
in buddyup •  6 years ago  (edited)

Open scene:

Beautiful summer Montana Monday.

High temp. of 91 degrees. Barely a soul at our neighborhood pond. Probably at work, poor things. A few whispy clouds above. Me & 4 giggly girls with paddle boards and floaties ready to cool down already at 10:30 am.


Tiny fish are scattering from the warm shallows as we dock our water toys at the shore. Petite bright blue dragonflies are everywhere! Every once in awhile a larger orange one buzzes by too.

A school of Coy keep their distance, they are HUGE! Look well fed.

While I make the 4 kids inflate their toys (gotta make em work for their fun. Don’t worry, it’s a high volume foot pump. Don’t want anyone passing out trying to blow up a double river floaty!)
So yeah, while they do that... mommy takes the paddle board out to the middle of the pond for some quiet time.

Paddling out, the water is calm... I almost feel guilty for being the one to disturb it. Fish are jumping around me, catching breakfast. I reach the center and just lay down to sunbathe and think about not thinking.

I must look up every once in awhile to see where I’ve drifted off to. I raise my head to see 3 blue dragonflies hovering less than an inch from my skin. Occasionally they land, not to be felt. So light and delicate. I only feel their wings brush my tummy when they flutter. Wish I had my camera to share a visual with you!

Made me think of 5 caterpillars living at my house... now chrysalides soon to be Painted Lady butterflies.

pretty picture from the Internet, sue me

Do they realize the change as it’s happening? Or do they just eat and sleep and one day awake with the most beautiful wings, not knowing where they came from or that each action they took as a caterpillar is what led them to this point?

I find in life, the process of change can be quiet, inconspicuous even unconscious and unknown. But suddenly, there you are... in a new phase, a new place. Possibly one you didn’t want, or hopefully one that you did want! A place you’ve dreamed about, but weren’t certain how to get there. All the while, the process was in motion. Progress was happening right under your nose.

Try to enjoy the ride. It’s scary, it’s fun. It’s full of ups and downs. You may not even realize your on the ride?! I hope you wake up to appreciate it. Weeeeeee!! 😄

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I reach the center and just lay down to sunbathe and think about not thinking.

You should really tell me the secret of how you manage of thinking about not thinking, lol.
If I try I end up in this circle of thoughts about how I’m not supposed to be thinking, but I’m still thinking about how I shouldn’t be thinking.. it drives me crazy not to be able to stop that constant stream of thoughts...
I think the closest I ever came to not thinking is when my shiatsu guy told me to ‘listen to the silence’. At first, that sounded like a really stupid thing, and - of course - I started thinking about hiw in the world one could lisyen to silence. After a while, I think I managed... for about 5 seconds, lol.

5 seconds is beautiful. ❤️
I’m no master, but I did a quick meditation via video with thich nhat hanh. Was for beginners , that’s me!
Close your eyes and listen to all around you. Notice every sound. Cars, birds, house creaks, appliances... anything you hear. Then start to drift away from them... every time you start to consciously think of something, acknowledge it and leave it behind. Something is always creeping up in our thoughts. That’s ok. Just keep the flow going. The more we do it, the better our minds will be at being quiet.

3 minutes can be an eternity. 💫

Indeed, scary and yet, oh so necessary.

Ah there you are, join my truce trail so i can set my steem auto to vote for your post automatically.

Aww did you miss me? 😆 don’t tell me what to do. 😄 You can add me to your auto vote anytime! I used to auto vote for my most loyal follower. But then he disappeared. 😉🍻

I started a curation trail and the ppl that follow my curation trail i add myself to their fanbase so you get all the votes from everyone on my trail but shrugs* you dont wanna be told what to do so ... TRUCE hahaha

Ill add myself to your fanbase so you benefit from the followers of my trail yet you wont have to spend a 10 percent vote to give back to those followers lol "truce"

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I added you to get 2 votes from the trail per day! enjoy. The account "accumulation" will give you the 30 upvotes for now until i switch it over under truce account.

Uh oh I better start posting! Thx @truce! I will go check out your trail... you know I just gotta talk smack to you a lil.

lol yeah yeah i know im the same way, lol yeah my trail is under the name accumulation for now

Probably at work, poor things.

At least you are thinking of us.

I wonder if they did realize that they were changing, or if we were aware of all the changes in ourselves if we would deter it by fighting against it?

At least you get paid for your work! I work gratis, kind of 😆. People do seem to fight change... it can be daunting.

Sounds like a great day !

It really was... how are you Ms. anon? I’ve been a bit absent here as of late. Hope you are well! 😉

Yea ... everything is going okay ... I’m trying to enjoy the present and not worry about the past ... or the future ... what happens happens .... most of it is out of my control ! Hope all is well with you ... how have you been ?