Sec season 19 week 2|| Micro teaching||

in bt19w2 •  2 months ago 


Greetings and blessings to all my friends

Welcome to my post I am @sualeha from Pakistan , it's pleasure for me to share my participation in week 2,I also submitted my first week course now moved to second week assignment which belongs to one step forward that's about Micro teaching in which teacher prepared lesson plans by before teaching with in certain time period according to class timing and covered the topic by introduction,brief explanation by demonstration and practically if needed, maintain class decoratum with in required time successfully .

Before I starting my blog I would love to invite my friends @suboohi ,@sduttaskitchen , @enamul-17 ,@deepak94 to participate in very interesting and useful course that must be helpful in future.

Contest post link share here

Well guys I had teaching experience in school before marriage so I knew the importance of micro teaching in which lesson planning, delivered in interesting way that caught students attention and learned with fun from teacher . let's start here the home work assignment.


Well the topic of my today's lesson is regarding Environment ,the factors effected
On earth 🌎,my elder son studies in class 6 ,I taught him yesterday from his social studies book,s lesson so i decide to share this topic as a assuming the teaching in class .

Previous knowledge The students had been observed the surrounding in which we lived is called environment very well already learned in previous years as well.The population increases day by day many factors effected on our beautiful earth like different kinds of pollution ,the human are also responsible for that they understand very well the basic ground of the lesson by personal experiences.

Instructional materials


Screen shot from my son,s social studies book:6

The text book ,wall charts and white board .


I started my lesson by asking the students regarding Environment related question like, "Have you noticed the changes in your surroundings is this more messy and polluted" the weather became more extreme day by day" to develop interest in students to knowing more facts and feature about the currently environment situation.

Assuming you are given a class to carry out Micro Teaching and you have 20 minutes to do this. Using the sample of the lesson plan above prepare a lesson plan. (Take note of the presentation and conclusion columns and present the needed information in them at least 150 words)

Lesson plan on Environment and factors effected on environment by humans

Timing:20 minutes

Step : I (3 min) Introduction)Defined meaning of environment of the world
Step no 2 (5 min) ExplanationEnvironmental changes by time
Step :3 (5 min)Summerykinds of pollution,how human responsible for causing pollution
Step :4 Conclusion(4 min )Time to sum up the lesson and asking about the related questions like good or bed environment etc that explained in lecture
Home work (3 min)find and search about green house captured heat /tomorrow,s lecture preparation for kids


The home work assignment for students,the picture are given in there text book to find by self the green house effects on Always trying to practice different activities for students to exploring by self .

Still on assumption, while teaching your students what are the steps you took to ensure they are focused on hearing you, and if for any reason there was a distraction how were you able to tackle the issue?



  • Well it's very important to set discipline in class , students knew very well by teacher's eyes on us ,and they only focused on lecture in class keenly I will make sure I am frequently asking s to a student so they be attentive on whole period .

  • The activities in classroom is also best way to attract attention of students infact love to participate they felt boring routine no changes so I allowed my students to write or drew on white board related to lesson one by one I will create an interactive environment: To this I will engage the whole class each other .

  • The classroom sitting manners must be make sure By managing the classroom deciplan
    I will make sure that I sit properly in class that would not allowed student making noise or playing or eating in the class.

In a situation when distraction occurs, I will tackle it by:

The best way to tackle if some one distracted to others by first I will be very politely told to stop it but at the same time he did same I warned him after that I never allowed to waist others time ,get out from class .

The personal discussion will definitely the solution of that time if a single student causing distraction, talked to him personally after class and finding the reason to the bed behaved or attitude in my class.Once I got the cause work for it according to the consultant reason.

Recall that you have 20 minutes assigned to you to deliver your lecture or to teach the students, how were you able to manage the time? Share with us how you managed the allocated time.

Well as I mentioned my lesson planning with my time distribution,I fact it's very necessary you manage your time during lecture other wise never delivered complete lesson in given time and difficult to understand kids for the remaining content you never describe due miss management of time .

  • First 3 minutes started in lecture about introduction about the topic you given today in class

  • In ten minutes explained the topic briefly by example,used chats and white board to for important relevant pointed noted on board and also involved the students to also write down these important points in there note books .

  • In 5 minutes concluded or sun up the lesson and asking questions about the given lesson one by one .

  • In last 2 minutes give home work assignment for students that should be interesting or might be activities base .

So guys it's all about from my side I am trying to explain micro teaching and answers the questions given me in home task I hope you are likey way of teaching,in last I congragulate to all The Brilliant Teachers
@lil.albab for 2nd lecture that's helpful for all of us on weekly basis and fantastic chance for me to learning fruitsful ful knowledge that really beneficial for me when I taught my kids 👍👍even before .


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You have presented the best way you can use 20 minutes and teach students about our environment. The best thing that a teacher can do for his or her students is teaching theoretically and practically which in your case you have the best material to show your students the practical aspects of your lesson. It is so nice. Good luck.


It's awesome how you explained micro teaching and managing class distractions! Your clear steps make it easy to follow and implement. Great job!

All the best in the contest, success for you👍

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Quite so detailed how you explain the micro teaching that sometimes there are some new things I have learnt today which I didn't know before