Coreto – Bringing trust to blockchain communities

in btc •  6 years ago 

 I think many of you have long been active users of the cryptographic world. But I'm sure almost all of you have had that same negative experience with cryptography over the past few years. And this is not surprising, since few people even then understood the cryptography market as well as it can be done now. Previously, we could only rely on chance, our own intuition or the opinion of "experts", thanks to which many lost crazy amounts of their capital. I'm not excluded. But having accepted and realized my mistakes, I can clearly be sure that in the future I will not allow them. Because any situation gives me experience. As in principle and any other person. There would be no victories if they were not preceded by defeats.

It is on this principle and began to develop their business project team of two talented people. Whose negative experience was also directly related to the lack of:

  • adequate experience with the market of cryptography;
  • reliable and proven communication tools;
  • with a low level of financial literacy and a great fear of losing all their money.

I think many of you are familiar with this situation. So. After analyzing all their past negative experience, the guys from Romania decided to create such a project, the use of which will allow all the same inexperienced and unsure of themselves, and their actions investors to learn to understand the cryptography market, as well as to learn how to make money on it! In our time, probably the most important thing. So, I am glad to present you not just another blockchain project, but something more.

About the project

Meet Coreto. As you have already understood, Coreto is a tokenized platform that was developed specifically to improve financial literacy in the field of cryptography, as well as to improve their skills and knowledge with their further application in practice for the opportunity to earn their investment benefits. As the founders say, "We learn all our lives, so why can't we use this knowledge to learn together and make money"? 

 If we talk about the project as the most component, then its heart is the blockchain technology, with all the ensuing consequences. Because the structure of the blockchain network is probably the most ideal and transparent system in the world. It is not possible to hide or delete anything here. Here you can see absolutely all the transactions, moreover you can not change them, steal or forget. That in principle perfectly suited under a common concept of Coreto project. Since the main idea of the platform is based on the experience and knowledge of other influential persons, teams of other projects and a number of other units of the blockchain industry, whose experience and knowledge will be ranked by the level and degree of trust of the audience within the Coreto system.

That is, you will have the opportunity to choose a so-called expert, learn from him, as well as to analyze all his actions, identifying for themselves some useful points and tips, applying them in the future in practice. The quality and reliability of the information provided will be monitored by the Coreto system, thanks to which, in principle, there will be all sorts of screening from various information debris. As for Coreto, the most valuable asset is the high degree of trust of its members in the accessible social community of Coreto



I think it's not too hard to guess what the real benefits Coreto can guarantee us. First, it is access to pure and reliable knowledge, with which we can learn from the best specialists of the cryptographic world, as well as learn from their experience and practice. Secondly, you get a huge environment of the same crypto enthusiasts who want to learn and improve themselves in their skills, raising the bar of their own knowledge and the results achieved. And, thirdly, Coreto is ideal for all types of users, ranging from some beginner to serious crypto experts who interact directly with the crypto market and are almost its main driving force. 


Principle of operation

Since Coreto opens all its possibilities to a large number of users around the world, almost every one of you has the opportunity to broadcast. But it is important to understand that if you want to be noticed, you need to be useful and effective. Otherwise, you risk tarnishing your reputation within the walls of Coreto and you will never again inspire confidence in your "work" advice or recommendations from other users of the system. 

 Since all created information content in Coreto is regulated by positive votes of the participants themselves, as well as the number of accrued tokens (COR) by followers on the online wallet of the content Creator. At the same time, you get a unique opportunity to interact directly with the coolest mentors of the blockchain industry, whom you admire personally. All this and much more awaits you in Coreto



Given the difficult and sometimes incomprehensible situation on the cryptocurrency market, many people lose significant amounts of their capital, not understanding where they made a mistake and why it happened this way, and not otherwise. As you already know the fault is many reasons, but they all lose their place of power if the world will be such a convenient and affordable resource as Coreto. That is why the founders made every effort to ensure that their platform was not only reliable, transparent, but also effective. Since the main goal of each of us is to learn how to earn!Therefore, I strongly recommend that you do not pass by, and to focus their attention on this project, to study it in more detail and understand how much it suits you. To do this, I have prepared all the necessary official and social resources with which you will find answers to all your many questions. On that note, I'll finish my review. I was glad to be useful and up to new meetings! 


Official resources of the project Coreto:




MY ETH ADDRESS:  0xbD9790E649c21f04B98183F1A46732128de6E3C5 

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