Batanes is the northernmost group of islands in the archipelago. It is the only place in the country that experiences four season, maybe cause it is near Taiwan. Batanes is a place can be found on almost everyones travel bucket list especially Filipinos and I think you should visit this place for you to become a certified lakwatsero or lakwatsera.
One of the place you should visit in Batanes is the Marlboro Country/ Racuh A Payaman - get your “The Sound of Music” game on and head to Uyugan to check one of the popular place for tourists to marvel the scenery and for livestock to graze at. Seriously, when you reach the rolling hills of Uyugan you will fight the urge to either 1. do a selfie 2. take a jumpshot 3. sing Julie Andrews “The Hills are Alive” or do all of them! Marvel the spectacular panorama of hills and hedgerows and slopes and mountains and sea as you listen to the gentle song of the wind. The image in your head surely will linger for days, months, even years to come. One interesting fact: Each family can only have up to ten cows to freely roam in the pasture. A limit is imposed to prevent overgrazing. In return for use of the land, family members of the livestock owners must help out in community activities such as building houses, maintaining the hedgerows around the land and other cooperative works.
you should give it to Julie Andrews for the hills are really alive in Batanes
Tayid lighthouse as seen from a distance
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