Broken Chains, The Block Chain Is Forked

in btc •  9 years ago 

Every since the advent and discovery that the block chain of cyrpto could be modified and then re-sent to a new block chain creating network, the crypto community has been up in arms about the possibility of hacking the Bitcoin chain. The fact is that the new chain and the new network nodes would have to be accepted as the norm and accepted as the current way of doing things. This is also true for the exchanges and for the power of the network at large.

While this is a good reason for those that want to cause alarm to get going, it is a simple fact that the chain is going to be what most people accept and what most of the power of the network works on. This is nothing to be alarmed about and any of those that are trying to create more of an issue than there is are simply trying to find a way to make a quick push for their own coin or to alter the price of BTC in a way that is not right and not true.

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