Expected behavior

in bug •  2 years ago 

Expected behavior
I've open Issue #495 and create a branch 495-webpack-example-update to solve it. I expect origin accept push 495-webpack-example-update local branch

Actual behavior
I'm able to clone & push normally from other public repositories. My push are being declined when:

git push --set-upstream origin 495-webpack-example-update

ERROR: Permission to steemit/steem-js.git denied to caiocesarbosco.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Sorry, if it is a trivial question. I know it is a common git error, however i'm getting this error only here at steem-js. So decided ask if should be something particular to steem-js pipeline, due commit messages or branch name formats maybe?.

Thanks by advance.

How to reproduce
Environment information

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