Let's talk about Nutrients

in burnsteem25 •  2 years ago  (edited)

For my Autoflowers to thrive or at least have the chance too is up to what they get feed, today i will bore you to death with what i use :)

Here is my Purple Gelato this morning after i gave them all a drink
20220924_112604 (1).jpg

What do i Feed them?

Whatever liquid they get needs to be at a PH level of 6.5 as they are in soil, hydro setups i think prefer their liquid to be a PH of 6.0.

So with that said on the left is a Flairform product that can be used in both Vegetative and flowering states.

On the right is a Canna Boost product that is used with the Flairform one in Flowering only. I need to get a new container of the Canna Boost!



PH Down

Ok on the right is a Blood and bone $2 bottle which i add a little bit to every 5th or so watering's, on the left is what i use when i need to drop the PH level to what i want - this only takes a drop to lower it.




This is the Bluelab PH pen i use to make sure i am at 6.5PH which is easy to use and it also shows the water temp, this cost around $80USD and i calibrate it every 30 days.




Here is a link to the light being used
This new light has seen one full Autoflower grow so far and the results were very impressive, the growth was way ahead of the previous light.
600w Quantum PAR - Samsung LM301b LED Grow Light


Most of our Pots are Air pots which are going along quite well and are supposed to air prune the roots, in this grow i have 2 of the 3 plants in Airpots while trying to see if we can see any differences etc


There you go that is how i feed my plants with the products and calibration needed, have a great a weekend and keep gardening!

Oh i just about forgot, i powered up 334SP this morning


All pictures taken with my mobile phone

Blaze on @dr-autoflower


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Fuck you!!!!!