世界上最大嘅連鎖電影院線AMC 開始接受比特幣支付

in btc •  4 years ago 

喺成為 meme 股票交易者嘅寵兒後,AMC Entertainment 宜家都想吸引加密貨幣愛好者🎥

世界上最大嘅區塊鏈影院 AMC Entertainment 將開始喺佢地美國所有地點接受比特幣購買戲飛。

喺公司嘅財報電話會議上,CEO Adam Aron 表示,實現呢類功能嘅的必要技術將於 2021 年底到位。

🔗 了解更多:

【AMC says it will accept bitcoin as payment for movie tickets by year-end】

AMC Entertainment said Monday it will start accepting bitcoin as payment for movie tickets and concessions if purchased online at all of its U.S. theaters🎥

CEO Adam Aron said during an earnings call Monday that the movie theater chain will have the IT systems in place to take the cryptocurrency as payment by the end of 2021.

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