shake shack burger in gangnam

in buger •  7 years ago  (edited)

seoul. south korea gangnam Avenue -shake shack2017-12-21-13-44-09.jpg

smoke shack
shack stack
cheese fries

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I had no idea they had Shake Shack there! There are a couple of them in Chicago and it's very enjoyable. I hope you had an awesome meal :)

thanks! I hope you had a good dinner in Chicago too!

와 쉑쉑버거 꼭 한번 먹어보고싶은데 ㅠ^ㅠ

강남 서현 등 여러 지점있으니 꼭 가보세요! 개인적으로 스모크쉑이 제일 좋네요

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