鯨魚 = 幣圈入面解影響市場的人或大公司
【David Attenborough told us whales means a lot to the ocean, but what does it mean in crypto world?🐋】
Whales = Individuals or institutions who hold large amounts of coins of a certain cryptocurrency are known as whales in the crypto world.
If you have been trading or investing in cryptocurrencies for at least a few months, you must have heard about the so-called “Market Makers” and “Whales”. These are large players, traders who have a large amount of crypto. Such people are able to exert a direct influence on the market with their money. For example, they can quickly crash the Bitcoin rate, raise it, or force the price to be in a sideways trend.
幣信成立於 2014 年,係全球最大同埋歷史最悠久嘅數字貨幣錢包, 7️⃣ 年以黎數百萬用戶提供先進可靠嘅錢包服務,將易上手嘅數字貨幣投資帶比普廣大眾😊 一個錢包可以買賣、儲幣、交易、質押、吹水等等✌🏼
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