Get rid of, and keep out pests!

in bugs •  6 years ago 

Its that time of year here in Kentucky where the Pests come out to play!


ANTS, WASPERS, STINK BUGS, LADY BUGS....... and the list goes on and on...

I am going to cover several things you can do get RID, or KEEP OUT these pesky bugs this spring, and summer.

Remember if all else fails, you can always call in an expert to deal with pests, such as ORKIN, or TERMINEX, or your Local Company (aka... Jim Bob's Bug Control).


I would go outside and walk around the perimeter of your home. Look for Gaps, and Cracks fix these cracks or gaps with weather stripping,


or caulk around Windows, Door Frames, Plumbing and where Electrical Service Boxes are located.


Look for tears or holes in Windows Screens, Exhaust Vents. You can buy screens to fit most vents.

Floor Drains can be screened, also chimneys might need capped.


Keep the surfaces in your home Clean, don't leave food out, inspect bags from the store to make sure you are not carrying anthing inside your home.

Keep Trash Cans, and Compost Piles away from your home. If you own a fruit trees, or plant vegetables I would recommend to harvest frequently, and pick up any fallen fruit quickly.

Any food stored inside your home, make sure it is sealed inside an container with a tight fitting lid.

Insects are drawn to water sources, so its best to check for leaking pipes, any water that is sitting out, dry up the sink and bathtub when finished using them.

If you burn firewood, keep your woodpile away from your house, up off the ground, and never bring wood inside until you are ready to burn it.

For ants I highly Recommend TERRO !!!


For Wasps -


For MICE -

I do NOT recommend poisons such as DECON!!! If the mice or rat dies inside the walls or under the floor it will stink for awhile, and you may not be able to reach them.

Instead I recommend -

If you are against killing living beings I would say to use this


a low-profile metal trap that can be used inside or outside your home, apartment or business. Each trap can catch up to 30 mice at a time and is reusable. These live traps contain no poisons and do not kill the mice – they can be used around food, water, children and pets.

IF you want to kill the mice You can use a standard Mouse Trap, at the risk of catching your own finger or toes lol


of you could go the DIY route and do the Old Trusty BUCKET trap!


So in the middle of the Bucket at the top Drill a hole on Both sides in line.

drill holes through a POP/SODA can on both ends.

Fille the bucket about 1/4 ways full of water. JUST NORMAL WATER IS FINE.

Place a board or something similar up to the center of the pop can but leave a small gap so the MOUSE has to jump over to the CAN !

RUB Peanut Butter around the center of the CAN !

The mouse will walk up the board to the can jump on to the Can to eat the Peanut Butter, fall into the water, and gone.

I hope this helps someone,

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