Epic Beat down. Normie conformie BTFO

in btfo •  8 years ago  (edited)


Hi, Ryan.
As an admin of the PCT Class of 2016, I deleted your recent post about climate change.
While I agree that climate change is a big problem and we should all care about its effects and what we should do to fix it (especially hikers), your post wasn't relevant enough to the PCT to merit posting.

You accepted Christopher's request.
So i was removed from the group for expressing a unpopular sociological trend and historical fact. What I wrote there was obviously me poking fun on the hollow platitudes expressed by those afflicted by the climate change cancer.
The national park system. Beautiful, majestic, pristine, awe inspiring and FOR SALE> .Did you know that many of our national parks have been transferred to the United Nations? The national parks are being sold off to pay the national debt. United States National monuments and National Parks are being bought up by international criminal organizations. What are you going to do about it? Drive a prius? Eat vegan? I challenge anyone to prove this wrong.

http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/ nhttp://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=52903

America Destroyed by Design
The sacrifice of national sovereignty to global government and the UN. Alex refuses to thumb scan for a drivers license and is arrested. Plus the Oklahoma Ci...

The Thought Police didn't like me pointing out the TRUTH
Unable to refute my points, the autistic response from admin was only further proof that most people who can't finish the trail SUCK.

I didn't remove you from the group. I just deleted your one post about climate change.

Trace did and thats what that is in reference to
I know trace from hiking last year

Then you should be taking that up with him.

I argue that what i posted was a sociological issue rather than a political, unable to refute this tyrant Trace did the only thing he could
delete me
he will not respond, he is a coward
who didn't finish the trail

Okay, I'll talk with him, but it's rare that one admin will disagree with another.
Which group did you get removed from?
The 2017 group?

he is taking it as a personal attack. both
for the same post
people are allowed to spout state propaganda but when I present documents and facts to refute these phony world views I am banned
its censorship. political censorship.

Trace says you were name calling and making threats. He says he warned you.
I didn't watch your video yet. When I do, am I going to find a nice, well reasoned argument about National Parks and what we can do to protect them, or am I going to find a crazy, conspiracy rant?

documented fact
along with 2 links
substantiating my claim
I called him "thought police"

Am I going to say to myself, "Oh, this is definitely part of the trail experience and should be shared in with other hikers?" Or am I going to say to myself, "This has absolutely nothing to do with hiking, PCT or otherwise?"

"ministry of truth"
then after he said he was expelling me I accused him of not finishing the trail, something he admits to. Not that that matters, I just thought I would use force against someone who initiated force on me

Can you give me an example of Trace "using force" against you?

the fact that the national monument and park system is now being used to sell off national treasure to foreign banks is
relevant to the understanding of the PCT CDT AT and yes i think it is applicable
and vital to preserving these scared spaces
his use of force was threats of expelling me
that is force
my rebuttal was better luck next Thru

Telling you that he would remove you from the group is "force," it's the consequences of making threats and arguing with admins.

no threats were made
just called a spade a spade
censor me
i call you thought police
and ministry of truth

Your video is from Alex Jones, a known conspiracy theorist. Can you back up your video with mainstream news sources?

ignorance is strength
that is a straw man
i provided 2 more sited references
you mean the state run mouth pieces. Why would the state run media tell you the national parks are under the international control of criminal bankers

I sited the executive order
read the excutive order
Executive Order 12986—International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
January 18, 1996
UNESCO World Heritage Centre - World Heritage List
UNESCO World Heritage Centre

Your "sources" include a list of world heritage sites, and an executive order from 1996 that nullified the immunity from lawsuit of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Do you have any news articles that support your claim that National Parks are being sold to foreign banks?

Like state media articles?

It doesn't have to be a government publication. It can be any independent, reputable newspaper.


For example, Fox News, CNN, The New York Times, et cetera.

well we know the MSM works directly with the state, de facto state run
are you asking for corrupt institutions articles on the subject
or facts

Are you saying that because some national parks are considered UNESCO world heritage sites, that they've been sold to foreign banks?

I gave you a documentary made by an independent and reputable organization

And no, we don't all know that mainstream media is run by the state. Do you have any evidence of that?

yes those sites are owned by international bankers, this is the first step in the transfer
Bilderberg Group - Wikipedia
The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, Bilderberg meetings or Bilderberg Club is an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, established in 1954 by Prince Bernhard.[1]

sorry most people think the world they live in is reality
let me fill you in
From David Rockefeller:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
― David Rockefeller

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
― David Rockefeller

you asked for independent and reputable. Infowars is independent and although straw men have been made there is no rebuttal beyond that

Info Wars is independent but not reputable. His business is in promoting claims that other people cannot verify.

i can

other people can not refute Your quote us from Mr. Rockefeller's memoirs. Hardly an unbiased source.

is what you were meaning to say
yes its biased, towards HIS agenda
in HIS worlds
if you want to debate the legitimacy of the MSM i can debunk every publication
all day

Okay. How about the Los Angeles Times? What do you have on them?
Just because a businessman writes things in his book doesn't international banks control the world's governments.

From David Rockefeller:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
― David Rockefeller

these corrupt publications take orders from international think tanks they attend but never report on
Read about the buildeberg group. . Set up in 1954 by nazi colaboratiors, the objective world domination
Fact is UNESCO is real, there are national heritage sites in america. Many of our most sacred treasure have been handed over to UNESCO
can you refute this?
Executive Order 12986—International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
January 18, 1996
clears the international interests from legal action when repossession occurs
That Rockefeller quote was taken from a metting of the Builderberg group

No, no. I'm the skeptic and you're the claimant. You have time bring evidence to me.

would you say international banks repossessing americas most valuable treasure is applicable to the Thru hiking community Or do you think a self righteous section hiker should be able to dictate this?

The Los Angeles Times, what evidence do you have that they're being run by the government?

I can link their owner to media matters
george soros owned media matters
the living nazi collaborator george soros

I think you're yelling about conspiracies on a forum for hikers. So if you want to keep posting, you'd better convince me.

Why is this about La times?

EXPOSED: Bilderberg, The Movie by Daniel Estulin
Daniel Estulin joins the Alex Jones show and unveils the trailer for his movie exposing the dark secrets of the Bilderberg Group. Help us spread the word abo...

Are hikers not a group affected by tyranny? Do hikers have an interest in preserving our national parks and open spaces?

If you're going to post claims about National Parks, I have to believe they're true.

i showed you the executive order, giving legal immunity to international organizations over US land. This includes national parks. I have shown you that the UNESCO world heratage sites are real and many of our national parks are UNESCO world heratage sites. The foundation has been set

When bankruptcy is filed, these will all be repossessed
and under the control of bankers not the American people

Can you show me a document declaring public lands to belong to UNESCO?


No, no. I mean a piece of paper signed by someone in the executive branch that says they're selling land to UNESCO.
You're giving me articles about UNESCO world heritage sites.

thats not how it works

Okay ... so you have no evidence?
Because here's the thing about conspiracies, there are two reasons why there's no evidence for your claims.

the people doing this are not trying to convince idiots that it is a good idea to sell land and then straight out tell them hey look heres the deed
I just provided evidence
lots of it

(1) There is a vast conspiracy of powerful players that control everything and leave no evidence.

you are refuting my points with straw men

(2) The conspiracy is false.

there is evidence I have sited it
go back and read this conversation
its plain as day

The first explanation requires me to believe that everything I know about how the world works is wrong, and that it really works a different way.

the ley man can not understand and that is the point
yes that is most likely true
most of what people believe is rooted in myth and deception
knowledge is power and power is not freely given

If you want to change my worldview that much, you're going to have to provide a massive amount of evidence. I'm talking videos, financial forms, secret conversations, receipts of payment, confessions, sworn testimony, lots of things.

this should help break the false paradigm

Because the other explanation I have in my mind is, "This is a lie. It's not true. He has no evidence."

yes that is called normalcy bias
but it is not empirical
it is emotional

Yeah, I'm okay with that.

I applaud you for being so well reasoned, not many people are. RESPECT

Thanks! 🙂

dude watch that video
tell me what you think
i will end this conversation after that if you would like and never return to the PCT forum

Yeah, I just got to the Nixon quote.

Okay, I just watched the video.


I agree that corporations have huge influence on our government's actions, and that often times the government takes action in foreign countries to protect American interests, including stabilizing oil flow and our own economy.
The video lost me when it used some pretty vague quotes to support its claim.
And again when it couldn't provide a link to people controlling the government and federal reserve beyond "who benefits."
I agree that what's happening now is an ideological war, but not in the same way you do.

this is a massive subject and it would be imossible for me to completely teach this in one conversation
if you would like to know more about the FED i will link a great book on the subject
one moment


The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magicians' secrets are unveiled. We get a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, their pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money. A dry and boring subject? Just wait! You'll be hooked in fiv...

There are people who think that true comes from evidence verified by independent sources, and reasoned argument over the interpretation of that evidence. There are other people who accept what other people tell them is true without evidence because it "feels" right.
The problem is, both of us think we're in the first camp.
It's a problem of confirmation bias. If you're already predisposed to believe that there is a massive conspiracy of shady individuals that control everything, then you'll watch a video that tells you what you want to hear and believe it.
Or, at least, are more likely to believe it.
The problem with conspiracies is that they're designed to never produce enough evidence to support them.
Someone comes up with a reason why there won't be any evidence, or maybe just because the people involved are too careful to leave evidence behind.
Either way, you're asking me to believe things on faith, and that's not what I do.
Your conspiracy doesn't fit in with my worldview, and until you show me enough evidence that your claims are correct, I'm not going to believe you.

see my mission is not to sell you something, I can not read books for you. I can not do your homework. I am only a medium for a message. A message that i think involves the the national scenic trails and their long view future. I have provided you with some resources, and I admit I don't have a magic wand. I can not tell you what the truth is. That is a self realization. When you say that my understanding of geopolitics is a theory you are explicitly saying I can not verify my claims. Through white papers, hacked emails, whistle blowers, historical record and literature i can empirically prove conspiracy. The problem lies in post modern philosophy. Thinking there is no truth, and everyones perspective is equal and valid. Participation trophy syndrome. Fact is the tree don't give a fuck if you are there. It just falls. The unfortunate reality is you're world view is demonstratively flawed. You might say "how would you know from this conversation" Because you have implied faith in mainstream publications, and sited mainstream outlets as "independent" Clinton campaign leaked emails shows the established government works directly with the media. No different than any other state run propaganda machine. The email also includes these little gems:
[New York Times reporter] Maggie Haberman is doing a write-through of her story on Hillary Clinton’s claim that she had never been subpoenaed for tomorrow’s paper which will include the statement we put out this afternoon.

Steven Holmes (CNN) is working on a piece with the premise that the black vote is the firewall for Hillary Clinton and Sanders is unlikely to make major inroads there.

Annie Linskey (Boston Globe) is writing for Friday about new fundraising hosts getting involved in this campaign, specifically females.

Huffington Post is doing a piece on our treasurer Jose Villareal — will likely focus at least partially on him sitting on the Walmart board.

Other outstanding stories include: [Buzzfeed correspondent] Ruby Cramer on our grassroots organizing, Anita Kumar (McClatchy) on where we have organizers and how we’ve spent our money during Q2, and [Washington Post reporter] Phil Rucker on HRC talking about gun violence prevention.
This is a campaign email? It reads like a reporter assignment list at a major newspaper.
In short, the mainstream media is no longer the news media; it’s now simply a propaganda arm of the Clinton campaign deceptively posing as objective journalism to manipulate public opinion in Hillary’s favor.
In another leaked email, Politico’s chief political correspondent Glenn Thrush asked Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta to approve his story prior to publication.
“Because I have become a hack I will send you the whole section that pertains to you,” Thrush wrote to Podesta. “Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this [and] tell me if I f*cked up anything.”
And other emails reveal the New York Times granted Hillary Clinton veto power over articles and the ability to retroactively determine which of her statement they could print.
“Any objective observer of the news media’s treatment of Trump can certainly conclude that reporters are taking a side in this election — and they don’t have to be wearing a button that says ‘I’m with her’ for this to be readily apparent,” LA Times contributor Justin Raimondo wrote. “The irony is that the media’s Trump bashing may wind up having the exact opposite of its intended effect.” 19059630_10207778802342874_5151423283140106523_n.jpg

First of all, assuming the hacked Clinton emails source is credible, (we know now that it was hacked by Russian state-related groups, who quite conveniently never put out any discrediting information about the Trump campaign), the subjects of those emails only show that the Clinton campaign was aware of articles being written by them, not that the mainstream media is controlled by the government.

you just walked into it

Which is consistent with political campaigns being aware of how their public image is being shown.
Probably because someone at the campaign called the newspapers, asked if an article was being written about their campaign relating to those topics, and the newspaper just said, "Yes."

DKIM Verification
4 November 2016
Domain Keys Identified Mail, or DKIM, is a highly regarded email security system that can be used to independently authenticate the contents and sender of an email that uses it.

DKIM was developed and is widely deployed as an email server anti-spam mechanism, including on Gmail.com and HillaryClinton.com. DKIM-enabled mail servers cryptographically sign the emails they relay so that the recipients’ mail servers can authenticate them. DKIM has the beneficial side-effect of causing messages to become "cryptographically non-repudiable"; that is, after the email has been sent, the sender cannot credibly repudiate the message and say that it is a forgery. A DKIM mail server creates a cryptographically strong proof attesting to the authenticity of the email, which it adds to each of the headers of each email it sends. This cryptographic proof can then be tested by anyone who obtains a copy of the email.

In the Podesta email archive, many of the politically significant emails use DKIM authentication, including several contentious emails which some politicians have attempted to repudiate. These mails are, in fact, signed by HillaryClinton.com’s email provider, Google. This authentication is on top of the journalistic validations of the email archive already carried out by WikiLeaks.

For example, an email that DNC Chair Donna Brazile falsely claimed to be "doctored by Russian sources" is in fact validated. Similarly validated is the email referencing a future appointment of Tim Kaine as Vice-President of the United States, which Mr Kaine publicly attempted to allege was fake. Both these emails have been secondarily validated by Google as being sent, with the content exactly as published by WikiLeaks.

You can see on our pages a notice when an email has additional validation through DKIM. What does this mean? It means that the content of the email has been independently verified to be authentic in its entirety and this verification process can be performed by anyone. Most DKIM- authenticated emails are essentially indisputable.

You can see the DKIM signatures on emails that have them by clicking on the "view source" tab and looking at the email’s headers for "DKIM-Signature:", for example:

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to:cc:content-type; bh=LMXa7c2eNKxvY4PrcbVDYCrY8kI1NpfrYq0D1CP9cM0=; b=cGVf2qJhuzMfD3qsH8q9pABcHFE3ll1t/sw8jT3fNJ.....==

Technical note:

Due to the complexities of modern email systems, and the fragility of cryptographic signatures, any formatting or character change to a message or many of its headers, no matter how small, will prevent a message from being validated. As a result, while the proof conveyed by a valid signature is strong (the message is authentic), the failure of the validation process has little meaning. It definitely does not mean the email is invalid, it just has not been positively validated in this way. The reasons vary by message. Many email systems routinely modify mail after it has been sent and before it is delivered, doing such things as adding footers, legal notices and updating certain mail headers or the message’s content encoding. These include thousands of messages from Google Groups and other mailing lists, as well as Google Calendar reminders, and many mails that have been forwarded through one or more systems, including mini mail servers on portable devices, before arriving in Mr Podesta’s Gmail inbox. Some of these types of message do validate, but large numbers of them do not. It is easy to independently verify, using other email collections such as your own inbox, that these types of emails are frequent. Emails with any of the headers "X-Google-Loop", "Resent-From", "List-Id", or "Sender" are disproportionately represented in this group. Keys also change over time or multiple keys may be active at one time due to mail server or DNS (mis)configuration. In some cases, non-validating messages can be made to validate by attempting to guess the suspected formatting or forwarding modifications to the headers or body and reversing them.

For more information, see http://www.dkim.org/ and https://blog.returnpath.com/how-to-explain-dkim-in-plain-english-2/
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) lets an organization take responsibility for a message that is in transit. The organization is a handler of the message, either as its originator or as an intermediary. Their reputation is the basis for evaluating whether to trust the message for further handling,…

“One of the questions directed to HRC tomorrow is from a woman with a rash,” the email is titled. It was sent on March 5, the day before Clinton debated Bernie Sanders in Flint, Michigan.
“Her family has lead poison and she will ask what, if anything, will Hillary do as president to help the ppl of Flint,” reads the body of the email.
According to debate commission rules, no candidate is supposed to be given any questions in advance of a debate.

This is not the first time that Wikileaks emails have revealed how Brazile tipped off Hillary’s campaign with debate questions in advance.
A previous email entitled, “From time to time I get the questions in advance,” gave Clinton the nod that a question would be asked about the death penalty.
The latest email completely demolishes Brazile’s claim, made during a fiery exchange with Megyn Kelly, that she didn’t receive debate questions in advance.
During the interview, Brazile appeared rattled, at one point suggesting that the email was fake or doctored, with no evidence, while claiming she was being “persecuted.”
This latest revelation provides yet more bombshell evidence of collusion between the media, specifically CNN, and the Clinton campaign.

i got more

Yeah, again, not evidence that will lead me to conclude that the media is controlled by the government.
Do I think Clinton got her questions prompts in advance? I don't care, because Trump mocked a disabled reporter and bragged about sexually assault.
Do I think Clinton got her questions prompts in advance? I don't care, because Trump mocked a disabled reporter and bragged about sexual assault.

I know this because in late 2014 a person contacted me about helping me to start a branch of the Internet Party in the United States. He called himself Panda. I now know that Panda was Seth Rich.

Panda advised me that he was working on voter analytics tools and other technologies that the Internet Party may find helpful.

I communicated with Panda on a number of topics including corruption and the influence of corporate money in politics.

“He wanted to change that from the inside.”
I was referring to what I knew when I did an interview with Bloomberg in New Zealand in May 2015. In that interview I hinted that Julian Assange and Wikileaks would release information about Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election.

The Rich family has reached out to me to ask that I be sensitive to their loss in my public comments. That request is entirely reasonable.

I have consulted with my lawyers. I accept that my full statement should be provided to the authorities and I am prepared to do that so that there can be a full investigation. My lawyers will speak with the authorities regarding the proper process.

If my evidence is required to be given in the United States I would be prepared to do so if appropriate arrangements are made. I would need a guarantee from Special Counsel Mueller, on behalf of the United States, of safe passage from New Zealand to the United States and back. In the coming days we will be communicating with the appropriate authorities to make the necessary arrangements. In the meantime, I will make no further comment.



Julian Assange Heavily Implies Seth Rich Is DNC Leaker


Look, "Julian Assange" is smart enough to know that if he releases information about one political party and not the other, that makes him a biased source.

Fwd: Dinner - WikiLeaks
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Are you in NYC Thursday July 9 Marina wants you to come to dinner Mary? Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message From Marina Abramovic marinaxabramovic gmail.com mailto marinaxabramovic gmail.com Date June 28 2015 at 2 35 08 AM GMT 2 To Tony P…

I don't care if you think he's out to uncover the truth, he's only doing it to influence politics.

YEA. Your point


What sort of efforts has Julian Assange done to release secret documents from the Trump administration?

#pizzagate: A Primer
www.martyleeds33.com All of the investigative work in this video was not done by me. Many thanks goes out to all those online researchers, 4chan, twitter, re...

Has Assange done anything to get to the bottom of Russian involvement with the Trump campaign? On fake news sites attacking Clinton set up by Russian organizations? On newly discovered evidence that Russian hackers got information from election databases?
I mean, I don't follow WikiLeaks so you'll have to tell me?

() 18952551_1770280702998454_2183499680799124659_n.jpg

What has Julian Assange done to uncover the secrets of the Republican party?

Exclusive: Russian Bank Docs Show How Putin Laundered Money to Hillary & Podesta » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Now we know why Clinton & Co. were so desperate to frame Trump with ties to Putin

Alex Jones is not a credible source of news.
Tell me he's been leaking Republican secrets just as much as Democratic secrets and I'll reconsider what I think of him?

Dems Have More Ties to Russia Than Trump » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Not Only Are Hillary and Podesta Talking with the Russians, They're Doing Business with Them

Otherwise, he's just a player for the Republican party.

Straw man argument: Alex Jones is not a credible source of news.

Alex Jones's arguments are not backed by mainstream media.

you are unable to refute any claims by me or my sources, that i have sited. This leaves you with straw men and preceved intellectual superiority. That the accusations you have used against me are in fact your own behavior and views.

I've refuted them all, to my satisfaction. And remember, I'm not trying to change your mind. You're trying to change mine. So it's my satisfaction that you have to live up to.

it must be difficult to take authority as truth rather than truth as authority
are you sure you are not living in North Korea

Nope. I have a particular worldview, and you just haven't done a particularly good job at breaking it.

i have not tried to sound smart by correcting misspelled worlds. Not helping your case

You have not refuted anything i have said 16105575_1473535349346685_3419618025327919669_n.jpg 17103609_10212066766726787_7016203121071503263_n.jpg 18767854_831308613699607_2751224552111460495_n.jpg

You cited Clinton's emails as examples of newspapers being controlled by government. I said they only point out that the campaign was aware of stories being written about them. Stories that can easily be inquired about by calling the newspaper and asking if they're being written. Journalists often let public figures know about articles being written about them in the process of writing them when they call and ask for comment.

"You're trying to change mine" -chris.
No I am shitting all over your conspiracy theory world view.

You cited Alex Jones as evidence of Clinton involvement with Russia without first demonstrating that Alex Jones is a reliable source of news.

you are trying to refute and offer rebuttal for literally the titles of my citations
and references

You cited Alex Jones as evidence of Clinton involvement with Russia without first demonstrating that Alex Jones is a reliable source of news. Back to my statements to Trace. Ministry of truth? THOUGHT POLICE???

Then feel free to provide the content of the messages that "prove" mainstream media is controlled by the government.

I just did, please refer to my previous comments and sources
it is objective fact
you are denying fact.
you have a cancer

Which one are you talking about?
There were a lot of links.

You are not prepared to respond. Go do your homework
Find a rebuttal

Nope, you are the one claiming there's a mass conspiracy in the media. If you want me to believe that, you'll have to provide the evidence.

anything. No straw men
citation needed
Thats not how it works

Otherwise, I'm happy to go on believing what I believe and letting you believe what you believe.
That is exactly how it works.

I don't give a fuck about you, I'm baiting you into a conversation to shit on your world view
you are working against your best interests

18920646_10213526558106267_5155153206275887791_n.jpg 18951444_223199891531422_6678207092805094646_n.jpg
Trust me, I'm not going to look any of this up because I think you're not saying anything truful.
Name-calling isn't a great way to convince me either.

I know you are an ostrich. But remember the avalanche cares not of the ostrich

"The avalanche is only ever caused by the falling of snowflakes."

Dude I don't give a fuck about you. You are providing me an outlet to shit on dumb peoples conformity.
And you are fallen my friend
18951371_1357831514346507_1693470913234816757_n.jpg 18953030_443773132665556_3261865834766254198_n.jpg 18485431_10207604855354308_1802084447028814845_n.jpg 18486348_1204205843039577_6613942434321766808_n.jpg

I'm sorry you don't like conformity. But accepting obvious political manipulations isn't a great way to rebel.

![18881724_10210006765111298_4175919129212795792_n.jpg] ()


I mean ... I'm glad I could make you feel better. 🙂

Thanks, I'm a highly polished mirror. Like a malicious bird on laxitives
shitting on everyones perspective

That's fine.
18951174_1540493169315252_5331264674097769691_n.jpg 19148940_1332703276799365_4782995073100026848_n.jpg

Are we done talking about conspiracies?

now were just talking about your false paradigm

Well ... I think it's true.

nobody else does

And I think your worldview is false.


It really doesn't bother me that much.

18922125_1022063981257428_8269179814972159260_n.jpg 19029401_1620192697993224_4805912065038959018_n.jpg 18952557_1634007356632161_4868314442720968654_n.jpg

I don't know what you're doing with all those memes, but it's definitely not "engaging me in conversation."

you must be illiterate

![18671792_10209506652728175_5855733498372522468_o.jpg] ()

Anyway, I'm not letting you back into the PCT groups. You can feel free to post this kind of stuff on your own feed, but not to the PCT groups.
Anything else?

Don't mind me just shitting on everyones perspective. Thank you for providing a receptacle. It was an honor.

Okay, well, I'm going to get something to eat. Good luck, and happy hiking! 🙂

Thank you. Hiker trash for life.
Happy trails my friend

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