As a young african all my thoughts for this great continent is to take it out of poverty. Having the thoughts, idea, vision and not the resources is just like an empty vessel. But one thing i know for certain is that my voice and words can make a dream happen.
Eradicating poverty in africa is a step africa leaders need to take. As part of the sustainable development goals adopted in september 2015. The united nations is challenging global leaders to help end poverty in all forms by 2030.
Lack of quality education is the major cause and problem of poverty in africa. Countries like NIGER, GUINEA BISSAU, BURUNDI, SOMALIA, MALAWI e.t.c, all lack quality education, that's why they are refererd to as poor countries. There is no way you can combat poverty without solid education. My advice to africa leaders on this is to try very hard to improve the educational system in this places.
high index values indicated by lighter colors, show the relative poverty of african countries as ranted by the UNDP's 2004 list of countries by quality of life.CREATING JOBS
Creating jobs both in the united states and abroad, is a great way to reduce poverty. When people have jobs they have income. They can more easily get themselves out of poverty. The UN says that unemployment and underemployment lies at the care of poverty. For the poor, labor is often the only asset they can use to improve their well being.ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE
Africa nations need to set up good health care facilities in the quest to combat poverty. The president of the world bank JIM YONG KIM, says that he believes universal health insurance coverage in alll countries can help achieve a goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030. Many africans are pushed into poverty because of the heavy spending on health issues.
Setting up universal health insurance could greatly relieve poverty.
This few steps can eradicate poverty in africa because they are the major PROBS.