in btcr •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is a high quality project
Bitcoinreal is a digitized cryptocurrency that is aiming to achieve all three core objectives of blockchain i.e.

  1. Security,
  2. transparency and
  3. Instant payment transfer at cheap rates. The idea has been developed by Thesatoshinakamoto who believed bitcoinreal will achieve the same objectives that bitcoin failed to conquer i.e. increasing wealth amongst masses and wealth distribution equally. To achieve the ambition to make this world a better yet more balanced in terms of financial independence; whitepaper of the project has been published while Github account has been released recently. It depicts an important milestone for the project as the source code has now been finally revealed after the hard-work of years.
    The github account carries source code, extensions for all devices and wallet details. This shows dedication and passion of the team and reiterates the ambition set by him for a balanced and financially independent globe.
    know more ar : BITCOINREAL GITHUB ACCOUNT or https://github.com/bitcoinreal/BitcoinReal/releases/tag/
    detail here https://t.me/BitCoinRealPublic/18235
    Follow our twitter page here👉 https://mobile.twitter.com/RealSatoshi2
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    Follow our medium page here👉 https://medium.com/@realsatoshi1310
    Fill this airdrop form here👉
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