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in budism •  2 years ago 

Did you know? - Kamasutra

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Did you know that in the book of the Kama Sutra there is a list of 64 arts that every woman should master and that number 45 refers to the art of encrypting information, this in order to hide the sensitivity about her lovers.

We have all heard about the Kamasutra, that book that illustrates 64 sexual positions, but did you know that this is not a manual, nor a pornographic book, this Indian literary work created in the year 400 BC. that talks about sex education and eroticism.


But there are some myths surrounding this great book, of which we are going to mention 6:

1.- The first myth is that the Kamasutra is not a manual of sexual positions and is not only based on sex, it speaks of sexual education, love and relationships.

2.- Contrary to what many people think, the Kamasutra does not include any type of information on tantric sex or other ancient oriental tradition on pleasure and desire.

3.- Not all postures are for ordinary people, there are some that require certain muscles, elasticity, strength and agility that not all of us have. They will only be achieved by those who are in excellent physical condition.

4.- It is said that the creator of the Kamasutra wrote it in her adult age and that when she wrote it she was a virgin. This is a little hard to believe, since she grew up in a brothel full of prostitutes and obviously sex, but since there is very little information about this writer named Vatsayayana, what was said before remains a myth.


5.- If you have performed the 64 postures of the kamasutra you are the best lover in the world. It is another myth because if there is someone in the world who has done them all, which we doubt, it does not mean that you are the best, because sex is not only about penetration, flexibility and strength, but about a loving and romantic bond.

6.- The kamasutra is only for heterosexual couples, another great myth and we would dare to say that it is a great lie, since gay and lesbian couples can obviously perform these positions with their variants.


Ready you know what's up with some myths of the Kamasutra so that no one comes to tell you shit about this great ancient Hindu work written by Vatsayayana.



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