Burn Your Belly Fat Article 1 of 4: Follow the LAW & Burn Your Belly Fat

in burn •  6 years ago  (edited)

Burn the Belly Fat and get in the Best Shape of Your Life Blog Post 1 of 4: 

Hey Champ, 

You know when you get up for your morning pee, I've got a simple test for you:  

If you look down and can't see your junk because your belly fat is blocking the view, then you need to lose at least 15 to 20 pounds (7-10kg) of weight. 

If you look down and can't see your feet because your belly is in the way, then you need to lose at least 40 to 50 pounds (18 to 22kg) of weight.  

If you don't lose the fat, you dramatically increase your risk of EVERY lifestyle disease, including:   

heart disease 


high blood pressure 

bowel cancer 

prostate cancer  


metabolic syndrome 

and many other diseases.  

Well, in this article, I'm going to give you a super fat busting protocol so you can quickly burn the belly fat and restore your body to its former god-like status.  I call it the LAW because Acronyms make things easy to remember.

So let's get into it.  

I'm Stuart Stone, this is Health and Fitness Over 40, and the first question becomes;  

Why do we want to use a fat burning protocol and why do we want to do it first thing in the morning?  

Well, number one; Quick wins.  

By doing something good for your health first thing in the morning means that you get a few wins under your belt at the start of the day and it builds your confidence and builds momentum to dominate your day.  

And number two;  

When you follow the LAW and use this fat burning protocol, you're going to have a lot more energy, which again helps you to hit the ground running and dominate your day.  

And number three;  

You're going to free up 20 to 30 minutes in your morning so that you can use that to get some exercise to increase the amount of belly fat that you burn and get your physique back.  

So you've got the women looking at you thinking, 'I want a piece of that guy.'  

Now you know the reasons, what is the process?   

The morning fat destroyer has been shown to raise your human growth hormone levels.  

Now what does that mean?  

That means these are the hormones for healing and repair in your body.  

This has also been shown to raise your testosterone levels, which means more energy, more focus, more ambition and more success for us men.  

As mentioned already, it's been shown to burn fat so you can lose weight & raise your metabolism.  

And like we've already said, it saves you at least 20 minutes every morning so you can use that to do a workout and burn even more body fat.  

Now when you start to dominate your morning, you will dominate your day which builds self discipline, creating more confidence and an upward spiral of success. 

What does that mean?  

More control in your life. 

More success in all areas of your life. 

More happiness & more fulfilment.

The Morning Fat Burner will also overcome any overnight dehydration and by getting more fluid in reduce the load on your kidneys and may even lower your high blood pressure.

Remember to it each day, it's the LAW.

How do we do it?   

Like I mentioned earlier, we are going to follow the LAW to Burn the Fat

L is for Lemon

You'll need a pint glass or similar (600 ml or at least 500 ml). 

You're going to grab a lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice of half a lemon into your pint glass. 

A is for Apple Cider Vinegar 

You're also going to put a dessert spoon of apple cider vinegar, not the teaspoon that you stir your coffee with; the next one up. 

 Not the huge one that's a tablespoon fellas.  

The middle one is the dessert spoon.  

So a dessert spoonful of apple cider vinegar or just squirt a bit into your glass   

W is for Water

Fill the glass with water (fresh, cold, filtered, whatever you prefer) 

Get it down your neck (drink it) in the first 5-10 minutes after waking up.   

That's the LAW:

Lemon Juice

Apple Cider Vinegar


That's going to rehydrate your body and get some great electrolytes into your system.  

Your kidneys are going to love you for it and they're going to start filtering your blood and getting toxicity and rubbish out of your system.  

Now you're going to keep drinking two more pint glasses of water (1.2L) by 10:00am. No food yet.
So you're going to have at least a liter and a half of water in your system by 10 o'clock in the morning.  

You may end up peeing like a racehorse, but that's kinda the point. 

Your aim is to flush your kidneys. 

Now your aim at the very least is: Don't eat before 10am.  

You're going to aim to stretch that out to midday, and then 2pm before eating. 

So our aim here guys is to start developing some intermittent fasting protocols. 

So your body is burning more fat instead of sugar.  

It's going to give you more balanced energy, it's going to burn the fat, it's going to allow you to stay focused and dominate your day.  

Now of course when you do that, guys always ask me the 'What if' questions:  

What if I don't like the taste?  

Well suck it up fat boy.

It's gotta be better than being a fat bastard.  

And it's got to be better than high blood pressure and a heart attack.  

Next question I get is;  But what if I'm a diabetic, you know, I can't go without eating first thing in the morning?  

Well, I'm going to burst your bubble there, because if you monitor your sugar levels, you're going to adjust your insulin medication accordingly.  

I have a friend who is a type 1 diabetic, and he runs 30 mile (48km) cross country races drinking just lemon water and gels. 

It has taken years of clean eating and regular training for him to get his health and fitness to that level, but the purpose of me mentioning it here, is to show you what is possible. 

In other words, be consistent, be disciplined, work smart and it is amazing how your body can heal itself, given the right circumstances. 

And the next question I often get is what if I don't do it each day?  

Well, you might start off drinking your morning belly fat burner drink on say, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and then you might build up to five days a week.  

And I generally recommend this;  Do it for five days and have your weekends off.  

You know, give yourself a reward for your new discipline.  And that's going to be a very good start to dominating your diet and dominating your day.  

The next question I get from a lot of guys is: 

Yeah, but I like to work out in the morning.  

I don't want to work out first thing without having my pre workout shake.   

I feel very weak if I work out fasted.  

Well, guess what, guys, if you blast out a HIIT workout, which is what I do three days a week, you're going to have no problems. 

Now it may take you a week or two for your body to adjust so just pace yourself in the morning, keep your water levels up, and you'll crush it.  

In fact, you won't find a problem with it at all. Just be smart about it.  

Listen to your body, work with your body.  

And the big question I get is what if I get a headache? 

Well increase your water intake, or as we're going to discuss in the next article, we're going to show you how to do a cleanse. 

Now there's two ways to do that.  And we're going to talk about that specifically in the next article.  

But the reason you're getting a headache is a couple of reasons: 

One is dehydration; the morning fat Buster is going to take care of that.  

The other reason is because your system is clogged up with rubbish.  You're getting a dump of toxicity in your system and that is giving you a headache.  

So like I said in that next article, (Part 2 of 4) we're going to teach you how to overcome that, with the Top Down, Bottom Up cleanse.  

Then in Part 3, we're going to look at the exercises that you need to do to absolutely blast the fat and get in the best shape of your life. 

 And to wrap up this 4 part series is How to Eat and What to Eat to get strong, grow healthy and keep burning body fat. 

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