in btnt •  7 years ago 

Talking about trade, international trade to be precise, the shipping industry has really been playing a major role. Shipping enables the transportation of various types of goods; it also enables and facilitates the importation and exportation trades as without shipping, transportation of goods even import and export trades would be stifled.
The shipping industry is one with a very steady growth as most countries now make use of seaborne transport means to transport large quantities of goods and to improve their export/import trade. Various sectors also make use of the shipping industry to help improve the business value; the agricultural sector needs the shipping industry to help import and export food items, even the engineering sector needs the shipping industry to help import various machine parts and other equipment. The shipping industry contributes greatly to the world economy. We do not even want to imagine how the world economy would be affected if seaborne transport were to cease.

Despite the major role played by the shipping industry, there are some challenges plaguing it. When it comes to shipping, there are lots of factors that could bring about several issues and negatively impact the industry's prospects.
We have several cases of the shipping of substandard goods and sometimes there could even be cases of wrong or missing shipping documents, this is one of the downsides of human input as humans are prone to errors.
One of the major growing concerns related with the shipping industry is the increasing rate of piracy and thefts though vessels always cater for piracy events and armed robbery incidents by employing the services of private security agencies which has substantially reduced these incidents but there is still a huge threat of vessels being hacked.

Apart from the security threats, we also have the environmental implications. The maritime transport emits a huge amount of greenhouse gases which contributes to the dangers plaguing aquatic life.
Lets not forget various labour disputes and disapproval that might arise due to salary payments and even job cuts.

There are several other challenges associated with the shipping industry and a permanent solution to these challenges is needed and that need cannot be over-emphasised. Bitnautic is the solution needed for the shipping industry and the maritime transport as a whole.

Bitnautic is an open decentralized blockchain platform that leverages the security and transparency of blockchain to bring every party involved in the shipping industry to a general and unchaotic agreement. Bitnautic facilitates and ensures that shipping is done the way it ought to be done. It cuts and drastically reduces high fees and facilitates instant payments; it also ensures more profit by completely cutting out intermediaries and middle men and promoting direct contact between parties involved in a transaction.

Bitnautic Layers.

Bitnautic makes booking of cargo ships really easy for shippers and even make it possible for shippers to track their cargos every step of the way and even communicate with the owners of the cargoships they are making use of. On the Bitnautic platform, shipping is made really easy and hassle free; shippers can book ships really easily, ship owners can list their ships for prospective shippers, shipping agents can as well help locate businesses easily for both shippers and ship owners.

Bitnautic Token.
The BTNT token has a hybrid nature of a utility and a payment token. It is an ERC20 standard token with a total supply of 50,000,000 BTNT.
Token Symbol: BTNT
Token type: ERC20
Total token supply: 50,000,000 BTNT
Initial Distribution: 35,000,000 BTNT, 70% of total supply.
Accepted currency: ETH
Exchange rate: 1 ETH=500 BTNT
Softcap: 5,000 ETH (Approx. $2 million)
Hardcap: 50,000 ETH (Approx. $20 million)
PreICO start-end dates: May 1st 2018 - May 31st 2018
Main ICO start-end dates: June 1st 2018 - July 30th 2018.

Bitnautic token would be distributed as follows:
70% of the total supply would be allocated to the pre ICO and main ICO.
5% for advisors, 5% for the bounty campaign, 6% for the team, 4% for the founders and 10% would be set aside as reserve fund.

The Funds generated during the token sale would be allocated as follows:
30% for partnerships and acquisitions, 20% for internal expansion, 17% for admin and operations, 20% for marketing and sales, 10% for research and development and 3% for legal fees.

Q1 2017
-Project concept
Q2 2017
-Project development.
Q4 2017
-Bitnautic platform MVP- started development.
Q1 2018
-Project moved to switzerland.
-Bitnautic Sagl incorporated.
-Private presale of BTNT tokens.
Q2 2018
-ICO (Crowdsale) of BTNT tokens.
Q3 2018
-Bitnautic platform.
-Available for public testing (public beta).
-Establishment of partnerships with selected carriers.
-BTNT tokens listed on the exchange.
Q4 2018
-Bitnautic platform official release.
Q1 2019
-Shipping platform integrated with blockchain.
Q2 2019
-Wholesale e-commerce available for public testing (public beta).
Q3 2019
-Wholesale e-commerce official release.

Bitnautic Team.



Useful links:
Ann thread:
Bitnautic Ico:

Writer's Bitcointalk username: kitanodebunmi
Writer's Bitcointalk profile url:;u=1298583

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