Government and Rebellion

in bukdb •  6 years ago 

Government and Rebellion

Adams, E. E. (Ezra Eastman)

Gutenberg Edition





    Government and Rebellion.
    A sermon delivered in the North Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Sunday Morning, April 28 1861,
    Rev. E. E. Adams.
    Published by Request.
    Government and Rebellion.
    I. What is a good government?
    II. We come now to the question, What constitutes rebellion against good government?
    III. What then, we ask, is the duty of all citizens when good government is assailed by rebellion?


@bukdb 가 게시하는 포스팅은 북이오에서 스트리밍으로 제공하는 전자책들의 정보페이지입니다. 스팀잇 사용자들이 북이오 플랫폼에서 구입한 전자책에서 링크를 통해 인용을 할 경우 이를 보팅을 통해 보상하기 위해 자동으로 생성됩니다. 북이오가 스팀잇 블록체인을 통해 하고자 하는 일들을 가입인사 글에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

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Thank you for your article, it made me realize the relationship between the people and the government. In fact, a good government is able to protect its people. If the head of the government and its officials choose to be corrupt, the people will have a limit to put up with it. For example, the Red Turban Rebellion in the Ming Dynasty is a very typical example. Because the Yuan emperors and officials were no longer able to guarantee a happy life for the people.