dream is to create internal channels of development in the communities that need them, with the aim of creating a sustainability of well-being and wealth, from fighting hunger in the world to creating a reality of prosperity available to all.
Our funding will come mainly from a project, chaired by Feed The World Global Limited, the idea is to use the assets of the future with a noble and nutritious purpose for the less fortunate: “Crypto Currency with a SOUL”.
FTWG is a token based on Binance Smart Chain. It will be the precursor of the SOMNIUM ecosystem. With any trade a percentage will be devolved to our Foundation.
- Total Supply: 1000000000000000
- Decimal: 9
- BUY TAX: 6%
- Holders Reflection: 2% (BUSD Rewards)
- Charity Wallet: 1%
- Marketing Wallet: 1%
- Liquidity: 1%
- Burn: 1%
(To receive the BUSD Rewards you must have an active Wallet with a minimum of $10 in FTWG Token)
1-13 Days 30%
Holders Reflection 4% (BUSD Rewards)
Charity Wallet: 4%
Marketing Wallet: 4%
Liquidity: 4%
Burn 14%
14-28 Days 20%
Holders Reflection 3% (BUSD Rewards)
Charity Wallet: 3%
Marketing Wallet: 3%
Liquidity: 3%
Burn 8%
After 4th week 10%
Holders Reflection 1% (BUSD Rewards)
Charity Wallet: 1%
Marketing Wallet: 1%
Liquidity: 1%
Burn 6%


There is so much work and healing that still needs to happen in the world and us at “Feed The World Global Foundation” would love to impact and improve as many lives as possible. Tackling the biggest world issues is not an easy task but we are taking one step at the time.
For More Information :
BTT Profile : cold_murchete