SLC22-W6/ LABOR LAW ||club5050 ||22-01-2025

in burnsteem25 •  last month 
i want to participate in this engagement challenge which is organised by @anasuleidy thus is reaĺy amazing and unique topic and we must say about some talk on thus topic because for the laborlaw we dont want to talk about this law so today i say about something on thus topic

Let start our activity without any delay and elaborate the theme of this engagment


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Based on what you have seen in class, tell us whether in your country work is considered a "duty" in addition to being a right, and whether there is any legal sanction for those who do not fulfill this duty.

According to this question in our country pakistan we should generally consider that the light of article in pakistan the article 18 the constitution of pakistan is realy enlighten that e states every citizen has adopt the powerfull profession or occupation by own caliper or ability otherwise work is the consider the concept of work is so prevalent that particular the context the social and national responsibility which is fulfill by everyone
regarding legal approval, there are no specific laws that punish individuals for not working. Nevertheless, certain laws and regulations indirectly encourage employment and punish slackers

In 1976 the constitution of pakistan provide the old age benefits for the relief of people who have contribut and pay some money omto the name of old age benefit
The workers welfare ordinance provides big relief for those people who has the victimise the cause of death accident and many other disability or teh cause of retirement

Otherwise in our country the government allowed 8 to 9 hours in the day by the name of duty and 52 hours in the whole week these term and condition apply all over the dutybtime overtime and sometime time increse the length of time can employ without taking rest or holiday
However in ramadan the admin mandates to reduce the time of working hours the time time of working hours 5 to 6 hours in the day

State which law in your country is responsible for protecting labor rights or work rights and what do you think about that law.

In our country pakistan the labor rights protected in various laws with serving as the foundation
In act of 11 article the constitution of pakistan prohibits the force laws of labor rights there are many laws which is following are in rhe place if combat the bonded labour law
In article 17 government allow all the labor protection and freedom from the slavery ot emphasise the guaranty from union and exercise the freedom right of labor
In article 18 according to the constitution of pakistan 1973 everyones free from their job profession and adopted occupation these laws aim to to protect the labor in factorise and their fundamental rights and ensure the labor practices
In pakistan the government amends many articles for the freedom of labor law and associated many article


Part 2

👉Based on what you saw in class, say which institutions are responsible for or competent to enforce labor rights.

In our country pakistan many institution follow the rules of labor law the directorate genneral of pakistan allow all the rights of labor by the constitution of pakistan in our constitution of 1973 has allow all the fundamental rights of everyone so in this way the courts and the labour department which run all over the overseas pakistani people ministry and humman resources department are play a significant role in the favour of labor law in spite of this some time in the favour of labor law many industrial commission and also labor court play a very important role in the labor law
Fedral and provisional goverment and our administration also play a very wise and full of favourable decision for the labor they removed their conflicts they make very biased decisions in favor of labor which end their conflict

👉State whether you have had an experience in the workplace in which the claim or violation of any labor right or employment right is applicable.

Hmm i have no experince because i am a housewife and I have not got any opportunity to go out and work oif i have done any work at my cell phone so i have no experience but in my country many problems faced of the problem very first i told you about biggest problem taht is when anyone hiring to anyone gradually theily reduce their wages and they yease them untill they forced to leave their job or occuption
Second thing is the harasment that is the second big problem is face by everyone which they doing job at anywhere in our country everyone that is see the helpless or needy people which is appoint at any post specialy women majority become the victim of harasment some time she is very innocent but she become the victim and and she gets criticized in this scenario women faced many problems in our society
Third problem is leg pulling that us most dangerous component of our society when anyone see that anyone move to the best then suddenly his colleagues and fellows stratung their keg pulling and they criticised to tmhim and not to appreciate at a single moment
In our country mostly people work at the diffrent place


some work at factories some work at textiles and some work at minesand also some work at school colleges i think that when we start our job at task at anywhere we become aware from our rights all of these problem and when we become very strong and mature to rise our voice about that problem and issues secondly the hiring team or stuff must make the certain situation they should ensure that everyone there can do their work in comfort and peace

1.- According to what was seen in class, and if you were a lawyer who had to assist these workers, which principles of those explained in class would you apply to the present case?

As a lawyer i will apply these kind of following steps

Principle 1

If i deal this kind of situation then i charge fraud and labour rights protection must be applied

Principle 2

i fully support the labour rights to the employee and whuch farm they contray in this case

Principle 3

Otherwise the labour this of case may be procced in the labour court and in this court may be charge all the rules of labour law and in our country pakistan all the rights reserved and in this case against the labour law will not unforgiveable and the contract between
employer and employee will be annunciated or will be null

Principle 4

Ensure the rights of labour according to this scenario court will be make definate terms and policy in the duty hours and after retirement they make some applicable rules in the favour of labour after leaving their job

case study 2

1.- According to what you saw in class and according to the laws of your country, say which institution this worker should go to and what actions he should take to restore his rights.

Principle 1

in our pakistan courts are plat a attentive role and raise their voice such as these cases the worker can file their complaints then the coirt will make the decision for the labor rights and accompany by the employee

Principle 2

The other step is that the person approach the regional labour office then their penal will verdict the decision after the verification and investigation

Principle 3

The workers collect all the document and salery slip and fullfill all the other proccedure because if the matter had to go in court then work the worker providing all the documents and evidence and attend the meeting to resolve the issue immediately

State why you consider that institution or entity is competent to hear that matter.

In pakistan there are various kind of institute which raise the voice to labor rights and they help to give their rights first institute is consider which is very important the labor court after that the relevent commission authorities and humman resources inspite of this fedral commission authority overseas pakistani or sometime the provisional goverment and regional labour office may be competent for this kind of issues


Government has provided these commission to resolve the matters of labour in our country pakistan goverment amend the article of children act in 2012 relvent to act of 1991 for this purpose they have much more information and some expertise to resolve these kingmd of conflicts and make sure to the protection of labour law

In the last i would like to invite in this dynamic engagement challenge @hudamalik @chant @m-fdo @impersonal @chasad @zeal @pea07 @anasuleidy


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