I had to file a FOIA request to get Burning Man's vendor list, even though I spoke to the BLM's Winnemucca office some time ago and they initially told me it would be no problem to provide it. Somehow that got intercepted, just like the Burning Man arrest statistic information seems to have been. Maybe #Chocotacogate caused a distraction.
Perhaps it is time to stop the charade that Black Rock City is a world where nothing is for sale except ice and coffee. I count 84 different vendors, none of whom appear to be selling those products. In addition we have BMOrg ($40 million+), the Feds ($4 million), the State ($3.6 million), the Counties (hundreds of thousands)...and whatever black market activity might be going inside a Utopian pleasure city of 80,000 people...and about $100 million being added to the local economy from all the Burners hitting up the casinos, Wal-Marts, gas stations, CostCos and Whole Foods on the way.