RE: Mazunte Build - Waiting for the Man

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Mazunte Build - Waiting for the Man

in build-it •  5 years ago 

May the wheels of bureaucracy spin quickly for you!

Yes, it's frustrating to wait. But you have done A LOT!! It's OK to kick back and marvel at the progress to date while you wait. :) NICE job!

Thanks for using the ecoTrain tag! There has been a change as we migrate ecoTrain to the communities system..

From now on please use the tag
as the first tag
Post from our community page and then use any tags you like at:

Then we can all see you and keep supporting your posts!
Keep up the great vlogging and inspiration..

With Love From ecoTrain

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Thanks for your wishes! And guess what, it actually came true. Of course, I still need to post about it, but the sneak-peek is that we can go ahead! (This also means tons of work from now on...)

As for the changes on communities... I still haven't gotten around to even immerse myself in the new features of communities. :-( But I hope if I go on posting in the same way for a while my posts will still be seen.