Dave Acton Sues Jason Goodman

in burningman •  6 years ago  (edited)

I mentioned these characters in CryptoBeast episode #2 and Short Bus Physics With Quinn and J.Go. Jason Goodman of @csthetruth - a sworn enemy of Steemit - is in cahoots with the one-eyebrowed Sith Lord Quinn Michaels, who says that there is a giant underground city under Burning Man and the weight of the people on the earth is causing the planet to change its rotation. He is playing a LARP called #tyler, and Jason is most likely part of Project UAREHERE - as I discussed in Shadow History part 7.


Since then I am firmly on Team @DaveActon (he did apologize publicly for cyber-harrassing Nathan from Lift The Veil). Dave has just sued cinema verité pseudo-journalist Jason Goodman over the worst thing that has ever happened on YouTube, which is when LARPers caused one of the busiest seaports in the world to be shut down for 8 hours over the threat of a "dirty bomb made from uranium" - something that is not possible, according to the Wikipedia page on dirty bombs.

Here are the public court documents from PACER:

Plaintiff's Statement

If you don't know about this case, you can read about it in the New York Times or watch it on CNN. You can also see it as it unfolded live on their stream, which for some reason is still permitted to be up on YouTube.

We wish Dave every success in his endeavor, and thank him for doing this to help protect US cyber security and the integrity of the YouTube #truth community.


[Update 6/18/18]

Secret Shopper made a great comment here:

Pro Se and RICO….hahahahhahahah https://www.popehat.com/2016/06/14/lawsplainer-its-not-rico-dammit/

I really enjoyed that link, thanks. I agree that RICO gets overused on the Interwebz. From the article:

"To win, a plaintiff would have to prove (1) conduct, (2) of an enterprise, (3) through a pattern, (4) of racketeering activity called "predicate acts," (5) causing injury to the plaintiff’s "business or property.""

I am pretty sure Dave is aware of all this, he has been involved in a number of Federal pro se lawsuits before and he wrote a book and a cybersecurity case study about this incident, which involved his brother George Webb. From his book and videos I think he has evidence that would hit all 5 of these points.

Goodman's legal troubles are mounting. He is already the subject of a $23.5 million defamation lawsuit from ex(?)-CIA agent Robert David Steele. Steele is the guy who recruited the late John Perry Barlow, according to Barlow in his 2002 Forbes article Why Spy . A year ago RDS was Crowdsourcing $15,000 of "the truth" from Jason's channel so that he could tour the country in an RV promoting his hashtag #unrig to black churches, and at the same time saying on Alex Jones that there is child sex trafficking on Mars; now he seems to be LARPing as an anti-pedophile judge.

Goodman was thanked by Pakistani spy Imran Awan's lawyer for his inadvertent disclosure that led to potential criminally incriminating evidence ending up with the defendant thanks to Jason's interference with the case.

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