Deglobalization, dedollarlization, and dechinalization, three 2021 themes. Pfizer Covid Vaccines are, according to researchers in Spain, 99.99203% (747 ng) graphene oxide. The remainder was RNA 0.00797% (6 ng).
Bitcoin has around 125 million users in 2021 which is roughly how many users there were on the Internet in 1997.
Patriots are generally tougher than soy boy leftists meaning standing your ground is a good approach especially since we are the majority but the challenging aspect to all of this is they try very hard to pick us out one at a time as conservatives and real Americans can often times be isolated and spread out. So, they can overwhelm an individual. So, in other words, people have to always encourage one another to stick together like never before because the left strives at going after one person at a time kind of thing and we have the numbers but we are often too busy as our brothers and sisters are dragged into prisons for Jan6.
Globalists will lose, it's a question of how long it will take for enough people to wake up as they take patriots off the air, as they continue arrest people. The good news is people will eventually realize Alex Jones was right, the clock is ticking and it will happen. But it will be painful until then.
List of some of the communities I recommend you check out.
July | 2021
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31
Be ready as globalists try to kill.
Oatmeal Daily - 2021-07-07 - Wednesday | Published in July of 2021
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
My username is Joeyarnoldvn on most social networks | Home | Directory | Accounts | Oatmealenglish | Oatmealhealth | Oatmealjoey | Rarnold316 | Topics | Timeline
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Deglobalization, dedollarlization, and dechinalization, three 2021 themes.
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
Breaking News
Telling The Truth in a World of Lies
In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Three Themes For 2021
2021-07-07 - Wednesday - 04:49 PM - World History Log - Gab
Deglobalization, dedollarlization, and dechinalization, three 2021 themes.
Covid Log
Forbidden News | Forbidden Videos | Forbidden Links
Covid Vaccines are killing people. Covid can be killed easily.
Graphene Oxide in Pfizer Covid Vaccines
2021-07-07 - Wednesday - 10:56 AM - Covid Log
Pfizer Covid Vaccines are, according to researchers in Spain, 99.99203% (747 ng) graphene oxide. The remainder was RNA 0.00797% (6 ng).
FiZerr is, according to researchers in Spain, 99.99203% (747 ng) graphene oxide. The remainder was RNA 0.00797% (6 ng).
My Autobiography
History | Future | 1900s | 2000s | 0000s | 1000s | 2000s
Find Me on social media networks: | Facebook | Instagram | Tik Tok | Twitter | YouTube | Bitchute | Gab | Minds | and other places too.
06:51 PM
People should buy Bio-Septic Pro.
Normal septic tank products already disrupt the natural balance and that is the point, that is why you put bacteria into it because the normal way of doing it using chemicals and minerals is the wrong way of doing it and that is why people have to pay so much money all the time to clean out their septic and people make a lot of money cleaning out septics and that is the point of the business, that is why people don't talk about it.
People have to get their septic tanks pumped or cleaned out every 3 years or every so often because they do it the wrong way, because the collection is not decomposing, not breaking down fast enough, especially if bacteria is not surviving.
This community is about learning and teaching the English language.
Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.
How do you send files from one computer to another computer?
2021-07-07 - Wednesday - 12:17 PM - Tech Log -](
To answer that question, I was just able to install Dukto to my Yoga and Asus laptops and was able to then send files, text, and a folder between the two computers, I did a few tests from both sides and were able to both receive and send data to and from Yoga and Asus. I was just successful with this a few minutes ago. After installing the program, which is called Dukto, via Snap and not Apt-get, in Terminal via Ubuntu which are on both computers, I was able to do this. This app automatically detected the other computer on both sides. Otherwise, I was going to try to type in the IP address of my laptops for both sides to get the 2 PCs to be able to talk to each other on this local access network (LAN). I've been working on this project the past week or longer. I tried other programs and other things and it has not worked. I can't say which ways may be the best but I do know this works.
What is Dukto?
Dukto is a free, Open Source file transfer utility that can be used to used to transfer files over Local area network (LAN). We can transfer files from any system or device to another system more easily. All you need to do is start Dukto utility on your local and destination systems and just drag and drop the files/folders that you want to transfer on the Dukto’s window, and the files/folders will be transferred to the destination system. No more configuration, no more concern about users, permissions, size or type of files, operating systems, protocols, clients, servers and so on. This utility just works. Cool, isn’t it? Although, the another notable thing is it is cross platform. Yes, It should work on almost all operating systems and devices, including Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Meego, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phones and Symbian (for Nokia touch phones). It is released under GPL.
How to install via Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install dukto
Well, that did not work, so I did this: sudo snap install dukto
06:44 PM
One of my Facebook posts does not say ccxvx and yet there is a stamp stuck on the bottom talking about it. This means it was manually added. I dare them to add one to this post too. Go ahead punk, make my day.
What is an independent church and are you a Baptist?
Yes, I'm Baptist. Yeah, an independent church would be free to do what they want to do and would not have to answer to anybody. It is similar to each McDonald's building has to comply to the McDonald's headquarters. The Salvation Army, Mormons, Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, different groups, are centralized like that.
I grew up attending a Community Baptist Church and also attended other types of churches, youth groups, children Bible clubs, summer camps. So, growing up, I was taught Baptist doctrines, beliefs. But I also attended The Salvation Army and two Bible colleges as well. So, I've seen different types of churches, Christians, beliefs, teachings. Also, I studied the history of different churches, denominations, groups, religions, cults, doctrines, etc.
This community is all about wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, etc.
What can we do in the mist of Jan6 Tyranny?
Patriots are generally tougher than soy boy leftists meaning standing your ground is a good approach especially since we are the majority but the challenging aspect to all of this is they try very hard to pick us out one at a time as conservatives and real Americans can often times be isolated and spread out. So, they can overwhelm an individual. So, in other words, people have to always encourage one another to stick together like never before because the left strives at going after one person at a time kind of thing and we have the numbers but we are often too busy as our brothers and sisters are dragged into prisons for Jan6.
Secret Floor, Putting Out Fires
2021-07-07 - Wednesday - 10:36 AM - Dream Log
2 dreams I had. First dream, was going up an elevator of an apartment complex. As it passed level 7, then it passed several more floors before it made to the 8th story. So the big gap between 7 and 8 was pretty big and secret. I think they were of secret or private condo style rooms and such. In a second dream, I'm back at my first home in Forest Grove. Katrina's house was put on fire by the girls who lived in space 171. In the dream, they lived in space 161. They caught fire on a porch extension which was in the middle of the street bridging their house, space 161, and Katrina's trailer across the street. They were throwing paper at the trailer and the porch, the papers were on fire. So, the fire started spreading. There were buckets of water. I started throwing water onto the fire. Another man was helping. There was like a lady in the house which was on fire. I think we stopped the fire and then I woke up.
0.02433893 BTC balance - 2021-07-07 - Wednesday - 09:50 PM - My Bitcoin Log
That is 811.04 USD as of right now.
I also have around $300 in Ethereum.
I think I sold all my Litecoin and Dogecoin and I do have some Steem, Hive Blog, and maybe a few of those blog related blockchain sites. Also, I had a little on Minds but that they might have taken that from me. Rumble had a number but it looks like nothing. Gab, I don't think I have anything there. And that is all I can think of for now. Well, there were some Bitcoin faucets but I don't think I was ever able to get anything out of them, it was too hard to extract anything from them and onto external wallets.
My Bitcoin Log
2021-07-07 - Wednesday - 09:50 PM PDT JA LMS - My Bitcoin Log created
I will try my best to include transactions, passwords, private keys, seeds, personal information, how much money, the details, the passwords, the names, the when, the how, the where, the who, anything relating to my BTC Bitcoin and maybe not Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin Gold or other flavors or versions or forks of Bitcoin and probably not Ethereum, Steem, Hive, other potential cryptocurrencies, crypto coins or alt coins, and absolutely leave out anything relating to dollars, fiat currencies, centralized digital money, things of that nature, except for anything that might be relevant. I first bought Bitcoin in 2017 and I may include the exact date in this log. It was probably early in June of 2017 in Vietnam. Yeah, my name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold @JoeyArnoldVN and I was teaching English in Vietnam that same year. So, I went to an ATM in Saigon to put some Vietnamese Dong (VND) into it to convert into Bitcoin. So, that is when my journey started. Had I put more money in, I would have a bunch of money right now. But life is full of risks. I may not get into all of the details right now regarding alll of the transactions and activity I made relating to Bitcoin in 2017 but I may choose to add some of those details in this log later on.
Spent the last three hours checking out all of this crypto related info. I may continue it tomorrow.
Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc
Video taken from Traugott Ickeroth. - Dr. Jane Ruby presents the results at Stew Peters: Each of the six doses of vaccine from the Covid Pfizer Vaccine bottle was 99.99203% (747 ng) graphene oxide. The remainder was RNA 0.00797% (6 ng).
Graphene Oxide in Pfizer Covid Vaccines
2021-07-07 - Wednesday - 10:56 AM - Covid Log
FiZerr is, according to researchers in Spain, 99.99203% (747 ng) graphene oxide. The remainder was RNA 0.00797% (6 ng).
Davos admit to the plans which are in place.
Globalists will lose, it's a question of how long it will take for enough people to wake up as they take patriots off the air, as they continue arrest people. The good news is people will eventually realize Alex Jones was right, the clock is ticking and it will happen. But it will be painful until then.
Trump announced today going after big tech via a lawsuit.
20 million users are on Gab each month.
People around Trump do not support free speech.
Big tech leaders are meeting in Idaho.
Bitcoin has around 125 million users in 2021 which is roughly how many users there were on the Internet in 1997.
04:36 PM
Russia is stepping away from the dollar.
National self-deprecation comes at the bitter climax of decay.
Deglobalization, dedollarlization, and dechinalization, three 2021 themes.
I hope you are comfortable on your deathbed, my name is Biden and I'm here to entertain you as you cross to the other side.
I'm an Americanphile.
One of the reasons I asked for so much money as a teacher in Vietnam was that I understood inflation, that money was losing value and I needed more of it. There were other reasons too but that was part of it.
Idaho big tech meeting this week is where they make big deals and make it public in the next few months, companies like Netflix and others. Some of the big corporations or rich people will even be paid sometimes to buy stuff meaning negative costs for buying things up.
97-year-old Charlie Munger wants America to do to rebels and swingers what China did to Jack Ma but China would have shot Charlie had he did half of what he did in America in China.
07:24 PM
But also, Big Tech continues to promote Covid Vaccines even in July of 2021 in the mist of thousands of deaths caused by the Covid Vaccines meaning not only are Big Tech websites blocking cures but they are also at the same time promoting the very things which are murdering millions to billions of people in the 2020s, in these next several years or less, bad things are happening and we all can see, thousands of articles, videos, memes, pictures, emails, etc. The evidence of what Covid Vaccines are obvious to people who investigate what is happening and Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc, are still promoting what is known to be killing people and what is known to be causing blood clots and all sorts of problems meaning Big Tech are both hiding what saves lives while promoting the very things which are taking lives simultaneously at the same time, a double-edge sword.
Is America the revived Roman Empire? Good question. I don't know. In a symbolic way? Maybe. Or do you mean biologically, like bloodlines, like was George Washington a descendant of Rome? I don't know, you tell me.
70% of black deaths are caused by blacks. Talk about Black Lives Matter. Do they matter to other blacks?
Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching
07:07 PM
07:24 PM
11:00 PM - Sean Feucht - Hold The Line Podcast - Pelosi's Laptop](
Dear diary, got up at 10:22 AM. Mom says I should find a good recording of I pledge allegiance to the lamb. 2 dreams, see Dream Log. Chores, yard work, gardening, raspberry picking, weeding, around 12:55 PM, for like 3 hours, mom was helping, no dishes at least not by me, sweep and mop the kitchen, sweep the bathroom, vacuum the kitchen rugs and the house carpets, all of this for an hour or less, then organizing in the big garage, found 3 cans of food we can eat as they expire the end of 2020 or at least one of the cans said that and one had a dent in it, and I was making room for the music trailer door to swing over, moved the cabinets closer to the man hole door, more weeding for a sec on my way to get the mail, cloudy day but it didn't rain and I was wondering how old he might be, I like basketball and can see that and I would play it too as a kid. Mom is watching a lot of That 70's Show. Normally for months now mom would watch Home Improvement when she isn't watching other things and it is a classic 90s show. I like the show too. She watches the 70s show and tries to remember if she had similar furniture and outfits and such. Yesterday Eric had a rich man as a best friend but he was gay and that ended well cuz Eric has Donna. But his dad had his neighbor as a boss and he couldn't sell blenders very well but then learned how and they were enemies and became friends like me and Bill and Janet Bailey around 1994 or 1995 at least from my point of view. I think about writing apology letters to so many people in my life. People I knew from college, high school, Salvation Army, Lincoln Hawk, people I knew in Hawaii, Vietnam, Oregon, California, West Virginia, New York, Washington State, Idaho, etc. I think about so many things I want write, videos to make, letters, memes, so many things. My head is exploding with things. Today on the 70s show, they were stuck in jail. Ashton Kutcher calls Jasmine and forgets to ask her to bail them out. I wonder how long the bailing out system has been around. The rewind back too far remote problem mom was having, I wonder. Lunch dinner time now at 04:32 PM. Nap around 05:30 PM to 06:30 PM. Dishes around 07:30 PM to 08:15 PM while eating two slices of toast, David Letterman was a guest on Johnny Carson, this must have been around 1992 because David was talking about how Carson was retiring and how he could be on his show and take it over. It was a joke and reminded me of similar jokes regarding how Conan was given Jay Leno's show but then they took it back from him and I wonder if the same thing happened to David or not. More dinner now.
Food log
Breakfast: oatmeal, coffee, 10:50 AM.
Lunch: fruit salad, 12:32 PM.
Dinner: soup, coffee, 04:32 PM. Soup on rice, 08:18 PM.
You can find my blogs on different websites.
The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. It is a hashtag or tag as well. That is my username. It is simply my name, Joey Arnold, plus VN meaning Vietnam. It is generally not case-sensitive. You can find me on many different places online and offline. I'm going to present some of the places you might find my blog in case you can't find it someday, this will help you know where to look. Some websites may automatically edit the following links below meaning you would have to manually correct the URLs. For example, if you're viewing this on PeakD, then Ecency and Hive Blog links are automatically turned into PeakD links meaning you will not see actual links to Ecency or Hive Blog via PeakD. Oh, Ecency does this too. But Hive Blog does not.
Click here to see a more complete and thorough list of the different places where you may find my blogs, diary, journals, articles, posts, etc.
The following is only a sneak preview of a few examples of where you might find my daily posts.
Ausbit . Dev:
Blurt Blog:
Blurtter . com:
Dream-Real . com:
Ecency . com:
Esteem . App:
Hive Blocks . com:
Hive . Blog: |
Leo Finance . IO:
Online Buzz . com:
Staging-Blog Hive . IO:
Stem . Open Hive . Network:!/@joeyarnoldvn
Peakd . com: |
Personal . Community:
Read . Cash:
Steemd . com:
Steem KR . com:
Steemit . com:
Steem World . Org:
Sub Stack . com:
Waivio . com:
Weed Cash . Network:
Google Search:
Duck Duck Go Search:
And feel free to add to this list or to make your own, have fun and good luck.
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