Samsung is going to accept Bitcoin

in btc •  7 years ago 
  •  Is this really happened 😱🤑

• I think this will be huge support for existing of bitcoin. Recently,I heard that Samsung started to accept Bitcoin on 3 countries. It is said that customers in Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, and Kaunas in the countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania will be able to purchase Samsung smartphones, tablets, laptops, TV sets, and more with cryptocurrency.

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That's great nice topic thank u so much

good topic thank you

that's only the begin................................
best regards!!

thenks pro

Very nice information

thanks my frinds


thank you

Bitcoin will have a great Shan in the future to be replaced with banknotes and you can buy what you want.

شكرا لك موضوع في غاية الاهميه لان البتكوين اصبح عمله مهمه


Good post

Nice post great job