It was magical once but now it is pejorative. Flying itself expresses contempt for me.... here is your no legroom seat. We could have let you choose but you have to pay for that privilege, so we'll put everyone in a shit one even though your flight is probably empty. We'll make every transaction as miserable as possible and then we'll make your journey through the airport as miserable as possible, just in case you are a billionaire flying your private jet. Hahaha sucker you are in our orbit now. Hours and hours of overpriced Real Housewives of Beverly Hills shit, like the whole world is the handbag counter at Harvey Nichols.
I get it. I should pay to feel special.
One of the reasons I feel dissatisfied with life in general I guess is the relentless bifurcation of capitalism into need and desire. And a lot of even our industry seems to court a techbro-ocracy like these people actually matter. Like they are there for you as a store, or a community.
Nope. they just want to burn the same $100 bills in front of tramps that old money used to.
On the plus side, flights are the same price if not cheaper than they were 20 years ago. The world need international commerce, and if forelock tugging is the price of that I guess I'll go tug my forelock in steerage and have a shitter twelve hours that some guy paying $2K more than me. Its estimated to cost around $75K for Lufthansa to make that flight, FYI.
Most transport makes no economic sense when you analyse it. And it turns out there aren't enough 1% ers in the world to make all the Fyre Festivals in the world financially viable.
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe that lady in the Gucchi shop in probably the most expensive commercial real estate covers her monthly salary in one sale while I complain about the $5 drop off charge. Go figure... this is our world and we don't get a choice of whether to live in it or not.