When an incompetent inspector comes by

in building •  7 years ago  (edited)

The bank sent an inspector to the house to check the foundation

Like really it has been done since October and you are just now sending an inspector by. The city done inspected it and it passed their inspection when it was done. I also was here when the house was set. And watched all the steps they did to place my house. Including tying it down to the foundation. The so called "foundation inspector" is incompetent is trying to say my house isn't tied down at all and is just sitting on the foundation.


Those screws sticking out of the face plate are the tie downs

The house lines up with it, then it is screwed down in place. But no according to this incompetent inspector he is saying we don't have them. But I have photographic proof we do. He also tried saying we don't have any concrete footers under the support beams. Once again dude you have no clue what in the hell you are talking about because I have photographic proof that we do in fact have the footers poured before the block was set.


So I just went off on the bank

I called them up and told them about how the guy they sent out one, called me on a holiday wanting to come out yesterday on the holiday and I told him no, it was a holiday he could come today. We set the time for 4 pm but he didn't arrive till 5:30 then he tells me this information that I know is 100% totally wrong and I know it for a fact. I told them what was going on, how it was unprofessional and that the guy was also talking about our sump pump, he was saying he didn't see one, because our septic guy didn't run the wires in the hole he ran it beside it to keep the electrical lines out of water. But that isn't even his job to be checking out the sump pump.

I also went off on the builder

I told him they better get someone out here to fix all the issues or I am going to my attorney. I am so over all the headaches and incompetency that we have been dealing with. Seriously it doesn't take rocket science to build a house, and I swear the people we have been dealing with think it does. They seems to be taking me seriously now though, so hopefully the issues that we are actually having like the siding will be fixed soon, so we can get out of our construction loan and get into our mortgage so I can start paying off the principal. Interest only during construction sounds nice but it really isn't.

Funny how the banks inspector is falling us but the city inspections have passed us.

What gives there? If anyone has any idea why this is please let me know in the comments below.


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These inspectors are idiots, they passed a bad roof on a home I never should have bought... total swines I tell you!

I am so over this crap with the builder, the bank and the people they are sending out. Seriously how does something pass city inspection but not the bank inspector. I told them today they have 2 weeks to get this scheduled to be fixed or I am suing I am done.

Sounds like your bank inspector has a hidden agenda. If he fails you, you don't pass for the mortgage which means more money for the bank and long payments of interest for you to make. You need to be on top of these guys every second. I know I have been there, done that and got the T-shirt and photos to prove it!

Dude I am all over it. Tomorrow I am taking photos of this to the bank in person and telling them to get someone competent out to do the inspection. I also want to know what company they sent out so I can file a complaint with the state. We had state inspectors out here after the foundation was done, and it passed inspection if it wasn't up to code it would not have passed. Plus the tie down screws are clearly visible in the hundreds of photos I have on every step of this job. I seriously have around ten thousand photos I took of this job being done. This house build was more documented than 99% of them that are built. Plus I blogged about everything every step of the way and because of that I have more than enough documentation to win a law suit if it comes to that. I over this shit as my rant post shows... I normally try to leave ranting off of here. But this house build has had me ranting more than once over the crap they are trying to pull.

I hear you! There is so much stress when you are building an when you hire a contractor you expect a good job because either you don't have the time or expertise. But that does not mean that they should take advantage of you! Go for it!

The contractors we hired did a great job. It is the home sales company we bought our modular home through that has been most of the issue. But this issue might be what you said the bank trying to milk an extra month or two of interest payments before converting our loan. It was a one time closing and they think we are at their mercy. They are wrong. I documented everything and my contractors I hired did everything right. It was their contractors finishing the house on site that screwed up and didn't do things right. Had we known this was gonna happen we would have hired out GC to finish the job. But we figure they sell 30 of these homes a month their crew would be best. Yeah Big no on that.

I am sorry you are having such a difficult time!